Monday, October 3, 2011

The House In TinyTrainTown

A while back, I promised photos from our new house in TinyTrainTown... I'm finally catching up.

The house, like the town is.. well.. tiny. But it's perfect for the three of us.

 Not even one but two loungerooms, with plenty of room for photos...

And pretty things (like me, obviously) on the wall...


A big, sunny kitchen, newly renovated. Note the awesome cake-cooking oven and the sacred alter of the dishwasher.
 And a tiny but newly renovated bathroom.

Which keeps it's accessories in line with the TrainTown theme.. would you believe these racks are from 100 year old train carriages? True.

The kids bedrooms are also tiny- but sunny and fresh, with built in wardrobes for storage. A huge thank you to Basement Designs for the awesome vinyl wall art.

 And despite the tininess of the house, the backyard is rather huge- it just keeps going and going and going. The eagle eyed will note some more train memorabilia...

....which has been, of course, obscured my kids trampoline in this photo. But the Hills Hoist clothesline is enough to make me weep with joy.

As is this gorgeous, lilly-filled stump that sits in our backyard. It's going to be the backdrop for many a product placement, I'm sure... and haven't you just got that feeling that, if you were five years old again, this would just be the perfect fairy hiding place? Or maybe that's just me...

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Being Me said...

I dont' know what it is, Lori, but clothes flapping in the breeze on a hills hoist just make me want to weep too. And not because of the pending endless folding they represent. Love my hills hoist too (I'm so glad I listened to them when they all told me I was mad for wanting to take mine out).

And all hail the dishwasher!

Shit, does it sound like I love housework or hate it? You decide.

Loving your move, mate. It's filling-up time! Peace and replenishment to you

Miss Pink said...

I love that rack! Like, LOVE it.

Also...very jealous of the dishwasher. And the stump. That is one awesome prop!

Christie said...

It looks like a beautiful place to be Lori, with many an adventure for the kids to be had in that backyard. You picked good ;)

Kelloggsville said...

How cool is that place?! :) Good move you :) There are soooo fairies living in that stump and if anyone says there isn't, they are lying.

Amy xxoo said...

A proper clothesline AND a trampoline? Now thats a real Aussie backyard right there!

Donna said...

Looks magical, that big backyard. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lori, I'm with you on the fairy thing! Totally a cool place in the garden. If you want to encourage your kids imaginations maybe you could get one of these; We have one that the tooth fairy comes by, the kids love it, my 6yr old is totally into it! Angela

Photographer Mum said...

Looks like a wonderful place to be. I think you and your kidlets will be very happy there. It's gorgeous

Kylie said...

How could fairies not live there? I'm totally jealous of your hills hoist too! Don't have one, want one, don't have room for one. :(

Angela (Solo Mum) said...

Gorgeous new home! Thanks for sharing Lori. It was the 4th anniversary of the loss of someone precious to me to suicide yesterday. I blogged about it and it made me think of you. I just wanted to say that whilst everyones journey is different, complete healing might just be a possibility! This is news to me! Came as a big surprise. I honestly couldn't fathom getting to a point like I am at right now and wanted to share that hope! (you can just go to my bloggy to look at the post if you like, its only short :) )

Oldie said...

Hi Lori,

Been out of the loop with PC issues, but am back.

Nice piccies of the house, thank you for sharing.

And.. do you need to be looking to date? You are a whole person aren't you love?

I mean.. most people are too afraid to give themselves space to find out Who they are Now.. so they are quick to jump into the dating scene again.. sadly.

Maybe time to find yourself again and who you want to be in this world is more important than finding someone to spend time with?

Or.. I might be crazy and thinking wrong.. good chance of that love, lol.


Eccles said...

Faeries at the bottom of the garden? Where else would they be ;) Awesome place for bear hunts and swinging on the clothesline and hide and seek and train rides and picnics under the trees... so many wonderful possibilities. Welcome home Lori, welcome home kidlets (X)

SawHole said...

I love your rack. Opps the rack.

MrsKellB said...

Cute house and great yard! The train rack is so cute.

Fairies in your tree stump reminded me about the little fairy door I saw for sale at the Handmade Markets yesterday and I thought of you. It was so cute and I'm sure you could decorate your own. It is a little arch that sticks on your skirting board.

Glowless @ Where's My Glow said...

Two of the best words in the world are
"diswasher safe"

Argentum Vulgaris said...

I remember those racks... does that make me old?

Love the yard too, lots of green, that's the way it should be.

Sorry, Lori, been missing in action. But i am finding my way back around the blogosphere.
My new blog (old ones went west):


Kristy said...

The house looks absolutely lovely. The backyard alone is amazing!

Melissa said...

Love, love, love :) Looks absolutely great. Thank you for sharing the pictures.
HOORAY for cake-baking and clean dishes :)

Dorothy said...

Gosh, I miss a proper Hills Hoist! Product placement, anyone?

Zoey @ Good Googs said...

I'm a big fan of the miniature house and the giant back yard. I love how much character your new nest has.

Krys - Baby Massage said...

Looks great, although I am a little concerned with the slope of the land. Honestly, I don't know how the bed stops itself from sliding down the room :-).
I love the self-portraits.

Georgia said...

YOur new home looks so warm and inviting Lori, like a place waiting for many happy memories to be made. I hope, as you continue on your journey of healing, that your new home brings you and your babes much joy, and that happy memories, are indeed made there.

In Real Life said...

Your new home is gorgeous! What a beautiful yard!

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Trish.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

Lori , your new home is lovely and I hope you start stacking many happy memories here.

Lauren said...

I see your fairies!

Shellye said...

I must apologize for being MIA, I'm quite busy in the Fall months here in the states. I've also been very sick, but I'm finally starting to get better. I was thinking about you and decided to check out your blog and I'm glad I did.

Your new home is lovely! Thank you for sharing pictures. I hope you and the Bump and Chop make some wonderful memories there! And I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND HOW AWESOME DISHWASHERS ARE!!! I have a dishwasher, and I enjoy being able to use it instead of standing over a sink for hours washing dishes.

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