A Mother’s Day GiveAway (To make up for all those other presents you’ll get).

by Lori Dwyer on April 19, 2013 · 16 comments

This Mother’s Day giveaway happily brought to you by David Jones online store.

Mother’s Day in Australia is the second Sunday in May. It’s somewhat of a dividing issue, amongst the mums (and dads) that I know… how do you choose to spend your Mothers Day? Would you rather spend it with your kids; or take a day just for you and have some time out?

The thing about Mother’s Day when you have really little kids– and especially if you’re a single parent– is that you actually do most of the Mothers Day organizing for yourself. If you want a present, you buy your own. If you want breakfast in bed you may have to make it yourself; either way it’s unlikely to peaceful and you’ll find yourself sharing your sheets with toast crumbs, and your lukewarm cup of tea with your toddler.

Mothers Day is not a huge deal in our house. Mostly because it would require far too much effort from me to make it so. Although, with the Chop at school this year, I’m anticipating plenty of handmade cards and perhaps something extremely tasteful from the school Mother’s Day stall (if they still do that– do primary schools still do that? Anyone?)

In the Before, Mothers Day was a big deal, and I remember arguing with Tony over it– was going out to dinner with the extended family actually necessary, when all I really wanted was a few hours alone in my own house, with no urgent tasks that needed my attention to annoy me?

AnImage for Resurrection Aromatique Hand Balm 75ml from StoreNameyway. When I was offered this post, I thought it would be a good chance to treat some of my readers who may not receive expensive dinners out, nor lavish breakfasts in bed. Because, while macaroni necklaces and cards painted with cut potato stencils are altogether lovely, all mums deserve something from the slightly more glamorous end of the Mothers Day gift range– some Aesop hand cream, perhaps. And a new manicure set to go with it (For all that free time you have to do your nails).

Image for Manicure Pedicure Set from StoreName

Whatever. If you’d like to win one of two $50 gift vouchers for David Jones online store, fill in the form below and tell me… What would you really like to do for yourself for Mothers Day, if the choice was all yours?

Competition closes midnight AEST Thursday 2nd May, 2013. Winners will be contacted by email soon after and have 48 hours to respond before their prize is redrawn. Australian residents only, sorry. Winning answers will be whichever ones I happen to be fondest of at the time of judging. My decision is final and no correspondence nor circle-jerking shall be entered into.

*In line with the new giveaway policy (ie– only doing giveaways if they’re awesome), I declare $50 DJ’s gift vouchers decidedly awesome. Please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.

No form? Click here.

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Dianne Rammutt April 30, 2013 at 8:28 pm

I would not do a thing, I would like everything done for me and I can either teleport myself off to some quiet deserted island and be pampered to the max with all sorts of food, drinks and massaged till i was fully relaxed. I would some man-servants wait on my beck and call and then have a comprehensive wardrobe to choose from to dress after my pampered, relaxing day. But in reality all I wish is to have all my chidren with me, but I know thats not going to happen as they live in other places. :( oh well i probably just stay at home and be on facebook.


Jen April 30, 2013 at 4:33 pm

Yes, they still have the stalls and mine bring home things they just know I will love! That’s all that’s needed to keep this Mummy happy!


Amy April 29, 2013 at 12:15 pm

I’d take my Mum on an unlimited shopping spree at David Jones- nothing like a bit of retail therapy to spoil and indulge!


melissa butterworth April 28, 2013 at 6:16 pm

Spend the whole day in a bubbling hot spa sipping on fruity Wine and nibbling on fresh fruits..


RosslynT April 26, 2013 at 10:57 am

To sit alone at the beach in Noosa, with a great take away coffee, contemplating my navel for a few hours. This would bring me tremendous peace.


Deb April 25, 2013 at 4:39 pm

A swim and a picnic (alone!). When I arrived home, the laundry, vacuuming, dusting, ironing and folding, would have been done by the family!


kerry santillo April 23, 2013 at 3:17 pm

A day with friends, shopping, coffee and lunch. At least 12 hours of child free activities, a blessing ♥


Erica April 22, 2013 at 11:34 am

Do you know what, I reckon the best Mothers Day, would actually be with my bestest Mummy mates sans kids – is that mean to say without the children? We’d start of with a brunch, check out some op shops (although not many open on Sunday I ‘spose) or some trash n treasure markets, perhaps squeeze in a gallery visit, late lunch, and catch a Gold Class movie with a bottle of wine to share. Now that, would be awesome.


Mel C April 21, 2013 at 7:05 pm

How would I pamper myself for Mother’s Day….hmmm I would love breakfast in bed after a lovely sleep-in. Then out to a lovely lunch just with my family. Basically to do something that I want to do, not be at the mercy of what my mother wants to do because didn’t you know that it is only HER day?

But since we will be doing something with my mother I will be cooking something yummy for dessert that I want to eat! Carmel meringue pav or pecan pie,,,yummy


Jennifer B. April 20, 2013 at 5:38 pm

Sleep in, toast with Nutella, fall back to sleep, read a bit, afternoon snooze, coffee and cake, early night.

Note the complete lack of children’s requirements, cooking and assorted duties!!!


Toushka Lee (@Toushkalee) April 20, 2013 at 11:31 am

I would like to spend the weekend – that’s right, I’m calling it a mothers’ weekend, because one day is just not enough for all the vomit I have cleaned up and all the shit I have dealt with – at some kind of yoga retreat, or meditation type place. Or even better, at some resort with a cabana boy and drinks with umbrellas. Yeah – fuck the yoga, just keep the drinks coming.


Dorothy April 19, 2013 at 11:11 pm

Yeah, Mothers’ Day is about my own mum (90, and awesomely awesome). My own 3 boys are old enough to know that letting me sleep in is the best present!! I really don’t want anything more from them. Mind you, one year, I asked my partner for a year of “Friday thoughts”…. For him to come home on Friday nights with a thought especially for me. Free, but requiring a little foresight on his part!!!


Miss Pink April 19, 2013 at 5:11 pm

They still do the stalls. You can’t even hope for a lame bar of soap though. At least not from Bluey’s school.
Mothers Day doesn’t happen here, much like my birthday. Can I just say I’m 21? It was the last one Mr Black actually remembered. I’ve stopped reminding him because getting asked for money so he can get me a gift just pisses me off. Especially when I can tell that only half the money I have given was spent on my gift.
I used to love spending it as a family doing something special like going for a drive somewhere but the last couple of years I’ve really just wanted time on my own. I so rarely get it, and time with my kids seems to be in abundance. The only issue is it’s not just my day is it? There’s my mother, my nan, and so on to consider. Does it make me bad that I want a day to myself, not having to worry about anyone else?
Miss Pink recently posted…Bloglovin’My Profile


Sapphyre April 19, 2013 at 4:16 pm

As you know, I’m already spoiled with prizes this week (and may now be getting free tix to the Happiness & Its Causes conference too!) so I won’t enter this so others can win :)

Not having to make any meals, clean up other people’s mess or do any laundry would be a nice treat though :)


rachael @ mogantosh April 19, 2013 at 12:15 pm

Almond croissant, nice strong latte, full morning in bed with a Real Housewives of Beverley Hills marathon….set me up for the next year I reckon.


Drea B April 19, 2013 at 10:56 am

They still have the primary school Mother’s Day stalls here in Tassie. It took me by surprise the first year – buy something to donate to the stall and then send your kid to school with $2 to buy one of the donated items. I just gave you something, why do we have to pay for something off the stall….

The school newsletter has all the details usually.


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