A Real Job.

by Lori Dwyer on March 16, 2014 · 8 comments

I’ve got a real, big-girl job for the first time in about six years. It’s only two days a week; and it doesn’t sound like a big deal…  but it feels like it is. I’ve been lucky enough to make some money from blogging… but I’m not sure it really counts as a job.

I started work last week. For reasons of confidentiality, it’s not something I’ll write about much. I will say that’s it working with teenagers in a medical setting, but providing entertainment and distraction for them. I’m employed by an organisation I used to work for years ago, before I had my kids. It’s something I love to do and I’m passionate about and I’m feeling pretty blessed to have gotten the job I did. It all sort of fell into pace. I needed something to get me out of the rut I’ve been in, and I think this is perfect.

But it feels weird. It feels strange to leave my kids for such big chunks of time. The Most Amazing Man has been pretty damn awesome about it. He takes care of the kidlets, and they love being with him. The guilt remains though. It’s not mortally heavy… it will pass, I think; get that little bit easier every time I don’t pick them up from school or tuck them into bed myself.

Going back to work feels like being in a different world. One that’s outside my own head. A world that encompasses a bigger perspective than the one I see in front of me all the time.

And it feels like there is some pressure off. I lost a bit of my passion for writing, for blogging, because it felt like a necessity- I had to write, to make money. And now I don’t, not so much. The pressure to take on sponsored posts won’t be as great. So I write what I like, when I like. I know there’s been a bit of a glut of sponsored content lately, and there’s a few more posts coming up that I’ve already committed to doing. I’m sorry about that. I can fairly confidently say that there won’t be nearly as many after the next couple of weeks. 

Anyway. The good news is.. I’m in a happy place right now. Things feel exciting again. I’ve rediscovered that passion for living that I’ve been missing the last six months or so.

Things are good right now. I’m just basking in the warm, happy glow of it all.

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jeanie March 25, 2014 at 11:03 pm

Isn’t it wonderful when we dust off an old part of ourselves and find we still look good in it? Life is constantly evolving – so glad that you and your little family are evolving well.
jeanie recently posted…Ten things – the whipper-snippers / adolescents comparison thing-ieMy Profile


flask March 19, 2014 at 10:16 am

yay you! yay job! yay writing what you want to write!

i confess i always skip the sponsored posts anyway. doesn’t matter whose blog. sponsored post = don’t read.
flask recently posted…make it stop.My Profile


Carly Findlay March 17, 2014 at 6:58 pm

So happy you’re happy. The organisation you’re working for have helped some of my friends so much. You will be great :)
Hope to see you soon.
Carly Findlay recently posted…Busy. Sick. My body tells me to slow down. Impending travel.My Profile


Rosie March 17, 2014 at 5:48 pm

You go girl! It is great to see you go from strength to strength!


Kate March 17, 2014 at 11:27 am

So much to love about this :) ! Yay!
Kate recently posted…MARRY THAT GIRL, MARRY HER ANYWAY…My Profile


Whoa, Molly! March 17, 2014 at 9:24 am

Congratulations! I’m so glad that things feel exciting and awesome for you, that’s such good news.
Whoa, Molly! recently posted…Wonder, Dust and Sore Feet – The Temples of Siem ReapMy Profile


Kpev March 17, 2014 at 7:26 am

Congrats Lori. Find your passion again. Enjoy your work.


Toni @ Finding Myself Young March 16, 2014 at 11:16 pm

So glad you are feeling good again Lori and doing what you love!
Toni @ Finding Myself Young recently posted…The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voiceMy Profile


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