I’m packing, again, a house full of memories.
Not so many pictures to take down this time, of course- we’re in a rental.
Last time I moved, I culled our belongings. We had so much stuff- a two storey house full, plus a double garage. My husband was a hoarder….
I’ve never been.
The older I’ve gotten, the less attached to material possessions I’ve become. I’m not the type to keep my wedding dress, or the sugar figures form the top of my wedding cake. I haven’t kept my son’s umbilical cord, nor his first hospital blanket.
I keep some things… but only tiny mementos of each event. A tiara from my hen’s night. My wedding ring, and the invites we had printed. My son’s first tiny outfit. My daughter’s tiny hospital band.
But even if I were to lose these things, it wouldn’t be a terrible tragedy. I would mourn the loss of them, but the power in them comes from the memories they invoke.
And memories are not things that are so easily taken away.
So as I pack, again, this time, I’m letting go of even more stuff. We keep only what is beautiful, functional, useful or necessary. Five months we’ve been in this house- if I haven’t looked at, looked for, or thought of an object since we have moved here, it can go.
And I am getting rid of stuff at an alarming rate. Old books and CD’s, out of fashion clothes and unplayed-with toys. Boxes of stale, musty linen that I know I will never use.
It’s a Buddhist concept, isn’t it? Letting go of the attachment to material things, which only bring suffering.
I’m beginning to see the truth in this. Memories, they bring me comfort, but they feel light and comfortable.
All this stuff, it brings thoughts unbidden… it’s just weighing me down.
Moving unsettles my soul. Packing drags up memories that I would rather stay hidden.
But sometimes… you find little treasures.
Like this. I’d forgotten about it until it turned up in my son’s room. Unfortunately, I don’t have the date for it… but I can tell you Tony and I found it in the comics section of the Sunday Telegraph, and were shocked into laughter, when I was just 8 weeks pregnant with our first child.
Bizarre, yes? We took it as a sign that things were meant to be.
Maybe we were right.
Maybe not.
{ 18 comments… read them below or add one }
All the very, very best as you move into your new home, Lori. May it be filled with love, laughter and yes, beautiful memories.
Sending you and your little loves lots of hugs, love and prayers…
Wowwwww! Get it framed, mate! Get it framed.
Yes, brilliant concept and so totally get you about feeling weighed down. Besides, one can't allow space to let in the new until they shed the old either. Much love to youxxxx
NO WAY!? That's amazing. I don't believe in coincidences either
I only found this blog 4 days ago and it's taken me that long (with repeated breaks due to someone obviously cutting onions nearby…) to get to here.
You are an amazingly strong woman Lori!
Jesus squeezus – now thats a "sign" if ever i saw one!
Im sitting here across the world far away in sweden, reading about your life, thinking I could easily been were you are right now.
I just wanted to say that you are an amazing strong women and I admire your guts and your ability to put one foot in front of the other and just keep on walking.
much love to you and your family
Brilliant comic. It must've felt pretty serendipitous at the time.
I'm of the same opinion when it comes to culling. If you haven't used it in 6 months, bin it.
Good luck with the move x
Purging *stuff* is an amazing & addictive feeling, huh? Hope the new (new) house wraps you all up Lori.
Lots of love
Wow! That comic! (I wish someone had suggested valium to me,lol).
I don't know why, but I feel that this move is going to be so good for you, Lori. I'm not saying life is suddenly going to be easy. But I do think this is a good step.
Call it a gut feeling. I hope I'm right and the three of you are happy there.
I forgot to share my new blog with you.
Here is the first post.
This is more of a private venue for me to scream if I have to. I'm only letting certain people know about this one.
The comic made me laugh hysterically.
I know I can't seem to say this enough, but I do pray for you and yours daily. I'm sorry for your loss, Lori. You're never far from my mind or my heart and I wish there was something more I could do to help. (I would help you move if I could because I show love/care/consideration through acts of service.)
So have a good move. I'll be around as long as my internet continues to work.
That is so amazing! Who woulda thunk?
Good on ya, for managing to let go, of all that 'stuff'. I couldn't.
You know, when I saw you in The Age the other day, after having lurked in RRSAHM for ages now, I thought 'woohoo, and I saw her first, way before she got this famous'.
Woah! That is crazily bizarre!!
Best of luck with the move. I hate moving, but you are absolutely right-it's a great time for purging
Gosh that is amazing! Good luck with the move hun. I'm a massive hoarder – I think it's part of being a teacher!
Oh babe! That comic is amazing. I hope the move is not too awful for you, the last few days before a move are always the worst. I hope the new house brings you the peace and happiness you truly deserve. Many hugs my love.
I totally get wanting to get rid of as much as you can. I also have a move coming up at the end of the month and I've been purging, purging, purging. I'm so glad I'm no longer the hoarder I was when I was younger.
Also? That comic left me gobsmacked!!
I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible for you.
Get rid of the stuff. And get that comic turned into one of those massive canvas's.
Wowsers, MC & I are gobsmacked at the comic. Call me a fool but I don't believe in coincidences x