Avatar Travesties

by Lori Dwyer on March 8, 2010 · 3 comments

Why hello there,

I’ve been attempting to create myself an avatar. A cute little cartoon mini me. Primarily, to be my virtual self on the Belly Belly forums. But I might even branch out and make me a little one for my blog too.

First off, a big thanks to Sarah, my Internet Guru, for walking me through it. It’s not as easy as I thought it would be. And as usual, I am not as clever as I think I am.

So, in the spirit of a self depreciating sense of humour, I thought I’d share my efforts with you.

My first attempt. Not bad, except it only contains me. Everyone else was cut out. Ahh, I get it, things have to go in the little white box.

Attempt number two. Not bad. But a tad boring.

Attempt number three. Nice, except for the fact she’s in her undies. And is that a massive black head on her nose?

Attempt number four. Groovy, baby. My only objection is that I really wouldn’t wear a midriff top. But at that stage I hadn’t figured out the majesty of layers, and midriff was the only style that worked with the legs.

Attempt number five. My favourite so far. I put the Man in there as well, because he was whinging that “all he is to this family is the bankroll”. *Sigh*. I did try explaining that the program is a doll maker, so the boys will never be as aesthetically pleasing as the chickies. He didn’t listen. Anyway, I do like the peace sign I’m flashing, and the Doors shirt I’ve got on, and the ripped jeans. Very moi. But look closely- does the Chop’s face look just a little like Robert Downey Jr with a Shannon Noll flavour-savour?

That’s all I’ve got so far. I’ll keep you posted with how the next batch goes.

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Lucy March 9, 2010 at 10:19 pm

Can I admit now that I NEVER got it? The one time I did my own, I have myself 2 arms……


Sarah March 8, 2010 at 10:12 pm

Getting better :D


Kellyansapansa March 8, 2010 at 8:52 pm

Not too shabby!


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