
by Lori Dwyer on February 7, 2010 · 4 comments

Hi again,

I went ghost hunting last night in Picton, ‘Australia’s most haunted town’. I had the privilege of spending my formative teenage years living there, attending the local high school. It was the social equivalent of being dragged over hot coals, dunked in oil, and dragged over the coals again, followed by having your fingernails ripped out and dunked in a metho bath. If you know what I mean.

Anyway, the ghost hunt was pretty freaky. The Mushroom Tunnel is one cold, scary, dark, yukky feeling place. I’m not a skeptic, but I’m not sure I believe in ghosts. If I do, it’s as a matter of residual energy left behind by strong emotions, and sometimes you see the imprint of it, like a light that’s burned itself into your vision and still exists when you close your eyes. If you know what I mean.

Whatever. there is definitely something in the Tunnel, both my husband and I saw it. And I took one very cool photo. I got a lot of ‘orbs’ on film that night, but most I can explain by dust motes or rain drops, so I’m not even going to put them up. This one I can’t. I’ve cropped and enlarged it too. It’s blue. Freeeeeeaky.

If it’s a marketing thing, they’ve sucked me in. I’m booking myself in for another, longer tour next month- less history, more spectres. Groovy. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Reasons I love Picton

1) They have ghosts there.

2)The buildings are old.

3)My granny lives there.

Erm… that’s about it, really. If you know what I mean.

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Bec G January 27, 2012 at 1:37 pm

I've been in that mushroom tunnel in the day time and I just didn't feel right… I felt totally spooked!
Picton is a beautiful little town though… just don't stay at the pub with it's mice ;)


Sarah February 8, 2010 at 7:39 pm

I wanna come!!!!

That said, I'm glad now that we didn't go there that night we went looking, too scary for the two of us on our own, even if we are big tough girls ;)


Mee2 February 8, 2010 at 6:04 pm

Looks interesting! I've never done anything like that. I'm afraid I'm a big scardy cat. Like, I can't even watch Paranormal State on A&E.; I'll be up for hours scared to even get out of bed. Sheesh!


Kellyansapansa February 7, 2010 at 10:12 pm

Wow, that sounds very cool! I did an underground ghost tour in Edinburgh once and there was definitely a "vibe" there.


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