Countdown to Borneo: 13 days to take off.
Anxiety Level: Moderate
Organisation Level: Moderate to High

I’m existing in a bubble of my own self-inflicted anxiety. The things I’ve been meaning to do before I left for Borneo are piling up, one atop another, in a heap marked ‘Later’. (Visiting both the shrink and the dentist, toilet training my daughter…. all the best of good intentions that can certainly wait).
I am going overseas for the first time (kind of) in less than two weeks. The days are toppling onto one another like a pile of dominoes. A clicking, sliding house of cards that disappears flat into itself with such startling rapidity you barely have time to catch your breath before the next rows fold into each other.
Don’t think about it, just do it. I’m terrified. But, if nothing else, I’m an expert at just putting one foot in front of the other. And that’s how I’m choosing to approach the next thirteen days. One thing at a time. One task at a time, as it becomes important. Try not to forget anything. Especially breathing, in and out, and reminding yourself you will be fine.
I’m in a good head-space for it. I know this feeling- it’s bizarrely nostalgic, reminiscent of a another time when I was so terrified all I could do was one moment at a time, one task as it became important. But this time around, it’s laced with magic and adventure and excitement. I’m focusing on that- the exquisite, exciting apprehension of it. Because if I don’t, I may just find myself paralysed with crippling fear. And that won’t do, not in this situation. Not at all.
“”You are exactly where you are supposed to be, in this moment, right now,” Our yoga teacher said to us. My racing mind immediately came to a screeching halt to digest this new and profound information.”
Paula’s Story, published at Carly Findlay’s blog
“You know, I’ve been thinking, everything is…just comes together. It’s me. I chose this. I chose all of this. This rock…this rock has been waiting for me my entire life. It’s entire life. Ever since it was a bit of meteorite a million, billion years ago. There, in space. It’s been waiting, to come here. Right…right here. I’ve been moving towards it my whole life. The minute I was born, every breath I’ve taken, every action has been leading me to this crack on the out surface.”
I like to think sometimes the Universe presents you with tiny nuances, recurring themes to remind you that the world is much bigger than you can conceive. Signposts, perhaps. to tell you that you’re on the right path. To present you with tools you may need to do what you have to do.
Or maybe I just look too hard and put far too much significance in the blog posts I read, and the movies I watch.
I am exactly where I need to be, right now.
Things roll out the way the do for a reason.
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Borneo bitchez.
Seriously still jealous.
Wow less than 2 weeks! That has come around quickly! You’ll be ok
As you’ve written, you’ve put one foot (can you believe I spelt that ‘fut’ not ‘foot’!?!) in front of the other and you will do this in Borneo too.
I’ll let her know she has bee quoted.
Thank you for being inspired by Paula’s story on my blog – I love what she wrote
Am looking forward to the updates from Borneo.
You can do it, Lori! Hopefully you will find that everything just gets magically done because it HAS to, there is no other option. That’s how it always works for me!
You are going to have the BEST, BEST, BEST time, and if you don’t snuggle a little orangutan for me, you’ll have to answer for it when you get back (grinds fist into palm with narrowed eyes…)
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