Dim Sum the House Cat

by Lori Dwyer on March 16, 2010 · 5 comments


Well, it seems we have a situation here. Yankee Lori mentioned a few days ago on her blog that she is a big softie, who has a tendency to take in un-homed animals. I offered her my cat. She said no. Her very funny hubby made the observation that the cat is Australian. Therefore, they would not understand a word it says. I can see how that would cause problems.

I did try to break this news gently to Dim Sum, cat of the Purple House. He was not impressed. His problem, you see, is that while he is fed, watered, has a soft bed, is de-fleaed and vaccinated, he is just not happy. He feels tormented, both by the dog, and the Chop. He lives in constant anxiety at the thought of the Bump learning to crawl.

To address your primary concern- it is clearly not a valid one, and Dim Sum did confess his dismay at your sweeping generalisations. Obviously, with a name like Dim Sum, he speaks Chinese, so the fact that he is ‘Straylan really shouldn’t be a problem.

I am offering again to pay for his air ticket. He is looking forward to seeing chipmunks, squirrels and Disneyland. Please reconsider.

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Lulu March 17, 2010 at 6:41 pm

Love cats. LOL cats.


kbxmas March 17, 2010 at 6:45 am

My husband will take the cat if you send me the return ticket…


lori March 17, 2010 at 3:26 am

While he is a handsome fellow, save for the annoyed look, (Dim Sum, not hubby) hubby is still not inclined to take in another family member. You see, while hubby is funny, he does require a captive audience and every new member brought into the household is yet another distraction for his one audience member – moi. It's all about hubby's self-preservation.

Please assure Dim Sum that he would be more dismayed at our house because he would have a total of 5 dogs and 2 cats to be annoyed at. And I have to say, he looks quite at ease with the dog he already has.

Dim Sum needs to understand that the catnip isn't always greener on the other side.


Kellyansapansa March 16, 2010 at 9:33 pm

If Disneyland falls through, you are welcome to send him to Adelaide. Benson would love a playmate and I miss having a cat. Oh, and we speak Strine perfectly here :o)


Jen March 16, 2010 at 9:25 pm

Lol. Seal the deal by sending along the translation book, "far out brussel sprout" or what was the other one? 'alright vegemite'? :p


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