
by Lori Dwyer on July 31, 2013 · 12 comments

Finding a house to rent in Melbourne turned out to be much easier than anticipated. Which is great, but also… well, it’s pushed my timeline forward by a least a week or two.

After the filling out of many forms, and providing enough documentation for someone to steal my identity, the Most Amazing Man in The Universe and I were approved for a house on our very first try.

Which is awesome. And terrifying. And awesome…. and terrifying. (I’m still not sure which. Both at once, perhaps). The reality of what I’m about to do has suddenly kicked in. I’m kind of dumbstruck by the massiveness of the task ahead.

I’m nowhere near organised enough to do this kind of thing. I’m not sure my kids, nor myself, are prepared for having the people we love living so far away.

I keep reminding myself… this is an adventure. We will be fine.

We have to be. Hopefully, we’re moving on August 24th. That’s just 24 short days away.

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Emily August 1, 2013 at 9:37 pm

24 days! Easy. No sweat. (Gulp.)

Chookas for a smooth move!
Emily recently posted…Most things become funny with hindsightMy Profile


Anne August 1, 2013 at 11:32 am

It’s my birthday… I will say a sweet thoughtful prayerful offering for you on that day!


Brenda August 1, 2013 at 10:29 am

That’s my birthday, and nothing terrible happens on my birthday! Good Luck with the move, I feel like it’s the best thing ever for you guys. Enjoy Melbourne, I’m a bit jealous!


Miss Pink July 31, 2013 at 8:49 pm

You can do this! Just start now by packing up all that you can, anything going into storage that you don’t need, move it into a space so you can focus on going through what you need or want with you. Everyone will still be here to visit, and will visit you guys! So happy that finding a house worked out smoothly for you guys. A sign maybe?


Josefa @always Josefa July 31, 2013 at 4:48 pm

Well that is exciting news! Welcome to the neighborhood! and you are going to be more than fine, you are going to be awesome x
Josefa @always Josefa recently posted…Nicki: Handmade With LoveMy Profile


Lori Dwyer July 31, 2013 at 7:02 pm

Thanks so much Josefa! I’m taking deep breaths.. ;) xx
Lori Dwyer recently posted…Eep.My Profile


Tina July 31, 2013 at 4:26 pm

We’re going to miss you up here, love. But I’m SO excited for you. What an adventure! x
Tina recently posted…Jeans for Genes 2013My Profile


Dannie (A Dose of Dannie) July 31, 2013 at 4:20 pm

Woo hoo! Thats so awesome .
Looking forward to a catch up soon x


Melissa July 31, 2013 at 4:20 pm

I’m in Narre warren if you need help with unpacking or taking kids or park dates or play dates or trackies on the lounge while the kids enjoy destroying my house days or whatever the heck you want :)


Dorothy July 31, 2013 at 4:03 pm

Big excitement! And moving sucks. Hope it all goes smoothly for you. If you can afford it, I could highly recommend getting someone in to help you pack. Just don’t let them unpack, or you’ll never find anything ever again.
Dorothy recently posted…Not readyMy Profile


Wanderlust July 31, 2013 at 12:58 pm

This is an adventure. You will be fine! :)
Wanderlust recently posted…Hey, thanks Fox News!My Profile


Toushka July 31, 2013 at 12:48 pm

Awesome news!!!
Congrats. Hope the move goes smoothly. See you in August!!!


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