
by Lori Dwyer on February 17, 2012 · 8 comments

I have a fairy garden.

I blogged when we first moved in about the huge, fabulous tree stump we have in our back yard. In the few months we’ve been here, I’ve created myself a tiny, gorgeous fairy garden.

It’s filled with things. If you look closely, you can spot birds and Smurfs, fairies, rusted keys, even a few old bottles and glass chess pieces.

I love it.

To top it off, I’m the proud new owner of a toadstool table, with toadstool chairs. Which is perfect for fairy tea parties.

Fairies welcome. Others, entry by application only, please.


Remember the rose…?

It’s flowering.

And it’s beautiful.


Seeing as some of you are wondering, the toadstool set came from my local craft market and is solid cement. It was a fraction the price of others I’ve seen- less than $100 for the set. Feel free to email me for further details…

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Kevin Westerman February 21, 2012 at 1:11 am

That's awesome. It has given me an idea to do with my daughter this spring. She likes to work with me in the flower garden. This is perfect for she and I to do…don't mean to steal your garden idea.


Anna @ green tea n toast February 17, 2012 at 1:44 pm

Ahh that's lovely! how magical.


tearinguphouses February 17, 2012 at 1:39 pm

so whimsical. fun fun fun.


Catherine February 17, 2012 at 1:23 pm

Beautiful! Magical! Gorgeous! Peaceful!


Anonymous February 17, 2012 at 12:49 pm

So beautiful Lori. A slice of heaven. I've always wanted a fairy garden.


Debstar February 17, 2012 at 12:06 pm

Reminds me of my childhood. One year real mushrooms appeared in our backyard and my mother drew fairies onto some tracing paper then cut them out and attached them to the mushrooms. When I found them she told me it was the shadows left behind by the fairies.
She also drew a fairy scene over one entire wall in my bedroom. I have one awesome mum.


Emma February 17, 2012 at 9:52 am

That is such a cute idea! Maybe I ought to try something similar in the jungle that is our garden!! :-) x


Good Golly Miss Holly! February 17, 2012 at 9:40 am

Oooh, they sell those toadstool table sets at my Mum's work and I eye them off everytime I go in there. The kids would LOVE it … Maybe I'll send 'em over to your place instead? ;)


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