Hey everyone- I know, I know, I’m sorry. Depending on what type of mood he’s in, Mr Linky list may or may not be here, at the bottom of the post. LinkyTools are currently doing maintenance (on a Friday?! Really.) and that is a massive pain in the bum. Again, I’m really sorry, and things will be back to normal next week…. (or there will be big, big trouble, Mr Linky. I mean it. You have been warned.)
It’s Friday- that must mean it’s blog flogging time!
Welcome, anyone who hasn’t flogged before. I get asked by a lot of virgin-esque-ish bloggers “Eh? What’s this Flogging thing? I just don’t understand it…”
Believ me, virgin Floggers, t’s simple. Below this post is a link list of different blogs that you may enjoy. Feel free to add your own. All the technical directions are here. It’s simply a way of finding new blogs to read, and getting a few new readers for your won blog. Sharing the luuuuurve.
There is no pressure to Follow any blogs you don’t want to, or comment if you’ve got nothing to add. But, pretty please, have a click through the list and see what you can find. You won’t be disappointed. There are some awesome blogs out there, and we all put on our party clothes for FlogYoBlog Friday.
Now, one two three more things- if the all the html business, adding the button and what not, stresses you out, don’t worry too much about it. Eventually, you’ll get the hang of it. Feel free to add your link to the list, no matter how big, small, tech-un-savvy you may be.
And secondly, please don’t SHOUT at people in the linky list. I hate that. Maybe it’s the nanna coming out in me. But I will edit it out.
In other nanna related matters, I’ll also bl**p any swear words. I don’t mind them on my blog, but this is a blog hop (most of the time- on the days I remember to check the blog hop box),which means other people can display the list on their blog as well, and other people may be even more nanna-ish than me and not particularly want the word f*ck on their blog.
Or something. In the happy medium between being polite and anal, we find the asterisk.
Whatever-o. I think that’s it. Have a totally awesomeness weekend, ladies and jellybeans, and happy Flogging!!
- Follow my blog, the Random Ramblings of a SAHM. I never seem to get to reading all the links here. But believe me, I try. Not that any of this is my idea anyway- FYBF is MummyTime’s brainbaby, I’m just minding it for a bit.
- Grab B’s bubbly button and post it on your sidebar.
- Link your First Name and/or Blog Name and URL of your linked post (not your homepage) below.
- Add a short description (max of 125 chars). It could be a description of yourself, your blog or a teaser to your latest post. But be warned, Mr McLinky List doesn’t seem to groove on apostrophes, quotation marks, or other forms of punctuation. Use them at your own risk.
- Follow at least 1 linkyer/blogger (Be nice and spread the love).
- The list will be open for linkyers on Fridays (and for the foreigners Friday as well).
- A new and fresh link list will open every Friday. And you will have to link up AGAIN. The previous link list does not carry over to the following week.
- And lastly, have lotsa fun. I mean it. If I detect anyone not totally loving the awesomeness, I will bump you off the linky list. (Joking) (Kinda).
{ 26 comments… read them below or add one }
Hey lovely lady, thanks so much for adding my blog for me yesterday while I was out of town. Now to catch up before next Friday on all these awesome posts….! And I'm with Allison: this is my favourite blog hoppy-linky-thingy by a country mile.
Love your post accompanying this Friday's FYBF list. Really good stuff. xox
thank you for hosting this. It is a great way to find new blogs and share mine
I do love a good blog flogging blog hop. Found heaps of lovely blogs through this…. but this week me no can see Mr Linky? I'll check back again later.
Hmm..Mega confusinater. Where do I put my link? LOL
right-o, I'm a shameless FYBF virgin. I'm in
It's OK FW, your post can have whatever sweary words you like in it- you just can't put them as your title in the blog hop
Ohhhhhh I was going to link up for the first time but my last post has a naughty word in it (me bad) so I might wait for next week…!!
Trying to get back on the Flog Yo Blog train… I have all day tomorrow off to keep up! Yippee! Bring on the new blogs, baby!
Awwww so sorry guys, Mr Linky has been having some ishooooos. Should be back up now, I think, I hope?
I had a linky on my blog yesterday and then it just disappeared – I think mr linky is having some serious problems and has fallen apart. Anyway here is my link: and I hope it pops up again soon!
Hi Lori,
I'm another newbie keen to join in, but when I fill in the linky info and press submit, it won't go through? Will keep trying, and will go add your button now
Lori-lee did you forget to put the linky-dee?
I'm flogging this week too and can't see the linky either :).
Yep, I too am waiting for the link. I really want to flog today. Can someone help me flog? Need the linky linky link …
Hi Lori, I'm sorry, I can't see the linky. Please help. Your technically challenged friend.
Hi Lori-love – I confess that the only blogging I've done this week is visiting my own site to read my guest posties and visiting here to flog on behalf of Gillian who's guesting at my site today. Is that bad? Yes, very, very bad… but I'll make it up to you next week!
Love, Maxabella x
Thanks for the help for us newbies,
Fridays are tough for me as they are a work day (can you tell – hi boss!) But I am gonna try and get the linkies on my page over the weekend as a practice run.
Yeah…i can't see the link either :
Oh my, I still want my long time floggers as well!!! Link on up, peoples.
Kymmie I'll email you
Okay, so this is my third FYBF but I can't see the linky to link (and share)… HELP!
So you don't want us this week huh? Huh?Complete sadness… I look forward to checking out the newbies on the block!
I f%%$%NG promise not to swear – oh b&%%ocks
Ah yes, love the blog floggin …
FYI, FYBF is the best blog hop ever.
No linky! I wanna read Blogs!
I've found many a great blogs to read each weekend – and on into the week
But I am the same – where's the linky gone??
(I missed last week just in case something changed then…)
I have found some new blogs I follow and have picked up new followers through Blog Flog.