Fly With Me.

by Lori Dwyer on September 18, 2012 · 9 comments

Years ago, even further back than the Before in a period known as the BC (Before Children), I was a clown. I learnt to face paint, tie balloons, unicycle and juggle

… but nobody ever had the public liability insurance to cover us for the amazing, death-defying flying trapeze.

The awesome people from RedBalloon obviously knew this when they sent myself and my mate Auntie Mickey on a #RedBalloonMums mission to publicly humiliate myself on the equivalent of a giant, adult-sized Jolly Jumper without all that comfy elasticity.

And I ended up having the most freaking awesome time.

Enjoy. I did. I’d call it a natural high… but what’s natural about swinging around fifty foot off the ground.

Red Balloon Blogger

Thanks to the team at Digital Parents
Collective for inviting
me to be a part of the RedBalloon Experience Program. Stay tuned- more awesomeness, including Lori in a wetsuit, coming over the next six months-ish. As
always, all opinions are my own (because no one else would want them…?) however the experiences are

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Millie February 17, 2013 at 11:24 pm

So who caught you? Your mate or the professional?
Millie recently posted…The FashionistaMy Profile


Lori Dwyer February 18, 2013 at 10:14 pm

Hey Millie :) The professional caught me, not my mate- I think its all in the timing and upper body strength :p x
Lori Dwyer recently posted…This Is (Still) Not A Foodie Blog.My Profile


Hunnybunny October 10, 2012 at 12:48 pm

I just want to say thank you! You have inspired me :-) with everything you write but this post in particular… When I saw this I just knew I had to add it to 'my list'. And it got crossed off pretty quick! On Saturday I had my first class and it was AMAZING!!! So AMAZING in fact that I signed up for another 10 classes and enrolled in 2 classes with the WA Circus School (acrobatics and handstands)! So again, thank you, you are an amazing woman and an inspiration to so many.
Honey xx


Brenda September 18, 2012 at 9:21 pm

So cool that he caught you!


Miss Pink September 18, 2012 at 2:41 pm

I am so unbelievably jealous. I think that would be right up my ally for adrenaline rushes. Jumping from a plane or a platform with my feet tied together just doesn't hold any interest for me, and I can't swim so any water stuff is just a death wish.

Thanks for filming it so it felt like we were there with you!!


lori September 18, 2012 at 10:51 am

Wow! Brave girl! That was awesome and you looked great!


Debyl1 September 18, 2012 at 9:21 am

Loved watching that as I could feel your excitement.
Good on you.Bet you feel so proud.xx

Reply September 18, 2012 at 8:37 am

That looks like it would probably be the most fun thing in the world! I've never tried flying trapeze, I once got to play in a bungee harness (like Angelina Jolie in the first Tomb Raider movie) it was the best thing in the world! They had to basically physically remove me from it because I didn't want to get out and let anyone else to have a go.

Will you be taking more lessons?


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