Hippies Shop Online, Too.

by Lori Dwyer on March 14, 2012 · 17 comments

Let’s take  breather and do something fun. Like a giveaway.

I spend far too much time in my own head.


As we’ve covered here before, I am a big hippy. I like to recycle, remake and reuse. And one of my favorite activities is op–shopping.

Op shops are awesome, and the smaller the area, the better the stuff you find. For most things I need– a bread box, an egg keeper, jumpers for the kids, running shoes for me– they can all be purchased, very cheaply, from local op–shops. And scrounging through a load of other man’s junk to find what you need is half the fun.

I buy a lot of my own clothes from op–shops, as well as huge bags of rags for five bucks each that replace dishcloths and paper towels in my house. My kids are dressed almost exclusively in hand me downs– in two and a half years I’ve bought exactly two items of clothing, not including socks and singlets, for my daughter– and I fill in the gaps with op shop bargains– thick jumpers for three dollars, pretty skirts for two dollars.

To start with, it’s cheap. More importantly, it’s a matter of using what’s already there instead of buying things new. Clothes are so inexpensive to buy– a pair of children’s tracksuit pants can be purchased for less than a loaf of gourmet bread. But just because their cheap, doesn’t mean you have to buy them new. Factor in the materials and resources used to produce new clothing, the cost to transport them, so on and so forth… The actual cost adds up. Clothes eventually become landfill. So we might as well take as much usefulness from them as possible before they do– as many owners as possible, then used as rags before they’re thrown out.

Can you tell, this is something I’m passionate about? Yuhuh. Just like I said– hippy.

With a thing for online shopping.

Combine the two, and what do you get? Well I ended up on Etsy, looking for super cool online traders that remake tired old op–shop finds into groovy new bits and pieces.

I got myself, among a few other things, a recycled iPad cover– awesome, yes? I love. In fact, I love so much that I decided to harass politely as the store owner for some stuff to give away. I certainly wouldn’t recommend harassment to anyone– but it worked.

Giveaway starts…. now.

First thing first– this terribly cool recycled jumper. Or jacket. Or sweater. Depending on what continent you live on.

And secondly– one for the blokes, or your husbands or dads or Bunnies or whoever– this funky men’s steam punk ring.

Both handmade by Stephanie from Our Children’s Earth, from recycled and reclaimed materials. Allow me to repeat myself one more time– I love.

Okies, jellybeans. Here’s the fine print…

To enter this competition, visit Our Children’s Earth and tell me, in a comment on this post, what you would buy and for who– your budget is $70.

The answer that amuses or confuses me the most wins. My decision is final and no discussion will be entered into.

This one’s open to everyone, in every country- yay!

Entries open at Wednesday 14th March and close midnight Tuesday 20th March.

The winner will be announced via RRSAHM’s FaceBook page and Twitter feed. Winners will be emailed and have 48 hours to respond to that email, or the prize will be redrawn.

Comments must have a valid email address to be included in this competition.

And I think that’s that. For the purpose of disclosure, I actually haven’t been paid for this post– this is just me bringing stuff I love and am passionate about to the blog and to you guys.

Because, of course, I am fucking awesome like that.

Your time starts… now. Happy hippy shopping!

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click here now April 15, 2014 at 11:21 pm

This is a great website. Are you active in any sports? I enjoy to play all types of darts games at home with brass darts. If you are interested in darts please hop over to my site


Spinkled March 21, 2012 at 11:00 pm

Thank you so much for applying the discount code! That was a nice surprise and very kind of you! I've never shopped on etsy before and didn't notice the apply code section sitting there until you pointed out where to find it. Thank you :-)


ourchildrensearth March 20, 2012 at 2:31 am

Spinkled….I am going to refund you the 10% back to your paypal account. For next time, incase you ever do come back to by the didge:) You put the code under the how your going to pay section (paypal) click on the "Apply shop coupon code" and then a box will open up to put it in. It is kinds a confusing how Etsy has it set up…sorry and Hugs!

I am so glad that you, herd and everyon loved my items so much!


Spinkled March 19, 2012 at 10:21 pm

I'm so dumb I didn't even use the code!!! But I didn't notice anywhere to input it either? But maybe Im just blind today.


Spinkled March 19, 2012 at 10:19 pm

mmmm recycled bottletop buttons $4 (so much so I just bought them so these dont count for my pretend shopping list now ;)

The Vintage/ Retro Sewing Pattern Lot of 7 Patterns $7 – These would be for myself but so I could make things for others with them.

Didgeridoo Personalized Stripped $48.75 – I would buy this for myself because I know I can play one, I love the land and I love Aboriginal culture, Ive had a rough few years and am slowly finding myself again, as much as this wont make sense to you it is an item that will bring me emotional peace and help heal and calm this tired old fired up soul.

Recycled Sweater Scarf in a Beautiful Gold, White and Earthy Colors $12.50. Also for me because I'm selfish and never have $70 to spend on myself!

That was fun! Now I wish I really did have $70 to spend!

Good luck Everyone!


4 in the herd March 19, 2012 at 9:41 pm

o my i am just in love with those steam punk rings, i think i am just going to buy it because i cannot wait or think of anything clever to write to win the voucher :)


Kimmie March 19, 2012 at 10:20 am

I would choose this awesome number titled "pretty in pink"


What fun and screams me all over! I have my own individial style – a pinch of hippie, boho, vintage and shabby chic all round into one. I have been known to wear feminine vintage lacey petticoats that have been tie dyed all sorts of pretty and then worn as a dress with a lacey shrug tied at the front over the top. This sparkly pink recycled sweater jacket would feel right at home in my wardrobe :]


ourchildrensearth March 19, 2012 at 1:18 am

Hi Everyone,

Wanted to stop by and give you all a coupon code to use over at Our Children's Earth Shop. When checking out use the code: LORIROCKS for 10% off your entire order.


invivamus March 15, 2012 at 4:50 pm

My dear departed mum was a mad knitter & sewer. I was thinking that the didge looked ok, but when I saw the old clothes patterns? Well, give me $70 worth of them please :). Nostalgia is nice.


Jenniferlord@live.com.au March 15, 2012 at 3:16 pm

Lori just love the recycled jumper long coat, I never win anything and now after all the shit we have both been through I intend on getting back to my hippy days, stuff the world they already think I am weird what if they saw my in that……I think it's so me x


Lisa March 14, 2012 at 4:45 pm

That was a great post Lori! I too believe in thrifting and re-cycling like you. Check out my latest post it's a vintage sheet quilt set I made my daughter. http://plainjanecreations.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/vintage-sheet-room-makeover.html

I love your iPad cover so much I'm heading out to find all the felted jumpers I've got stashed so I can make a Kindle cover. Great idea.

I reckon the Cufflinks Ragged Ann and Andy would be great for a couple I know named Anne and Andy, they could share them.


Anonymous March 14, 2012 at 4:33 pm

Oh another give away from rrshm, ho hum, more baby stuff, 2nd hand clothes or maybe some smelly soap made from mother earth…just what a Bloke wants. But what’s this?? I think, as I read…”something for the Blokes” & my reading gets faster & I scroll at light speed (What could it be??)…Wooooow, as my Jaw hit the desk.

Before now, I would have said there’s no way, I could fall in love with a picture of something (object that is) & seeing as I never even wear any bling ….I want that Jumper!!…Kidding…I want the ring!!…can I bid on it now??….No I want that RING, My decision is final and no discussion will be entered into…
I want the ring…being a Blokes Bloke & in a way its my line of work & the fact that I’m now in love with it…I Want that Ring….Did I say I want the ring!!

OK..I’ll play by the rules, couple of question if I may…Can I enter more the once? (if the brain cell goes into over drive)….& if no other bloke enters, can I win the ring on default??….Well I’m off to spend your 70 bucks & put my thinking cap on.

So glad to read a better post of late & feel a smiling brighter Lori writing it…the offers always open if you need a place to chill or a sounding board or bring the kids..(they can ride the puppy) let me know, as I don’t think your all that far away at the moment…Cheers

MR Cheers.


Cassandra Louise March 14, 2012 at 4:12 pm

As much as I like that jumper, I'm not playing. I can't possibly compete with Sapphyre's comment…


Sapphyre March 14, 2012 at 2:54 pm

I would get the 'Jesus had long hair too' shirt and give it to either my husband or the Irish but now living in Australia comedian I saw the other night, Dave Callan. They both have a similar hair do (to each other & Jesus, complete with straggly beard) and problems with people thinking they are homeless or, when dressed nicely, bikers just coming out of court.


Cassondra March 14, 2012 at 9:46 am

I came to see other people's amusing/confusing answers, and there aren't really any at all, so now I'm gonna have to make stuff up.

I'm not good at making stuff up, and I'm feeling especially uninspired after a day of work. Oh well. Sorry.


Ironmom (Julie) March 14, 2012 at 9:02 am

Oh my gosh. I need those record bowls. ALL those record bowls. Fun giveaway, and you are the best kind of hippie.


Rachel March 14, 2012 at 12:42 pm

I'm a big fan of op-shopping, don't do it nearly as much as I could though.Your post has reminded me what great things you can find so I might head out this weekend.


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