
by Lori Dwyer on September 30, 2013 · 7 comments

I have turned into a total, complete Melbourne hipster. 

I’m only slightly ashamed of myself.

It’s been a matter of jealousy, really. Watching my kids ride their bikes to school every morning reminded me of how awesome riding a bike was. Pumping pedals with your legs. Moving under your own power, flying past sights and pockets of sound. How free it felt.

It’s my birthday in a month or so. The Most Amazing Man In The Universe had been asking what I wanted. Living where we are, right on the bike track, ‘a bike’ seemed the best answer I could give him.

And besides- it’s Melbourne. Everyone in Melbourne rides bikes everywhere. Or so it seems.

So the Most Amazing Man- being, as he is, amazing- got me a bike for my birthday. And, being just as bad as me when it comes to not being able to keep presents a secret, he gave it to me early.


Hipster Bike


And oh my, is it pretty. It’s sparkly and shiny. It’s red, so it goes fast.

It’s also ridiculously hip and vintage and even has a wicker basket on the front.

I cruise around the neighbourhood on it, feeling just too school for cool.

I’m not going to say I’m not a hipster, because that, effectively, would make me more of one. 

Don’t even care. Shiny red bicycles are awesome.



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Auntie Mickey October 5, 2013 at 7:30 am

Wow …..so cool …I luv it ..wish I could bring my bike wth me so we could go cruising


Vanessa October 1, 2013 at 7:14 pm

And because it’s a red bike it’ll go faster than all the others!!
Vanessa recently posted…A Pinch & A PunchMy Profile


Sue September 30, 2013 at 10:11 pm

I got my first bike ever as an adut.
Mine is purple with a pink seat!
Oh, how I love my bike :)


Susan, Mum to Molly September 30, 2013 at 9:37 pm

Fabulous bike for a fabulous woman.

Looks like you could use the seat raised a bit (your leg should pretty much straight at the bottom of the pedal ‘cycle’) – so then you can go even faster!

I reckon the fab man could find you a hipper helmet too… for your actual birthday. ;-)


Name September 30, 2013 at 11:54 am

It’s a beautiful bike! I love it. How wonderful to have times when things are easy and a bike can make you happy. It makes me want to hey my bike out for a ride again. Mine is purple :-)


Whoa, Molly! September 30, 2013 at 9:21 am

Red things do go the fastest. It’s the truth!

And with those socks and turned-up jeans? TOTAL HIPSTER. Don’t try to deny it!
Whoa, Molly! recently posted…Midday Epiphanies and Now What?My Profile


Emma September 30, 2013 at 8:20 am

Mine is baby blue, a cruiser as well. Sadly, I do not look as good on mine as you do yours.


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