I have turned into a total, complete Melbourne hipster.
I’m only slightly ashamed of myself.
It’s been a matter of jealousy, really. Watching my kids ride their bikes to school every morning reminded me of how awesome riding a bike was. Pumping pedals with your legs. Moving under your own power, flying past sights and pockets of sound. How free it felt.
It’s my birthday in a month or so. The Most Amazing Man In The Universe had been asking what I wanted. Living where we are, right on the bike track, ‘a bike’ seemed the best answer I could give him.
And besides- it’s Melbourne. Everyone in Melbourne rides bikes everywhere. Or so it seems.
So the Most Amazing Man- being, as he is, amazing- got me a bike for my birthday. And, being just as bad as me when it comes to not being able to keep presents a secret, he gave it to me early.
And oh my, is it pretty. It’s sparkly and shiny. It’s red, so it goes fast.
It’s also ridiculously hip and vintage and even has a wicker basket on the front.
I cruise around the neighbourhood on it, feeling just too school for cool.
I’m not going to say I’m not a hipster, because that, effectively, would make me more of one.
Don’t even care. Shiny red bicycles are awesome.
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Wow …..so cool …I luv it ..wish I could bring my bike wth me so we could go cruising
And because it’s a red bike it’ll go faster than all the others!!
Vanessa recently posted…A Pinch & A Punch
I got my first bike ever as an adut.
Mine is purple with a pink seat!
Oh, how I love my bike
Fabulous bike for a fabulous woman.
Looks like you could use the seat raised a bit (your leg should pretty much straight at the bottom of the pedal ‘cycle’) – so then you can go even faster!
I reckon the fab man could find you a hipper helmet too… for your actual birthday.
It’s a beautiful bike! I love it. How wonderful to have times when things are easy and a bike can make you happy. It makes me want to hey my bike out for a ride again. Mine is purple
Red things do go the fastest. It’s the truth!
And with those socks and turned-up jeans? TOTAL HIPSTER. Don’t try to deny it!
Whoa, Molly! recently posted…Midday Epiphanies and Now What?
Mine is baby blue, a cruiser as well. Sadly, I do not look as good on mine as you do yours.