Humble Pie

by Lori Dwyer on February 15, 2012 · 0 comments

I fucked up the other day. Huge.

In a fit of insomnia induced stupidity, I published a very personal blog post at 5am on a Sunday morning. I deleted it soon after… but of course, RSS is a bitch, it was stuck in everyone’s Readers. Pinging FeedBurner like a crazy woman made no difference.

The irony of breaking the rules, quite a few of them, just two weeks after publishing them. And I am kicking myself. It happens- I have almost 600 posts on this blog. Everyone makes mistakes, eventually.

So now I’m invoking Rule Number Seven. Eat humble pie.

I was wrong. I fucked up. I’d like to promise it will never, ever happen again. But as I said, I’m only human.

Comments off… as always, feel free to drop me an email.

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