I gots a new phone! Hold your breath, wait for it…..

by Lori Dwyer on June 12, 2010 · 13 comments

….. no! it’s not an iPhone!

I know, anti-climax much? Sorry. But a new phone was a matter of necessity, not luxury. And the budget didn’t quite cater to an iPhone. So I am still officially iJealous. (Which is almost a good thing. After all, what would I have to blog about if I actually got an iPhone? Nada, nothing, zip; that’s what).

Early (ish) this morning I embarked on an expedition, limited only by my budget; the count down to sleep time; hectic, feral children and the incompetent rudeness of the staff my local Vodafone store, I adopted a Samsung SGH-F480i. Just rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?

Ah well. It’s pink (yay!!). Coral pink, in fact (double yay!!). It has a touch screen. Rude incompetent staff swore to me it is Twitter enabled. And FaceBook too, which is an unfortunate oversight on Samsung’s behalf. But, you know, whatever.

Pretty and sparkly and obviously no, that is not a picture of my actual phone, because I am too lazy to get the camera out and take a picture and upload it and how much easier will that all be once my new phone is all juiced up?! Awesomeness.

I did make the mistake of buying a faux leather cover for my pretty new pink phone. In red. Which will clash terribly with the phone itself. I was distracted by two small demon children and desperately in need of nicotine by that point.

Um. The red case is kinda like this one. Except, of course, not for an iPhone. But this is the best Google Images had to offer. And, ya know, I’m lazy. The Google God is mocking me. And I’m starting to think he needs his own tag on my blog.

You see, the Man has gone away for the weekend. I’m Single Mum-ing it and I’m extraordinarily frazzled. After 48 hours, I’ve already been distracted enough to let my child suck on a potentially dangerous object (baby drool and phones don’t mix, OK? Thus, new phone becoming a matter of necessity). The Purple House looks like the aftermath of a drunken Toys’R’Us Christmas party. And I am clashing my phone with it’s accessories.

Honestly, I don’t know how Real Life Single Mummies do it. Hats off to you, ladies. Two days in your shoes shows me how freaking precious I actually am.

Anyways, I can’t actually tell you if the phone is super cool or sux hard because, obviously, I haven’t used it yet.

So… erm… hang out for the review post, OK? Or something. I just thought I’d share my excitement with you. Not total excitement, because it is not the fabled iPhone, but excitement none the less.

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{ 13 comments… read them below or add one }

Sarah June 14, 2010 at 3:36 pm

Awesome, it's pink!


Teacher Mommy June 14, 2010 at 11:15 am

Um, that's sigh about sucking at it, not about having an Ex or, for that matter, the kidlets being away that half. It's what keeps me sane. Does that make me a Bad Mommy?

Sigh again.


Teacher Mommy June 14, 2010 at 11:15 am

It's still WAY nicer than mine.

As for the need for the new phone and why…BEEN THERE. The Widget has been responsible for multiple new phones, actually. And STILL I have one that is like Cro-Magnon Phone in comparison to yours, I-Jealous or no.

Single Mumming it is tough. I kinda suck at it. And I only have to do it half the time, since The Ex is Single Dadding it the other half. Sigh.


lori June 14, 2010 at 5:50 am

It's a sexy looking phone and I happen to think that red goes with anything. Hope you love it! I'm supposed to be able to get an upgraded phone in August per my AT&T; account so I'm curious if you like it or not. Not sure if I'll do the iphone thing – depends on how much it ends up costing with the rebates, etc.


Anonymous June 13, 2010 at 10:07 pm

Phone #fail. That is all. You're hot though. So it's all good.


Draft Queen June 13, 2010 at 6:47 am

Pink is like red, but not quite. At least this is what Aerosmith sings.

Love the new phone. I lack an iPhone as well but I covet my iPod touch. N gets jealous because he says I love it more than him.


In Real Life June 13, 2010 at 6:15 am

I love the pinkness of your phone! Awesome! I bet it's super cool! I think the red case looks sharp!


Wanderlust June 13, 2010 at 5:58 am

Am commenting with my brand new Sprint EVO. Jealous?
It's pink too!


Dazee Dreamer June 12, 2010 at 11:42 pm

kind of looks like my t-mobile Behold phone. And I love it. It takes great pictures and I love the touch screen. Congrats.


Kellyansapansa June 12, 2010 at 9:50 pm

Are you kidding me? Pink and red is like, the new black. Or the new black and white anyway, if you know what I mean.

Congrats on the new phone – I'm very jealous!


Brenda June 12, 2010 at 9:25 pm

It's very girlie. Me likes it. For reals.


The Jaded Vixen June 12, 2010 at 3:34 pm

I am now iJealous…why can't my iPhone come in coral pink? Love it!


MMBB June 12, 2010 at 2:45 pm

I have a samsung ultra-touch and I HATE it. grrr piece'o'crap phone. writing messages is a pain and the touch response time is crud.

Mines got a facebook widget on it, it used to work but my provider has stuffed something up again.

Have fun learning your new phone! What a cool colour!


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