I Love Lucy

by Lori Dwyer on August 8, 2010 · 9 comments


Pregnant for the second time, I was absolutely thrilled to find out I was having a baby girl.

Why? Two reasons.

Little pink clothes.

And little pink shoes.

Is there anything more fun, than having a little girl to dress up in pink every day? No, I don’t think so.

Being the frugal natured kind of chicky I am, I have an all consuming love of hand me down clothes and shoes. Anything except undies, really. Especially in pink.

So you can imagine my total and utter delight when I got a great big PostPak full of pretty pinkish girls clothes from the totally awesome Lucy at Diminishing Lucy.

Diminished or not, Lucy’s taste is exquisite. To demonstrate this, I got the members of the Purple House to model some outfits for you.

Did I mention I love pink? OK, these clothes are a little too big for the Bump as yet, but she will grow into them….

… and I just cannot wait to get her into these gorgeous dresses!

 The Man modeled a very cute (pink) dressing gown for me… (See, Man, this is why you should read my blog. then you’d know when I’m putting up unflattering photos, and could take the appropriate actions to stop me. Snooze, you lose).

And the Chop did some modeling too. Kinda. With the PostPak. I did offer him a dress to try on. He said no. I attempted to bribe him with chocolate. He still said no. At that point I realised I was, essentially, bribing my two year old with chocolate so I could take a photo of him in a dress to put on the InterWebs. Not cool, Mum. So I shoved the post bag on his head instead (after cutting out sufficient breathing holes, people).

*ahem* All silliness aside, a huge cyber hug and a massive thank you to Lucy. This is the second bag of girly goodies she’s sent me, and I feel very blessed- not just for the clothes, but for the privilege of calling Lucy my mate. There are some people in the world who are just pure of spirit, loving and sweet, and Lucy is one of them.

A huge thanks to you, Miss Lucy Lu, from both myself and my stylish, decked out little Bump.

Note- No pink clothes were harmed in the making of this blog post.
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{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }

lori August 9, 2010 at 11:59 am

Aww, Lucy does seem like such a sweetheart! Hand me downs are great, especially for kids!


Thea August 9, 2010 at 8:12 am

So so cute…espec the man! lol
You wanna know the first thing I said just after my no.2 was born and I was told she was a girl?
"I can buy pink stuff."
My doc said, "Did you just say you can buy pink stuff?"
Yes, yes I did!! hehe


Wanderlust August 9, 2010 at 12:02 am

You are so funny! I say, count yourself lucky your man doesn't stalk, er read your blog. I wish!


Sarah August 8, 2010 at 9:07 pm

I've been the lucky recipient of some of Lucy's clothes, totally gorgeous & in the best condition ever, you'd never guess they had been through two little girls already :D


Brenda August 8, 2010 at 8:49 pm

Cuteh bubbas!! And yay for generous bloggy friends!


Cinda August 8, 2010 at 6:55 pm

That's a wonderful gift! I have plenty of girly clothes from my daughter but still waiting for another girl. The way the boys play I don't think there will be any hand-me-downs for Jacob.


Amy xxoo August 8, 2010 at 6:25 pm

Thats awesome – i have two neices and (at the time ) 2 tiny girl cousins, so no shortage of offers for hand-me-downs. Its just too bad i had a boy!
Also – " you snooze, you lose ". Cracked.Me.Up.


Marita August 8, 2010 at 3:44 pm

What a wonderful gift and so many gorgeous models to choose from too :D


Eva Gallant August 8, 2010 at 10:30 pm

What a great package to receive!


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