July 2013


by Lori Dwyer on July 31, 2013 · 12 comments

Finding a house to rent in Melbourne turned out to be much easier than anticipated. Which is great, but also… well, it’s pushed my timeline forward by a least a week or two.

After the filling out of many forms, and providing enough documentation for someone to steal my identity, the Most Amazing Man in The Universe and I were approved for a house on our very first try.

Which is awesome. And terrifying. And awesome…. and terrifying. (I’m still not sure which. Both at once, perhaps). The reality of what I’m about to do has suddenly kicked in. I’m kind of dumbstruck by the massiveness of the task ahead.

I’m nowhere near organised enough to do this kind of thing. I’m not sure my kids, nor myself, are prepared for having the people we love living so far away.

I keep reminding myself… this is an adventure. We will be fine.

We have to be. Hopefully, we’re moving on August 24th. That’s just 24 short days away.


How Do Colour Changing Candles Work?

by Lori Dwyer on July 30, 2013 · 0 comments

Houses develop their own particular scent. Every house has a smell to it, pleasant or not.  The structure of the house itself is only partly responsible for the scent it takes on. Most of the smell belongs to the house’s occupants.

When I was little my auntie’s house always smelled divine. Heavy and comforting and slightly cloying, it smelt like cinnamon and sandalwood, and kitschy 80′s washed hessian wall-hangings.

As a general rule, you don’t smell your own house. You’re there to often. But I’ve been away from my house for two or three day stretches often enough in the last six months to come to a somewhat shameful realisation.

My house smells a little bit like ‘crazy cat lady’.

That’s not very cool.

To be honest, we’re not going to be here much longer, anyway. It seems we’re moving to Melbourne very, very soon (more on that tomorrow). Scented candles seem to be a very useful temporary solution. Cue the Air Wick Black Edition Multicolour Candle.

And this candle is right up there with lava lamps in terms of ‘trippy’. It actually kaleidoscopes through different colours.  Check out the five second video here.




It’s certainly a conversation piece. It’s been a source of fascination to me and everyone else who visited the TinyTrainHouse in the last week or so. How does it work…? How far down would it burn? How the hell does it work?

We got experimental. After exposing the candle to various light and heat sources, we determined it was heat activated. But that still didn’t really solve the mystery.

Not knowing how things work frustrates me. I’m sure I could have Googled the answer. But that didn’t seem like nearly as much fun as pulling the candle apart and finding out for myself.

So. Step one, which was surprisingly easy- removing the candle from it’s black glass jar.




Step two. Cut the candle in half.




And that was as far as we needed to go, really before the answer to one of life’s biggest questions was revealed. How does the color change candle work…?




Two wicks- a normal candle wick, and a wick coated in thicker wax that appears to be the heat sensor. Three light globes in the base of the candle- one red, one green, one blue, that light up in patterns to produce different colours.




Mystery, solved. Just call me Daphne. Or, slightly more realistically, Velma.


What The Kidlets Think.

by Lori Dwyer on July 26, 2013 · 7 comments

I tell my kids we’re moving to Melbourne. They react accordingly, as you would expect children to do. Between the two of them, they pinwheel through every emotion you could possibly associate with this kind of change.

The general consensus is not what I expected. The Chop is thoroughly excited, almost anxious in his anticipation. He’s entranced at the idea of living so close to the city. He is obsessed with the concept that trams drive right there on the street with the cars!!!

He works out his worries, one at a time. Will the cat come with us? Will we take everything in our house? Will he go to swimming lessons in Melbourne? (Yes; kind of; and probably, yes). To the Chop this is the ultimate adventure and he can’t wait to start a new school and meet new people.

The Bump, however, is timid and fretful. She will miss her daycare, she tells me. She will miss her friends. She doesn’t want to leave our ‘little house‘. 

I’d predicted all of this, of course… It’s just that I thought it would be the other way around. That the Chop would be reluctant to leave, and the bubbly Bump ready for a new adventure in a whole new place.

Turns out, I don’t know my children as well as I thought.

I wonder how often that happens. I’m guessing it will happen more and more as my kids grow up. Their mother, walking around, sure that she understands what’s going on in their complex little minds, when she actually has no idea what they’re thinking.