Nailed It.

by Lori Dwyer on October 11, 2013 · 3 comments

This post bought to you by Woolworths.


As previously established- repeatedly- I suck at cooking, and I don’t do food much.

But what the kidlets want, the kidlets get. And given their recent obsession with Woolworths Aussie Animals cards, they wanted to make one of the animal-inspired recipes in their card folder.

No worries. Really, how difficult could it be?

The instructions for the Echidna Snack are deceptively simple. Take one apple, cut in half, remove core.

Slather liberally with peanut butter.

Add marshmallows for spines, sultanas for eyes.

Add two pretzel sticks and another sultana for the ‘beak’. (Sadly, I forgot the pretzel sticks when I did my shopping. Choc covered malt sticks sufficed as a substitute).

Construction was not at all painful, except for the peanut butter-covered kitchen table part.

After twenty minutes or so, the kidlets and I stood back to admire our creation.

This is what the echidna should look like.


Echidna Nailed It

And these were our echidnas.

‘Hem. Nailed it. Totally.


The Aussie Animal collectible cards obsession continues- you have until Tuesday October 15th before it’s all over and your shopping trips can return to some form of normality.

The things we do for our children.


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Suzy Mac October 13, 2013 at 11:50 pm

From a similarly culinarily challenged individual..WELL DONE YOU!!


Vanessa October 12, 2013 at 8:44 pm

I can’t believe how popular those trading cards are – a local garage sale type facebook group has people trading them. Not only that, but they marked the posts as “urgent” haha.
Vanessa recently posted…Catch Your DreamsMy Profile


Manda October 12, 2013 at 7:01 pm

We have all of them except #3. These cards will be the death of me.


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