Now just follow the path of my watch….

by Lori Dwyer on April 15, 2010 · 8 comments

You are getting very, very sleepy….

Very sleepy…


Right. Now I have your attention. What I wanna know today is…

Who’s suggestible?

No, not that kind of suggestible. Weirdos. What kind of blog do you think this is?!

I mean to say, who’s mind takes to suggestion very easily?

Allow me to explain.

About a year ago, the Man and I went to see this guy- Peter Powers. He’s pretty groovy. If you’re an Aussie and he’s about, I highly recommend attending his shows. Just make sure to wear your sense of humor in the shade of black about leave your sensibilities at the door. OK? OK.

In the process of his shows (we went actually like him soooo much, we went twice) we saw:- two bogan guys jump into a bath tub together, and scrub each other down; a 40 year old woman whip people bums while wearing a police hat; a tubby bald guy dress in drag and mime to the Rocky Horror Soundtrack; some moron get on stage and announce, almost in tears, that his arsehole was missing; and quite a few people looking for leprechauns. I could go on. My only disappointment was that he never got around to using the coffin he had parked in the wings of the stage. That would have been interesting.

None of these people were plants, I can guarantee you all that, true as I sit here. It’s a relatively small town. I can guarantee you that the bogan blokes in the bathtub were thoroughly horrified with themselves once the show was over.

Anyways, I digress….

I’ve long been aware that I am a muchly suggestible person. (“Sex?” “Sure!””Drugs?” “Sure?” “Lack of self respect?” “Totally!”) This was confirmed at the first Peter Picollo Show when he ran a ‘test’, to see who was hypnosis-able but didn’t want to go ‘all the way’, so to speak. Now, I’m a toes-in-the-water-first kinda girl when it comes to people messing with my somewhat fragile mind, so I went for this one.

And ended up with my hands clasped, arms struck, straight up in the air above my head.

I kid you not. I couldn’t move them if I tried. I know, cause I did. Try, that is. Peter Piper Picked A Peck of Pickled Peppers even asked me “Are you sure you don’t want to stay? You’d be so much fun!”.

Erm, no, spanks anyway. Release me, moustachio-ed man.

And so he did.

And the I woke up and the whole thing was just a dream.

The End.

No, wait….

Scrap those last two lines, scribe.

Now, what I want from you, Constant Readers, is the 411. Have you ever been been hypnotised? Have you seen Peter Piper Can pick My Peppers in action? And do you find his power and the way he willingly abuses it kind of… well…. sexy? Or is that just me and my issues?

And, more importantly, are you the suggestible type? Do you find yourself swayed by the group think? Picking up on other people’s speech patterns? Are you the kind of person who, if they take a naughty sickie from work, ends up feeling a bit off anyway?

And for any power hungry weirdos like mewho find the mechanics of hypnosis as fask-inating as I do, check out this awesome article from How Stuff Works.

One more thing. Before you go, if you could all just do me a favor and stare into the spiral here for one moment…

Now for the subliminal messages. You love Lori’s blog. You will Follow and tell all your friends to Follow. You will visit and comment everyday. You will be exceptionally nice to your mum tomorrow, because she deserves it. And all your chocolates belong to me.

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{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Marlene Heffernan April 20, 2010 at 10:30 pm

As a matter of fact I have been hynotised! It wasn't Peter Powers, it was some other stage hypnotist…well, I don't think it was Peter Powers but I can't remember the guys name, so maybe it was, LOL.
Anyway….it worked, I was hypnotised. I was running around the audience looking for my husband, who was a garden gnome. Talk about embarassing. Oh AND, that very night I wet the bed, YES, a grown woman wet the bed. I still believe to this day HE MADE ME DO IT!!


kbxmas April 16, 2010 at 12:13 pm

I used to be certified as a hynotist years ago and worked with some clients; and I've done it myself, so yes I am suggestible. I've never been to one of those shows and have always been leary of them. I've never felt out of control when hynotized, though I can go very deep.


Draft Queen April 16, 2010 at 8:49 am

I would love to be hypnotized. If someone could hypnotize me into believing I hated chocolate and high fat things, I'd be pretty happy.

And skinny.


Amy xxoo April 16, 2010 at 7:44 am

I think i would be, but i've never been hypnotised or seen a hypnotist live ( i've seen them on tv ). Although if i had the opportunity i might give it a shot…


Lori April 15, 2010 at 10:47 pm

Wow Kakka that is amazing, I've never heard of it being used for birth before!!


Kakka April 15, 2010 at 10:33 pm

I underwent hypnosis for the birth of my last child. Though it my body went numb from just below my chest around and up to the same area in my back. Every Drs' visit he would hypnotise me and we would work through the process of belief and pain management. It worked, in fact it worked too well and my labour almost stopped because my muscles just wouldn't work. Mind you I delivered a 10lb 9 oz baby with no stitches but the last hour of labour was hell as I lost the concentration and couldn't get it back when they mentioned C-section because of my muscles. Still I would do it again.


Lucy April 15, 2010 at 3:40 pm

I am a highly suggestible. Think Slim and all that. I am no an of the "novelty" hypnosis bizzo, but hypnotherapy is my game……


Ratz April 15, 2010 at 2:14 pm


*Nods Head.

Hey those are my chocolates. IN YOUR DREAMS. LORI. IN YOUR DREAMS.


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