OK. What I should be blogging about is the Aussie Bloggers Conference, which I attended this weekend. And believe me, there is a post coming, a good one with photos and crap.
Right now, though, there are other things I need to write about. If you wanna read about the ABC right this very second, there is a hugely growing list of posts here… I really better get my act together before it’s all been said already.
Whatever. For now, please know three things. One, I had seriously one of the most awesome weekends of my life, right up there with my wedding. Two, evidently, that makes me a massive geek. I am OK with that. And three- for someone who *ahem* doesn’t drink, I consumed an awful lot alcohol on Saturday night… (jam donut shot, anyone?)
Moving on.
Fingers crossed, we are moving this weekend. The Purple House, which isn’t purple anymore but still feels purple, is half packed. The bits and pieces, the detriment clutter that made up our lives, packed into crates and boxes and dismantled and it’s such a relief, it feels like I’ve been holding my breath.
I’m so ready to leave my Purple Life behind. It breaks my heart, it hurts like my nerves are on fire… but I’m ready. That colour, it will follow me… I feel stained with it. Bruised.
It’s time for Plan B. Tony and I, we never had a Plan B, a seachange in mind, somewhere to escape to… we were so happy with our little life, most of the time, we didn’t need one. We had plans, as you do… we were going to move house in a few years time, when our kids started school. Probably to another house in the same suburb. And maybe, just maybe, have another baby, another tiny curly newborn…
And one day in the far distant future, we would retire to a lighthouse, somewhere on the rocks by the ocean… and he’d grow bonsai and I’d knit ugly jumpers and drink lots of tea.
So easily pleased. That’s irritatingly devastating- I had everything I ever wanted, and I very rarely asked for any more.
I don’t want for much, right now, if I’m honest. I want for Tony, for his smell and his arms and hearing him laugh, sharing my frustrations with him over a child that will not sleep. (Walking through Kings Cross, Saturday night, the heat of nocturnal life, all dressed up in the pouring rain… the ache for my husband, for the physical presence of him, the size of him, was so real it bit at me, nipped at the straps of my heels…)
But other than that, the huge whole in my life that I just cannot fill…?
Plan B, for the moment, it’s very simple.
I have at least three months left in limbo, waiting for the financial knots to untie themselves.
HomeTown seems the perfect place to be.
I want to spend the next three months somewhere quiet, surrounded by people who love me unconditionally, family that I grew up with. Give my kids a chance to run and play and laugh with their cousins, the way I did as a child- it brought me so much pleasure.
I want to walk with my kids, and That Bloody Dog, on the beach every afternoon, and bring them home for sandy bubble baths before we snuggle up in flannel pajamas in front of the TV.
I want to keep a small house clean and tidy, things in their place.
I want to face paint again… the coastal markets run in a different town every weekend, and business would be slow enough in winter to read books and watch the passing parade of people between paying customers.
I want to dress my children in clothes from the abundance of second hand shops in HomeTown, mixed with discount surf wear.
And I want to let my little hippy Bump dance in the rain without shoes on, out on the grass, the way she likes to do.
I want to cook muffins for my kids, and the guests I’m hoping will come from the suburbs on the weekend, to sleep in my spare room and drink coffee on my veranda.
I want to take my children for bike rides along the River.
I want to grow flowers, to put in a vase in my kitchen. It’s probably the wrong time of year for that, but we’ll try anyway.
And in Spring, perhaps we’ll know where we’re digging in, where we’re growing our roots… then we’ll have a veggie garden, and grow plump red tomatoes, warm and smooth and ripened by the sun.
Simple pleasures.
All that, it feels like a lot… but it really doesn’t seem too much to ask for, not now, not After…
How can I not be happy again, one day, when I am so easily pleased?
{ 66 comments… read them below or add one }
Sounds so absolutely perfect, and wonderful. I hope each of these simple things, and so much more, comes to you and your children…and easily.
Sounds like exactly where you are meant to be right now Lori, the perfect place to regroup and heal just a little bit. xoxo Winter
This post gave me so much joy to read. I am praying for you and your plan b!
so wonderful meeting you on the weekend. You made me giggle. wishing you all the best for Plan B xx
What a gorgeous post Lori, full of warmth for your children, your future, for your self. I can totally imagine that life. Peaceful, simple, soulful. It sounds wonderful. xx
Plan B sounds marvellous! So glad that you are able to do it!
Love from Canada.
Your Plan B sounds like HEAVEN, I only wish I could do those things too. One day, when I have children, I hope to share such special things with them they way you will
Sounds great to me. Take the time to heal and the answers will come. Good luck xxx
Sounds ike a good plan. If anyone deserves a bit of happiness, it's you.
Sounds perfect! xx
The simple life is so good, I am sure you will find much joy and solitude in all that you wrote coming to fruition.
Sounds wonderful. You deserve this and much more.
Can I come too?
It was lovely to finally meet and hug you. You are so tiny, seem so fragile, yet obviously so strong. And you have a group of wonderful friends around you to hold you when you fall, when you break. Take time to heal, to rest, to bask in the sun.
Sorry you have to have a Plan B, but this one sounds like it might be a really gentle and nice fit.
so beautiful xxx
Yep. Sounds perfect.
Beautiful plan Lori. xx
Wonderful Plan B lori
That sounds gorgeous. You go get it xxx
Completely crying here, at your beautiful words.
I motherfucking love you, Lori. Fiercely. I got your back, will be your bouncer any day.
I really wish you all the love and luck in the world with this move. I hope that its a tonic that help heal you in everyway.
BTW, I am SO GLAD I got to finally hug you and say hi in person to the beautiful & brave you xx
Beautiful! *HUGS*
Goosebumps…. (or as my baby girl used to say, 'Bumpygoose')
Your plan B sounds pretty good to me. Good on you Lori. x o x o
Sounds perfect – a wonderful Plan B. Every kids' dream.
Simplicity. I love it. I'm a simple kind of person myself, i find it makes everything seem that much more easy. Less…cluttered.
Good luck with your move. I have a feeling it will be the right fit for you.
it sounds idyllic. the simple life. I want to visit and get my face painted and drink coffee in your kitchen. I'm glad to have been a part of your great weekend too. I loved meeting you.
I have been reading your blog for a while now. This is sounding so positive for you and the kids. Right now I could just go there myself.
Sounds beautiful. And SO not too much to ask for.
I don't believe people need a lot of stuff to be happy, they just need the *right* stuff to be happy. You'll get there. Can't wait to hear about it.
Sending PEACE your way,
PS – I needed this uplift today. Makes me happy that you seem happy(ier) – and that you had fun last weekend. You're such an inspiration.
You are a born writer! Your words convey so much. Maybe you should add a little writing nook to your plans and start letting your words work some more magic. I think you are very talented. Such a beautiful post. I can see it all and I pray it comes to pass for you :O)
A beautiful plan. I could smell the sea and feel the sand in my toes as I read that.
I can't wait to read as the dreams become reality and see a photo of that vase filled with flowers you've grown. x
Nice one
Oh sounds like Plan B is turning into a very well thought out plan. A plan for happiness and fun for your family!
Imagine it and it will come. You are doing exactly what you need to be doing – soothing your soul. Hugs.
It sounds like a pretty awesome little life to me Lori – so dig in!
♫♫ You probably think I'm mad, but it feels good to me, 'cos from now on I'll live as close as I can to the sea …♫♫
Plan B sounds wonderful. I love the beach.
Lori, that sounds like an amazing plan to me. x
That sounds like a lovely Plan B Lori.
Sounds lovely, healing and healthy!
You've expressed yourself in such a loving way here. You're ready to move forward and that's noble. This plan sounds divine and I'm sure happiness will follow. I'm sure of it.
sounds lovely. Can I join you? >.
That sounds like a great plan!
It sounds wonderful Lori and you can do it.
Sounds like a good plan. Hugs!!
You will be happy, I just know it:) And I'm so pleased you're seeing a beautiful life ahead, filled with things that matter
A beautiful planx
go for it and enjoy it, my plan b was nuttin, but we're gettin somewhere now, one kid started uni, so I must be okay
You made me happy too… with your words and plans.
That sounds glorious and perfect. xxx
Sounds like a Plan to me, B or not, it is taking control, one step at a time. Much love Lori xxx
Lori, I know it might not feel like it, but you are doing so well! I hope Plan B works out for you
Awesome x
*It even.
Definitely not too much to ask for! IIt all sounds wonderful!!
Hey beautiful brave lady. You will never ever forget loss that is so deep and raw, but it does get easier, and the memories of the good soon take over anything that was ever bad…it's just the way that it all goes….xxxx I have been torn from reading about your pain and loss, but I am warmed by how you are picking yourself up. I wish you and your little cherubs rays of sunshine and warm happiness to fill your lives…xxx
That sounds like the perfect plan B to me
No words. Just smiling. Onward.
Oh Lori – your instincts are so true and strong – may there be kilos of sunripened warm red tomatoes in your future!
Sounds absolutely divine. It is really is the simple pleasures that make life fab x
You've described a lovely group of future happy moments. Lovely to read and so happy you can go somewhere that is familiar and comfortable.
That sounds like a lovely, lovely plan, Lori. And, I just wanted to add, incase you've not thought about it, perhaps you could write a book about all of this. You'd need only to compile your blog posts together and there would be a book already for people to buy and really, really want to read and conenct with. The country is a nice place to do a spot of book writing;)
May your move bring much peace and tranquility and healing time x