It’s not my fault. It’s because I have boobies.

Heidi ho,Your husband is telling you to get off the damn computer. And I’m a f**king psychic.

No, I didn’t come up with that one. I only wish I did. It’s the work of the muchly funny, muchly swear-ly The Bloggess, bless her heart. Forgive the reblogging, but it had me nearly wetting myself laughing (and after two very quick childbirths, I mean that quite literally. Hmm. Too much information, perhaps?).

The man, much as I love him, just does not get this blogging thing. I like to tell him it’s an art form. And just as productive as him tinkering with his car. Have I mentioned his dilapidated ute that takes up one side of our double garage, and the multitude of tools that take up the other, so both our cars have to be parked out on the street? No? Well, there you go. That’s because I block it from my conscious mind. Sad, really. It’s almost like he’s having an affair. With a one tonne piece of steel. That actually costs him more money than I do.

He has his car. I have my computer. The only problem is, we can’t both do our things at once, until our children are old enough to entertain themselves, we can afford to hire a nanny or they make it legal to lock them in small, air conditioned and fully equipped cages for most of the day. Never mind free-range babies, I wanna blog!!

Whatever. The Man needs to read that book, Women Are From Bras, Men Are From Penis. Or that other one with a similar but less amusing title. Blogging, building a community, that’s my biological right as a women. I can’t help it. It’s controlled by my hormones. Just like PMS, boobie milk, discharge and all that other fun stuff.

So ner, Man. It’s my blog and I’ll write if I want to.

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Kakka said…

OMG – running to the loo as I am laughing too much (4 children’s fault). My hubby wanders into my study with a bemused look on his face, gives me a kiss and wanders off. I think after 33 years of marriage he has given up trying to work out my mind. He doesn’t even have a FB page, but I still love him. xxx

Brenda said…

Damn straight, Lori. Damn straight! Hmph! Men and their penises, what do they know? Hehehe.

Amy xxoo said…

My boy doesnt quite get it either – but nor does he nag me about getting off the computer. He just accepts that its my one ” thing ” and is only interested as to whether he scores a mention or not…

Lucy said…

Hahahhaha, do you have a camera in my house? Lovely husband said to me the other night “At least I look up from the cricket. You never look up from your blogging.”

Cheesecake! said…

Hahaha! that was the funniest thing I’ve read in a while

Mich said…

I agree. I love my computer as well!!! although, with 3 kids my house does constantly look like a bomb has exploded and the man is never happy with that!

Mich said…

I agree. I love my computer as well!!! although, with 3 kids my house does constantly look like a bomb has exploded and the man is never happy with that!

Thea said…

Yeah, my husband calls it puffery!
Pfft, what do they know?
I’m with you, sister!! lol 🙂

lori said…

You go girl! Thems mens is always cramping our style! I had the big idea on Sunday to cook a Turkey dinner but kept running upstairs to work on my blog while stuff was in the oven. My brother nicknamed me Busty Bloggins – haha.

Madmother said…

Hah! Big Boy no longer complains of blog envy (ie me spending more time on my blog than I do on him) since I brought up the two and a half years of mirror grinding!

Every night. ERRRRRRRIT, errrrrrit, eeerrrrrrrriiiitttttt…
Any wonder I developed a twitch in my left eye?

Oh, and don’t get me started on the observatory project!

Fantastic post!

…Mrs.P! said…

I totally relate to that! My husband doesn’t get it either.

Lucy said…

Hey Miss Lori…..am I doing something wrong with your button? I can get it up on my blog, but then it doesn’t link to your blog. (Nor does Sarah’s. Better let her know too.) xx

JAWhite said…

I know exactly what the other girls are saying, my significant other won’t even read my stories and says I do nothing but pick at a keyboard. Now I have to stop and make them all dinner!

Shit! I’m the penis carrier…am I turning into…NO!

Ratz said…

Well Yeah!!! You are damn right….

Natacha said…

Excellent! I so get the car story, only my husband is the tinkering on mountain bikes. I see him stroking it like it’s his girl as he passes by … luckily he doesn’t bother me about the blog… whew!

Tmena said…

Hell yeah! A girl’s gotta right to blog! Too funny this post was.

Lauren said…

Lol, I can relate to this, only I spend most of my time on the computer web designing.

And no, you can not give too much information. lol.

Jen said…

ROFL! right on sister! that is what feminism was for..paving the way for Women to have the RIGHT to blog :p . I love your posts and yep am totally bamboozling you with comments atm because I have just discovered my blog reader on the iPhone is not telling me when you post! The NERVE of it! Great post 😀

Kymmie said…

Just discovered your blog and love it. Although I don’t know you, I feel like if I met you in person, you would be exactly the same. So, it’s official. I’ve decided to stalk you. xx

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