
by Lori Dwyer on February 24, 2014 · 6 comments

Not sponsored. Just cool.


Olay asked me to do them a make-up tutorial. I’m not exactly sure why. I don’t think the “I just woke up and this is the best I can pull together” look is one anyone wants to emulate.


Olay How-to Lori1


But I do what I’m told. And I like to win stuff. And this is a competition. A few different looks are to going to be uploaded to FaceBook and whosoever has the best look wins a laptop or something. Which would be awesome. So if I could harness some jellybean power and have you all Like the post, that would be very helpful. You can me out on the Olay FaceBook page, too.

I’ve also been asked to review the Olay CC Cream, which retails for $49.99. To be honest, it’s really good stuff. Forget moisturising, applying primer and then foundation. The CC Cream does it all in one, which is perfect for the time poor and lazy such as I. And it’s light and dewy and doesn’t cake in and make my wrinkles look worse than they already are. And that’s actually the defining factor in picking a foundation for myself- the wrinkle factor. 

I think I’m getting old.



Travel Bugs.

by Lori Dwyer on February 19, 2014 · 6 comments

I have caught some kind of travel bug, and seem to have infected my children as well.

I’ve been more places, and travelled more distance, in the last year than in the total of my thirty one years before that. Borneo. Bali. The Great Ocean Road. Every town between Melbourne and Sydney. The eternal sunshine of Cobram and Shepparton. The Snowy Mountains in New South Wales, the Alps in Victoria. 

Last night we caught a boat to Tasmania. We’re going to the Tarkine- they say it’s one of the most remote, untouched places in Australia. One of the school mums got back from Tassie not long ago, and when I asked her how it was she replied in a hushed, reverent tone “Wild. Its wild, down there…”

The kidlets are excited, happy little travel bugs always ready to explore a new place, see new things. They are consummate little voyagers. I have supply-buying, packing, and hotel routines down to a veritable modern dance of flexibility, planning, and parenting.

I don’t think I did a lot of travelling as a kid, or as a teenager, or as a twenty-something uni student. It was always superficially a matter of cost, but it came down more to being afraid than anything else. I’m not even sure what I was afraid of exactly, and I didn’t want to admit to anyone that I was scared.

I want to give my kids the chance to not be afraid of travelling the way I was. Because going new places and seeing new things… it’s good for the soul.

So far, so good. As long as we can manage it, we’ll explore as far and wide as we can.

And as you’re reading this, we’re in Tasmania. A place we’ve never been before. The place where the wild things are. 




by Lori Dwyer on February 18, 2014 · 3 comments

Pepsi Next is the new breed of cola. Pepsi Next has naturally less sugar*, it’s sweetened naturally with stevia and, of course, has the great cola taste you love.


The Most Amazing Man likes to remind me occasionally that the reason we live where we do, in amongst all this urbanity, is so we can take advantage of all the really cool things living in the city has to offer. We’re always looking for something to do. We frequent night markets, fetes and fairs. We attend community events and make small talk with dozens of different people.

I love it. And I’m positive it’s good for my kids. They see so much life here every day. Every time we leave the house they are immersed in a melting pot of cultures and lifestyles and languages and music. It feels like a community here. We’re in the city suburbs, but we know people here. People look out for my kids. I look out for theirs.

We have become those people that look out for posters and flyers and advertisements in the school newsletter. And we find so many fun things to do. 



Two excited kidlets.


We find ourselves at the movies. Outdoors, in the summer twilight. We take our picnic set up, pillows and blankets for the kidlets. We sit under the darkening sky and watch two dozen children play together in the playground before the movie starts. It smells like sausages sizzling and the whole place sounds like friendly laughter. 

We watch The Labyrinth, and The Most Amazing Man and I relive the best parts of our childhood. Watching a whole new generation of kids enjoy a movie that I loved myself at their age is awesome. Watching my own kids enthralled in it is even better.

Cuddled up there, with one child besotted and the other fast asleep, surrounded by community, under the inky sky with a few bright twinkling stars… we feel like a family.

And that’s awesome, too.



One very cute, very sleepy boy.



This post is part of a Nuffnang native advertising series.

Pepsi Next is the new breed of cola. Pepsi Next has naturally less sugar*, it’s sweetened naturally with stevia and, of course, has the great cola taste you love.

*30% less sugar than regular Pepsi. Sweetened naturally with stevia