Very little pre-ambling chatter-boxing needed for this post.. Long story, short- in celebration of a few things (say, me turning thirty one and surviving another year of the After without running away and leaving my kidlets in the care of my mum or the cats or something) but mainly because a) you lot are awesome and deserve cool things and b) it‘s almost officially summer here in the Southern Hemisphere; I am very chuffed to introduce to you all…
The RRSAHM Super Huge Mega Awesome ‘Welcome To Summer’ GiveAway!
Winners will be contacted by email on competition ending and prizes posted soon after.
My decision is final; no bitching, whinging or correspondence entered into.
Australian residents only- my OS readers, I owe you a giveaway. I know.
Annnd… enough of the boring stuff. On with the goodies. Ladybugs and jellybeans- here’s what you can win…
* Three Nice’n Easy and Wella Pro Series summer style packs, each with a Nice’nEasy hair colour and a Wella Pro Series Colour shampoo and conditioner.
Huge thank to Wella and Nice’n Easy for this one. Did you know 71% of women colour their hair (GFK Beauty Care Women Survey, 2008), and therefore requires special treatment since colouring makes it more vulnerable? Preserve the vibrant, healthy look of hair shades with Wella Pro Series Colour which intensively nourishes and protects; where Nice ‘n Easy provides 100 percent grey coverage while delivering natural looking colour in the comfort of your own home.
* One E-Z Spray Tie Dye Kit– RRP $29.90
Perfect for summer fun with kids, this awesomely easy to use pack from Creativity For Kids is a perfect ‘stocking stuffer’ style present. Or- even better- one of those things you buy on the (school holiday) days you’re really losing your mind.
* One seriously awesome Logitech product pack- including an M305 wireless mouse (RRP $69.95), a Logitech HD C510 WebCam (RRP $79.95) and a Logitech Keyboard For iPad (RRP $99.95).
All thanks to the awesome tech geeks at Logitech, whom I love dearly and have blog-raved over a few times now.
* One copy of Sharon McGuiness‘ children’s book, ‘Coming Home’.
This one’s a very special prize. This book, written by a reader of mine and published by Wombat Books, is the beautifully, sensibly written journey of a
father’s struggle with depression, told through his daughter’s eyes. All royalties go to the Black Dog Institute, and a huge thanks to Sharon for sending me a copy and donating one for the giveaway.
* Two Angry Birds Space packs- each featuring 1 x Angry Birds Space 5” Talking Plush and 1 x Angry Birds Space Back Pack Clip.
Huge thanks to Moose- the best toy makers in the stratosphere. Because everybody- especially the Chop– loves Angry Birds.
* Two Starmaid SuperStar PopCorn Makers.
This is my absolute favorite new product of 2012. It pops a stack- 12.5 cups, to be exact- of fresh, fluffy oil-free popcorn in your microwave in just two and half minutes. It’s cheap, healthy, oh so convenient, and gets itself a tremendous five out five jellybeans on the RRSAHM Ranking Stuff Scale.
* Three super funky WAFF notebooks– RRP $19.99 each.
Because I know how much y’all love notebooks, and these are among the funkiest I’ve seen. Rubbery, tactile, grippy, and you can buy and add extra clip bits, not to mention position those clips wherever you like. The price tag is totally worth it- this A6 diary is refillable with any generic brand notepad of the right thickness. Win!
* One Flying Penguin wooden toy prize pack for little ‘uns– including a Upper and Lowercase alphabet blocks (set of 14) by Uncle Goose, Melissa and Doug Pound a Peg and an EverEarth Shape Sorting Noah’s Ark.
Thanks to the online store with the world’s coolest logo, Flying Penguin, for this amazing wooden prize pack, designed extra-specially for two year old’s. You have no idea how much I want to keep the Ark for my Fairy Garden… but I won’t. Connect with Flying Penguin on FB here.
* Sev<
span style=”font-size: small;”>en boxes of Smooze– RRP $6.95 each
Smooze Fruit Ice is a 100 per cent natural coconut-based ice block that can be eaten frozen, put in curries or stirred through yummy smoothies (see recipes on their Facebook page). Available in four delicious flavours: Simply Coconut, Pink Guava + Coconut, Mango + Coconut, and Pineapple + Coconut, Smooze Fruit Ice is as easy as shake, freeze, cut, push, slurp. Great for kids and parents alike, stick a Smooze in your freezer this summer! Available in the dessert aisle (next to jellies and maple syrup) of your supermarket.
* Five copies of ‘The Three Stooges’ on DVD.
The Farrelly Bros. bring back a beloved classic comedy act with ‘The Three Stooges’, a contemporary take on the world’s favorite trio of boneheads out now on Blu-ray and DVD from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. Moe, Larry, and Curly grow up finger-poking, nyuk-nyuk-nyuking and woo-wooing their way to uncharted levels of knuckleheaded misadventure. Now, out to save their childhood home, only The Three Stooges could become embroiled with an oddball murder plot…while stumbling into starring roles in a phenomenally successful TV reality show.
*One copy of each- the Toddler Friendly Baking ebook and the Toddler Friendly Cooking ebook from Keeping Up With The Holsbys. -RRP $15
As we know, I have a terribly short attention span which results in an inability to cook pretty much anything. These ebooks mix easy to cook recipes with stories, both funny and heartwarming, revolving around the invention of each recipe and the constant food struggles mums with toddlers know all too well. Each dish, desert and snack featured is nutritious and will inspire fussy eaters to be more adventurous, with foods they know love getting a toddler-friendly revamp that will satiate the bigger kids (including mums and dads) appetites, too.Keep Up With The Holsbys on their blog and their FB page.
* One $150 Spotlight voucher.
Stand back- no punching on over the Spotlight voucher, please, ladies.. I’m well aware of the depths of some of your addictions. Spotlight is the bestes place for everything, but especially Christmas- create, decorate and celebrate with Spotlight. You can shop online here, and connect with them on FB here. Oh, and here’s Kristie and I wearing Spotlight Xmas wreaths on our heads. Tra la la la la, la la la la.
In news much closer to home, the kidlets and I are going to be having an awesome time this weekend running (ambling…?) in the NSW Variety Santa Fun Run, representing Team RocketMan Media.
Three farcically undersized-for-Santa’s suits have arrived at the TinyTrainHouse, just in the nick of time. I’ll be posting later this week with the three of us in all our red and white fluffy glory. In the meantime, here’s an artist‘s impression of how I may look on Saturday…
You can sponsor us here, and any funds thrown our way- in support or pity, I’m not fussy– are much appreciated. There will be a vlog on this one, of course- coming soon.