I know I’m not the only one, who has trouble with this ‘being an adult’ thing. So this post is for all of us, who hate making phone calls and wish Real Life would run itself sometimes.
I’m not sure I have what it takes to be an adult. It occurs to me, every now and then, that I’m not very good at it.
I hate making phone calls. Talking to insurance companies and making appointments is like a slow form of torture.
I’m also awful at returning phone calls, and text messages. Texts can sit on my phone, unread for days, before I finally take a peak at them.
I really intensely dislike vegetables. And washing up.
I leave most things- especially the important ones- to the last available minute.
Most of my socks have holes in them, and I don’t own a single pair of matching bra and undies.
I don’t unpack my groceries as soon as I bring them home.
I get parking fines and library fines on a semi-regular basis.
I go for days without washing my hair. I forget to floss and I rarely wash my face before bedtime.
I’d rather ride my bike than answer my email.
I’ve never even once mowed my own lawn.
Even though I don’t dread school pick up as much here as I did in the TinytrainTown, I’m still not very good at making small talk.
I’d rather surf Reddit, or get lost in an hedonistic session of book reading, than fill out Centrelink forms or do the washing.
And I need to cut my toenails.
That one, I should be able to manage today, surely.
But if not… it can wait. Until tomorrow.
Or one day next week.