Shopping Centers Make Me Anxious.

by Lori Dwyer on June 27, 2013 · 8 comments

Part two of the sponsored post where I give away lotsa gift vouchers.


Shopping centers make me anxious.

I’m not sure why. I’m fairly certain they’ve not always had that effect on me. Grocery shopping is tolerable (just). Braving a shopping trip to Big W… let’s just say it’s challenging.

But there’s still half a gift voucher to be spent. And these are the sacrifices that must be made.

My local Big W is currently absolutely lined with toys (almost kind of literally). Before you even get inside there’s veritable mountains of toy cars and boats, squishy animal pillows and doll-houses.

All I can think is… thank goodness I didn’t bring my kids with me today. And that I very much doubt anything is going to be out of stock.

I wander the toy aisles like the mature adult I am, oohing and ahhhing to myself and taking photos like a weirdo. There’s a whole wall full of Nerf guns and bullets and whatnot. There are many, many of the highly covetable LaLa Loopsy dolls that I can’t have because my daughter thinks they are some kind of evil monster.

Speaking of evil and monsters… This baby doll almost ate me.




And, still on evil monsters, I found Peppa Pig. Damn you, Peppa. If it’s not enough that I have to watch you encouraging my children to splash in puddles six gazillion times a day…. now you’re in Big W as well.




For the sake of my own curiosity, I suss out the Layby counter which so many of you are so fond of. I even went so far as to hide behind the clothing racks and take a picture of the sign. Like a weirdo.




Then I decided I’d really better just pay for my purchases and leave, before store staff politely requested I do so.

It’s comforting to arrive home from that experience find a great big cardboard delivery box waiting for me- all the toys, with none of the anxiety.

Online shopping is awesome.




Thanks to Big W’s Giant Toy Spectacular which is on right now until July 10th; I’ve got five $100 gift vouchers to give away. I’m republishing the entry form due to popularity- entries close tomorrow night (that’s midnight, Friday 28th June). For more T’s and C’s see this post.




To enter, just tell me- are you a layby kinda person? How do you manage Christmas with kids? Do you hit the toy sales, buy little bits all year round, or hit the shops two weeks before the big day?


No form there? Click here.

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Sharni_montgomery June 28, 2013 at 6:51 pm

Never lay-by (buy?) where is the fun in that? Sensible. Sure. I like the rush of online shopping a week before and checking PO box regularly praying things will arrive!


Mel G June 27, 2013 at 11:58 pm

Ooh! My new favourite thing? Online shopping + toy sales + Christmas layby = one happy mum with no stress! Did this last year with my kids’ big-ticket gifts and it was fantastic! I shopped online, selected a layby option and delivery date, the site calculated my repayments and set up a direct debit for the amount. Oh.My.God. Never have to deal with the line ever again!


Emily June 27, 2013 at 9:47 pm

Thanks for hosting the giveaway! I’m a cross between them all – big layby for all the children, nieces and nephews, I buy things I find throughout the year, and then a few more closer to Christmas if they’re into something new by then.

In summary, I just spend waaaay too much on the kids!
Emily recently posted…Wishes really do come true!My Profile


Lisa June 27, 2013 at 2:56 pm

All I know is, I picked the wrong day to just pop in for some batteries – the place was knee-deep in prams and parents and squalling kids and trollies!
Lisa recently posted…Circular StupidityMy Profile


Lori Dwyer June 27, 2013 at 6:57 pm

Definitely the wrong time of year for it :p Although I have to admit, my local Big W was pretty quiet- but I think that’s the usual state of things, given it’s location…
Lori Dwyer recently posted…Shopping Centers Make Me Anxious.My Profile


Melissa June 27, 2013 at 1:12 pm

Haha – I bought Dexter the Peppa Pig Campervan this morning at Big W. My three LOVE Peppa too :) We were in and out very early as toy sales are always tricky to navigate with a pram and a 4 year old who wants everything. Now. I really should have put everything on lay-by, as behind the lay-by counter has got to be the best ever Christmas present hiding spot, but I’m more of an instant gratification girl myself …


Lori Dwyer June 27, 2013 at 6:53 pm

“…more of an instant gratification girl myself.”
Amen… I think that might be half my aversion to layby, too!
You must be a very popular mum today ;) What is it with Peppa Pig? My kids adore it.
Lori Dwyer recently posted…Shopping Centers Make Me Anxious.My Profile


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