Stuff That Collects Dust

by Lori Dwyer on September 8, 2010 · 22 comments


So.. Lucy told you about her favorite domestic space invader yesterday, I’m hoping the lovely Sarah is booked in for tomorrow, so today it’s my turn.

Allow me to have a disclaimer here, yes? Like Lucy, I’m not generally a fussy, nick nack, bric a brac kind of chick. All that stuff requires dusting. I don’t have time for that. Ornaments, with the exception of photos in frames, are generally evil. I do my best not to allow them to infiltrate my life.

I know. The FlyLady would be proud.

Every know and then, however, I get given a dust collector that actually has sentimental value. One that I keep. It still collects dust, for sure. But I feel no sense of resentment, cleaning it off.

Allow me to introduce you to my favorite dust-collector. It’s a book. Called the World’s Greatest Mum. And, would you believe, my mummy made it for me?

Well, kind of. She bought a picture book, and then worked her magic.  See? That’s me, in my clown paint, making balloon animals. As I do. Really.

My mum went through every page of this picture book. And replaced the pictures of the cartoon mum with pictures of me.

And not even just me. She included the Chop and our dog….

.. and she made sure every photo was perfect- looking the right way…

… and with the right expression!

It must have taken her hours of finding, fiddling, printing, cutting and pasting. I’ll even bet there was no swearing involved, because my mum is patient and lady like, unlike me, and she does not have any use for cuss words. Bless her.

It goes down as the nicest, most thoughtful present I’ve ever gotten off anyone. It’s actually something I would think to grab of the house was on fire (after, ya know, the kids, dog, cat, Man, my engagement ring and a clean pair of undies. Mum would be proud.).

Awesomeness, hey?  What’s your favorite sentimental piece of crap that collects dust but you just couldn’t bear to part with? If you didn’t chime in yesterday, tell me all about it today…
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Christie – Childhood 101 September 10, 2010 at 11:41 pm

That is all sorts of fantastic. Ahem, I must admit to being a bit of an ornament person, yep, dust collectors and all. Thought they are tasteful. Well except for the gaudy purple and gold box which my grandmother bought me!


Shelley September 10, 2010 at 4:21 pm

That is gorgeous, I love sentimental things. I bought my partner a Why I Love My Daddy book with a pic of him in it with Miss A and he had a tear in his eye on Father's Day. I think deep down we're all soft and mushy.
Oh, and I have to tell you I looked at those Victorian Mourning pics last night and I couldn't get to sleep!!


Melbourne Mumma September 10, 2010 at 2:02 pm

Oh that's such a lovely gift! I've got so many sentimental gifts…my Nan's wedding ring (not a dust collector tho), my 4yo's bookmarks, heart cards, and pictures he's done for me…


Maxabella September 10, 2010 at 9:31 am

What a great mum! Both of you! This is just too sweet. Not a dust collector at all – books are allowed, you know.

When Maxi-Taxi was born and he was the worst sleeping newborn in the history of the world, my mum came to stay and help me through (CS). One night she was sitting with him curled on her lap (you know the newborn mouse positino) and sent me to bed at 8pm. She said she would wake me when he was due a feed at eleven. Well, at 4am she came and woke me from the longest sleep I'd had in weeks. She sat there with that child in her arms for 8 hours through the dead of night. When I said to her "Mum, you don't have to do that, really!" she said "Bronny, you take care of your baby, and I'll take care of mine." Still brings a tear to this day. x


RebaMc September 10, 2010 at 7:10 am

That is an awesome gift!


misssy m September 10, 2010 at 7:17 am

Bless your mum-that's ace!


marketingtomilk September 9, 2010 at 5:20 pm

An i do hope that you bought her a similar mum of awesomeness book back and spent a suitable amount of time persanlising it?



Being Me September 8, 2010 at 9:20 pm

Awww do you really class that as a sentimental piece of crap? It's awesomeness personified. Or… bookified?? That is just the most loving gift.


Brenda September 8, 2010 at 9:16 pm

I want one of those!!!


Becky September 8, 2010 at 8:07 pm

That is one amazing gift. I am sure your mum would be thrilled that you would save it in the event of a fire.


Rosie September 8, 2010 at 5:42 pm

Your mum is awesome!!! What a fantastic gift. I can't think of one single thing that is the head dust gatherer in my house – I'm a hoarder of all things sentimental…


Claire September 8, 2010 at 3:05 pm

What an amazing gift!



Sarah September 8, 2010 at 10:36 am

Sooo cool :D


Kimberly September 8, 2010 at 9:43 am

Fist Pumps for Moms!

I have a set of these two creepy chinese porceline ornament thingys that I keep on my dresser. The arms are broken off but they remind me of my grandma…with arms of course. No, she let me play with them when I was a wee one and when she passed that was the only thing I wanted.


Dazee Dreamer September 8, 2010 at 8:53 am

That is so awesome for your mom to do that. It makes me want to do it for my daughter and daughter-in-law.


Amy xxoo September 8, 2010 at 7:56 am

That book is tres awesome! As for my favourite knick knack, i dont really have one. I have a collection of Buddhas but if my house were on fire i dont think i could be bothered going back in just to get them…


Katie September 8, 2010 at 7:41 am

Your mom is the bomb. No. The bombdiggity!- And I have not used that phrase since 1996 so you can see how serious I am.
Cool book. I love it.


lacochran’s evil twin September 8, 2010 at 7:22 am

That IS awesome! She put in so much time and creativity on this gift! Fantastic!


Lucy September 8, 2010 at 7:16 am

I want your Mum. That is adorable.


Christy September 8, 2010 at 7:06 am

Everything in my house collects dust. It's so annoying.


Toni September 8, 2010 at 10:00 am

oh WOW, how cool is your mum?????

I have a house full of sentimental crap. It better not ever catch fire cos I can't save it all.


Eva Gallant September 8, 2010 at 7:42 am

What a wonderful gift! I love that she went to all that effort for you!


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