stuff that makes me happy


by Lori Dwyer on November 19, 2013 · 7 comments

I’m low on sunshine, the doctor says. It’s funny because that’s exactly how I feel.

I have blood drawn, thick and sticky-red, and the tests come back saying I am low on Vitamin D

I don’t know how, says the Most Amazing Man. You sit in the sun more than anyone I know.

And that’s true- I am a reptile, a cold blooded mammal. I am a sun seeker. I crave the warmth soaking into my skin. Without even conciously realizing it, I trace its path across the backyard, sunning myself whenever I can.

I bask in the warmth and sunshine of Sydney while I’m there, and the few hot days we have in Melbourne on my return. 



I feel a bit like myself again, after days spent with my family and friends. There’s something replenishing about being with people who know you, know all your nuances and downfalls and quirks, and love you any way. Right now, I feel sunny again.

I’m trying to have faith in the universe. I’m hanging onto a thread of feeling ‘normal’ again, hoping it doesn’t disappear. 

But the ground feels shaky. And they say the rain is going to set in again.



One Day.

by Lori Dwyer on November 7, 2013 · 7 comments

I have a list of things that I will do… one day.

One day, when my children are much older, I will learn to sew, without worrying over tiny feet and sharp needles and pins on my floor.

One day.

One day, when they can take care of themselves, I will do frivolous things for the fun of it. I will take up basket weaving, or jewellery making. I will learn Arabic and swing-dancing.

One day I’m going to wake up every day and read a book for half an hour before I get out of bed. One day, I’m going to have time to paint my toenails a different colour every week.

One day, I will take up yarn-bombing and pilates.

Years from now, when all this time consuming child-rearing is over, I’m sure I will be searching for new things to do. Things to fill the time that used to be filled with tiny growing people.

One day.



Just For Fun.

by Lori Dwyer on October 17, 2013 · 6 comments

This post is not sponsored.  It’s just about a product I genuinely love, and the chance for you to win some for your kidlets.

I blogged a little while back about my daughter’s love of make up, and the awesome natural play make-up stuff we’d been sent. Almost eighteen months later, Pure Poppet is still an absolute favourite toy in our house.

While the Chop is far too old and cool to let me face paint him these days, the Bump is still very much the girly girl she was back then- even more so now, perhaps. She does ‘make-overs’  on herself, and me, and the cat if he sits still for long enough.

And she really, really likes making a mess.

Which is why we like Pure Poppet so much. It’s pretty, sparkly eye shadow in colours for kids- pink and purple and green and yellow and blue. It washes out and off of everything- including faces- really easily. And as you can clearly see from the beautiful job the Bump has done on herself, she can even get it all over her eyelashes, and eyeballs themselves, without it being itchy or irritating.


As well as that, Pure Poppet has other products that make make-up something kids can actually play with. They have perfume that’s just lavender oil and water. They have bright, colourful play crayons to use with stencils. And they have water based nail polish that washes out of and off everything. It’s completely non-toxic and kid friendly. The nail polish comes in pink and purple and is another one of the Bump’s favourite. 

As I said, I genuinely love this brand because it’s just a brilliant idea. It lets kids play tactical dress ups and be like adults, without the huge mess and nasty chemical stuff.

Last time I wrote about Pure Poppet, I had to take one jellybean off their almost perfect score for the price of the product. This time round, I’m giving it back. The range of products is now much bigger and sold in different sets which are much more affordable. And, given the hours of play we’ve had with our Pure Poppet stuff over the eighteen months, it’s totally worth the money.


So that a big five out five jellybeans for Pure Poppet. For being the most awesome just-for-fun kids product out there.


While we’re on being awesome, I’ve got a $100 Pure Poppet gift voucher to be won. Just fill in the form below and answer the question- What’s messy, but fun? You’ve got until midnight Sunday 27th of October to enter.

The winner will be whichever answer I decide I like best, for whatever reason, at the time. The winner will be contacted by email and has 72 hours with which to respond. This one’s open to Australian residents only. My decision is the final word and no bitching, whinging, nor compromising shall be entered into.