Sunshine Awards!

by Lori Dwyer on February 22, 2010 · 4 comments


It must just be the day- I’ve been very honoured to accept another two blog awards- both of them Sunshine-y awards! And goodness knows we need some sunshine here at the moment, with the Man still hospitalised. The Single Mummy Experiment is onto Day Eleven and starting to look like it might stretch into a whole month. The stats look like this-

Day Eleven.
Frazzle Meter Reading : Low.
Exhaustion Meter Reading: Moderate.
Sexual Frustration Meter Reading: Catastrophic.
Cigarettes Smoked: More then enough.
Times shouted: One or two, perhaps.

Anyway, enough about me. Onto the awards!

First off, thanks to the Starry-Eyed Girl over at Daughter of the Stars for presenting me with this one…
…which I’m going to pass onto my gorgeous friend Sarah over at Just Me. She not only reads and comments on my blog regularly (either her or her secret alter ego- she’s a very busy woman!) but she introduced me to this whole blogging thing, and I do thank her for it, as addictive as it is.

Speaking of Sarah- how’s this for sharing the love?- it was Her Loveliness who presented me with my second award. That’s this one…
…. and as a condition of acceptance, I need to share with you my favorite blogs.

And the winners are….

Daughter of the Stars
A Study in Contradictions
Tiny Little Reveries

I think I’ll leave it there. Please, ladies, if you’re swamped with awards, tax time, wedding planning or otherwise, don’t feel obliged to accept or respond or whatever you want to call it. Just know that I love your blogs, I look forward to reading your new posts, they inspire me and brighten my day. Sharin’ the love!!

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

DaughteroftheStars February 28, 2010 at 7:06 am

How rude of me not to respond to this, so thank you lots, :)


Kellyansapansa February 26, 2010 at 5:44 pm

Thank you so much!


Sarah February 23, 2010 at 8:30 pm

Awwwwww thanks Lori :) I'm not sure who to give it to, cos my first choice would be you of course :) Might have to think on it.

And sadly no alter ego… Can you imagine how much I'd get done if I had one?! LOL


lori February 23, 2010 at 11:19 am

Awww, shucks, Aussie Lori! Tanks alot! I'll pass them along responsibly.

How's yer hubby? Hope all is ok. I tried to email you, but couldn't find your email address.


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