The Best Bits
In the Before, I wrote for the fun of it about topics like diaphragms (twice), vibrators, sex, being a yummy mummy and my frustration at people’s obsession with my child’s birthmark. I video blogged, or tried to.
I wrote for the craft of it. I painted literary pictures of the town I grew up in, studying to be a social worker, working as a magician, menstruation, breastfeeding my daughter and gently disciplining my son.
And then came the After. In the weeks that followed my husband’s death I wrote about shooting stars, the meaning of words I’d never understood Before, floating hope and packing my life into a castle of cardboard boxes. I video blogged then too, physical proof that I was doing OK, that I was, somehow, surviving.
Since then, I’ve written about my son and my daughter, about the effect of grieving so publicly, about how beautiful that can be. I’ve confessed to Internet dating, hating my husband with a burning passion, the balm on my soul of dreaming I’m with him again.
I’ve chronicled what an abortion is really like. I write a lot about mental health, and I’ve touched on the ethics of giving to charity. I video blogged chopping off my hair, getting a tattoo, and the best twenty five dollars I’ve ever spent.
Sometimes I write short stories. Sometimes I meet interesting people. Sometimes I just blog about blogging. Other times, I’m just attempting to sort out the mess that is my head.
So far, it seems that’s the best of RRSAHM. Take your time, have a read. And please, leave a comment and let me know is there’s any posts that should be here that I’m missing.