The #BloggersToBorneo Pictorial Wrap-Up

by Lori Dwyer on June 17, 2013 · 4 comments

Work with me here, jellybeans. My travel comedown is still in full swing. Allow me to reminisce with some of my favorite pictures I didn’t get to show you in previous posts (think of this as me being your annoying friend who insists on showing you travel photos, over and over and over again).

Rule number one- no running on the boardwalk. But it was raining really, really hard.

Rule number one- no running on the boardwalk. But it was raining really, really hard.


The orangs. For more orangutan pics, check out my

The orangs. For more orangutan pics, check out my


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A male orangutan


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As many bananas as can fit in a monkey’s mouth.


About to drink from a bucket of powdered milk.

About to drink from a bucket of powdered milk.


Hanging around. Chilling.

Hanging around. Chilling.


The rules at Camp Leakey

The rules at Camp Leakey


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Shoes off.


Camp Leakey information centre.

Camp Leakey information centre.


A proboscis monkey in the tree tops

A proboscis monkey in the tree tops


Girls on their klotok at Keluang Bay

Girls on their klotok at Keluang Bay


The run-down, possibly abandoned Sekonyer Eco-Lodge on the oppisite of Tanjung Pating National Park

The run-down, possibly abandoned Sekonyer Eco-Lodge on the oppisite of Tanjung Pating National Park


Moon rise on the Sekonyer River

Moon rise on the Sekonyer River



More pictures on Flickr, including an entire set of nothin’ but orangutans.

Remember to donate to Orangutan Odysseys here.

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Twitchy June 18, 2013 at 12:04 am

I don’t mind- why shouldn’t you flog your snaps, huh? Wildlife is important! My dream would be to visit or even volunteer at an elephant sanctuary. Baby elephants never cease to make me cry xx


Lori Dwyer June 18, 2013 at 1:57 pm

You should look into doing it as a volunteer Twitch- that would be so awesome….
Lovely to catch up with you last week, btw :) xx
Lori Dwyer recently posted…Random Ramblings of The Chop and The Bump.My Profile


Lisa June 17, 2013 at 4:52 pm

Lovely pics, I have really enjoyed reading about your adventures – thank you!
Lisa recently posted…How Candy Crush Ruined My Life.My Profile


Lori Dwyer June 18, 2013 at 1:55 pm

Thanks for reading, Lisa :) x
Lori Dwyer recently posted…Random Ramblings of The Chop and The Bump.My Profile


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