The Christmas Cloth GiveAway

by Lori Dwyer on November 29, 2011 · 26 comments

Those of you live in Sydney will know, it rained all last week.

I’m not even exaggerating. It rained all week, bucketing down steadily, soaking the earth, the last of the November Spring rains…. maybe the last big nourishment before a parching summer.

It rained so much that the underneath of house flooded, and i discovered what I previously thought was a ‘drain’ was actually a bucket hole cut into the concrete- the perfect size to submerge a plastic ten litre and scoop the water out. Close to 140 litres in all.

Laundry sits piled around my house in various stages of decomposition, smelly and slightly damp. It’s the weekend before I finally get around to washing, piling my Hills Hoist with as much damp cloth as it will take, let the wind whip the mustiness away.

I love the washing. Odd, I know, but it’s lovely to wash stains away, care for different fabrics and make them last as long as I can. I work actively to reduce chemical usage and waste, and I feel like I am doing something practical for the planet, tiny as it may be.

And all that is intensified, times thousands, when the load of washing is question is a load of cloth nappies (diapers, whatever). I’ve blogged quite a bit about cloth nappies before. I’m just reiterating, really.

There is no sense of smug satisfaction that compares to the smug satisfaction of pulling in a load of crisp, sun dried cloth nappies.

Forget the environmental and health benefits. It’s that awful-but-lovely smug satisfaction that keeps me going.


Which brings me to the really cool part of this post- the giveaway!!

You may remember I was sponsored to attend the ProBlogger Training Day by the awesome people from Rascal Rumps. You can find them here on Twitter, and also on FaceBook. They are an Aussie cloth nappy store with beautiful stock and very reasonable prices. And they have decided to let you all in on the cloth fun with a Christmas Cloth Giveaway, here at RRSAHM.

Up for grabs we have a large Fattycake AI2 made by Leah from Fluff E Stuff. The sizing is 10-18kg, and the RRP is AU$45.

And it just looks delicious.

OK, jellybeans… entry is simple and open to everyone, including those of you outside Australia- in the case of an overseas winner, full postage must be paid, to be organised with Rascal Rumps following the draw..

Simply visit the Rascal Rumps site and have a browse. Then leave a comment here, on this post, telling us which product you would choose to stuff your Xmas stocking.

Answer that most amuses or confuses our judges- Lee and Erin from Rascal Rumps– wins. Bonus points for creativity.

Entries close midnight, AEST, on Friday the 2nd of December.

Winner will be announced via FB, Twitter and this blog soon after.

The winner will be emailed by myself or Rascal Rumps soon after the draw is finalised. They have 48 hours to respond to this email, or the prize will be redrawn.

For your entry to be valid, you must leave a valid email address with your comment.

The judge’s decision is final and no discussion will be entered into.

I think that’s it. Go, browse, drool, my lovelies. Leave comments and hope Santa’s elves are very, very nice to you.

This post also marks the beginning of Xmas here at RRSAHM.


I’ll catch y’all tomorrow.

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{ 26 comments… read them below or add one }

palazzogurl December 2, 2011 at 11:32 pm

I wish I had some witty banter or equally as clever five verse Haiku that I just happened to whip up about the gorgeousness of the Rascal Rumps Site….. but as much as my talents run deep, my writing skills were sadly overlooked :)

So I will simply say that I would squish into my way too small Christmas stocking a ImseVimse Swim Nappy – Pink Frill because the name is sooooo cool. The nappy is devine as well of course but how awesome would it be to be asked at swimming lessons "what is that swim nappy?" "Oh what, this old thing? :) why its her "ImseVimse Swim Nappy, in Pink Frill, of course"



Anonymous December 1, 2011 at 4:03 pm

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all over Rascal Rumps website
Not a nappy was available, not even a Bum Cheeks rainbow stripe
Santa had bought all the nappies, in the pre-Christmas sale
He received them on Christmas Eve, sent by express mail.
The soap nuts and Squishies were all placed into his sack
And don’t forget the Bum Cheeks and the Seedling Baby Christmas pack
The MCN lovers were tucked into bed, dreaming of new fluff
Something made by Bear Bottoms, Itti Bitti, or Fluff E Stuff.
Santa arrived in his sleigh after a speedy dash
Spreading cloth love by sharing his stash.
He filled all the stockings with bamboo, microfiber and minky
And plenty of Rockin’ Green so the nappies wouldn’t get stinky
All of his goodies are irresistible to a cloth addict like me,
But what I wish for the most is an Itti Bitti Tutto in Galaxy.

Helen Jones


Anonymous December 1, 2011 at 1:54 am

Christmas time
HIS Son was given
Regal gift
Immaculate child
Star bright night
The wise men came
Mary & a boy King
Awake in His manger
Swaddled in a cloth bott


Amanda November 30, 2011 at 10:39 pm

For my Christmas stocking this year,
There’s quite a few things that would bring good cheer.
I’m only very new to this cloth deal,
But I’m really loving the minky feel.
My wishes are hidden and encrypted for now,
Can you work out what would make me say wow?

Within my poem (as dodgy as it is, lol) there are clues for 7 Rascal Rumps items. :)
If Lori, Lee or Erin want to know what the clues and/or items are, I'm happy to fill you in. :P
Here goes…

I would take a soggy carrier to the local fair,
Or maybe to space, if bubbas cloth bottom was bare.
I hear there are 3 bent pandas and a striped horse
To keep my bubba’s bottom dry of course.
We saw a silly squirrel that didn’t like his dinner
They made him burp bubbles, so he got a little thinner.
I remembered to take a little geological jade,
To be sure those cloth nappies do not fade.
So, next time I go to the fair, or even to space
Cogs to cover the nudie rear must be put in place.

Thanks for the opportunity.


Melhanie November 30, 2011 at 5:29 pm

We have a 2yr old in cloth and another on the way, starting out again as we are replacing our stash, we would love an assortent of things from your lovely website its too hard to choose one, and lets be realistic I will need much more than one item! so I have made you a little poem!

C -Cloth wipes from itti bitti
H -Honey Amber necklace for bub
R- Rockin green
I- Imse Vimse Black Lizard swim nappy
S- Seedling baby christmas pack
T- Tuttos in LE prints
M- Mothers essentials breast pads
A- Adult amber for me
S- Soap nuts

Yes I think this would be divine in our stocking! and we would use it all, great for now and once bub gets here we would be pretty set!

…………*./ | .*
………, • '*♥* ' • ,
……. '*• ♫♫♫•*'
….. ' *, • '♫ ' • ,* '
….' * • ♫*♥*♫• *'
….* , • Merry' • , *'
' …* ' •♫♫*♥*♫♫ • ' * '
'' * ' •. Christmas . • ' * ' '
' ' *• ♫♫♫*♥*♫♫♫• * ' '
…………… x♥x♥x………..


Christie November 30, 2011 at 9:55 am

Oh how gorgeous is that nappy?!
Not entering, I just wanted to say thanks for linking up ;)
Take care hun and good luck to all the entrants!


Anonymous November 30, 2011 at 9:25 am

So, my Christmas stocking fillers – I would tell hubby I'm getting a "big squishie" and hoping he will think that this is an icy drink of some sort and maybe he'll just say can you get me one too (that means 2 nappies!!) ….then I'll also mention that "Rockin Green" is pretty good and we need them in the house and hopefully he'll nod his head in
agreement thinking its the latest music CD!

Thanks for the comp :)
Sue x


Cassondra November 30, 2011 at 2:01 am

Dude, I've totally gotta get me some soap nuts! How the heck does that work?


Anonymous November 30, 2011 at 12:17 am

oh my stars… to stuff my xmas stocking… would have to be a Big Squshie.. love love love them… well i am the proud owner of one & i need to make that a proud owner of two, then three, then four, then five & so on & so on… um hello becoming obsessed… that big squishie can squish it's way right to mumma's stocking… Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from Leonie Norris (Facebook)


Sarah November 29, 2011 at 8:04 pm

My sister is just starting my nephew on cloth nappies now so it's all new for her & her hubby. I think I would put some dryer balls & soap nuts in my nephew's stocking to leave his daddy wondering what on earth they are!


Anonymous November 29, 2011 at 5:48 pm

This year for Christmas I hope my hungry little Caterpillars can eat some yummy cloth nappies it would be such a treat!!
On the first day of Christmas my caterpillar would eat a Bum Cheeks VHC Nappy;
followed by a matching mother and child amber bead necklace;
a Seedling baby Christmas pack;
a Bum Cheeks VHC Spot Jeans Nappy;
a Big Squishie
and Lil’ Squishie in a rainbow of colours to fit both my boys!!
You would think by now my caterpillars may be full?!
But a Itti Bitti Luxury Daquiri Wet Bag would soon be devoured!!
followed by some Rockin Green Detergent in Mighty Mighty Marshmallow (of course);
a pack of Rainbow Brite Ulitmate Wipes would taste good too!!
A D’lish AIO;
A ImseVimse Swim Nappy;
and Bodysuit genie Extender for all that food which has been eaten!!
So as you could imagine by the 12th day of Christmas with all those delicious cloth nappy treat my hungry little caterpillars would need a big sleep!!
And then my baby boys can turn into a beautiful butterfly thanks to Rascal Rumps!!


Shammy November 29, 2011 at 4:39 pm

Hungry caterpillar on my soon to be babies toochie would be a super cute sight! Having a cloth nappy would help me decide which nappy to buy! The makes of cloth nappies are too numerous to help me make a decision! This would go along way in navigating my way to a happy mummy and a happy cloth bottomed baby! sharynnwilliams@ hotmail dot com


Natalie November 29, 2011 at 4:28 pm

Christmas day should be lots of fun, With a little girl who's just turned one.
Eating food and making a mess,
What she looks like, she couldn't care less!
After the big day of play,
I'll need to wash the muck away,
So my favourite stocking stuffer to help me clean up with ease,
Would be a BIG bag of Soap Nuts please!

natalie_bond85 {at} hotmail {dot} com


Mummy cyclone November 29, 2011 at 3:26 pm

ANY of the bitti delish…especially the zeebra…as little miss cyclone is an animal!!! lol
Both my cyclones have been in cloth from day dot….first with the terry cloths (thanks Mama!!!) and now with the MCN's and I LOVE THEM!! Thanks for the comp!!!


Anonymous November 29, 2011 at 3:24 pm

OOOOOOHHHHH EEEEEEEEEK!!! I'd take any of the bitti delish…especially the zeebra one as little miss cyclone is a bit of an animal!!!!!
I've got two cyclones now…and both have been in cloth since day dot. First with the old terry squares (thanks MUM!!) and now some MCN's and I LOVE THEM!!!! Thanks for the comp!!


Hope’s Mama November 29, 2011 at 2:54 pm

Since I already have waaaaaaay too many nappies for the two little cherubs I have in cloth (a son who is two and a daughter three months) I'd have to say some Rockin' Green detergent as this stuff, well, rocks! Gree nappies, green detergent, happy babies, happy mummy.
This nappy would be great for my son this Christmas and great for my daughter the Christmas after.
Long live clothy bums :)


Anonymous November 29, 2011 at 2:49 pm

just a simple post, the red galaxy nappy perfect for my little boy to enjoy the magical star filled time that is christmas.

thanks for the competition



Ms Kate November 29, 2011 at 12:06 pm

Oh I love washing, I agree, people think I'm odd too! I even wrote about it, and got some odd looks! Not my fault I'm an oddbody.


Natalie November 29, 2011 at 11:37 am

I LOVE cloth nappies! My old school terry cloth & my modern cloth both get good work outs.
I try to get friends onto cloth (I've persuaded a few and now there cloth addicts too)
In my stocking there would be a jeans nappy, those hand dyed fluff e stuff, the itti bitti tutto, some embroidered & Some wet bags!!


Anonymous November 29, 2011 at 11:25 am

My christmas stocking will be filled with all things bright.
Nappies for day and
nappies for night.
A Turqouise, a yellow and a red
Royal blue, green and popstar pink!
I love them all, especially in mink!
And even better than all of these is a nappy with christmas cheers
A Gingerbread House with Gingerbread men!


Amy-Leigh Karban November 29, 2011 at 11:02 am

This Xmas I would have to take in the Booroi side snap PUL cover. The poor thing needs to go to a good home where it will be loved! =)and the colour tells me, its fate! ;)


Janet NZ November 29, 2011 at 10:44 am

I've got cats, not kids – but, I too love doing the laundry, hanging it on the outside line to let the wind do its thing.
The scent of clean, sunshiny laundry makes me happy XO


twinsmummy November 29, 2011 at 10:36 am

haha i love your honesty about the smugness! everyone is always preaching about the environmental factors (which i agree are great) but finally someone has admitted that we also do it for the self gratification.
i love all the embroidered nappies, particularly the hungry caterpillar, as my twins just love love love that story. i also like the fluff e. stuff dyes too.
the give away nappy is just gorgeous; hope i win :)


Ashlee November 29, 2011 at 10:15 am

Oh where would I start? I have been using cloth for 6 months now and honestly wouldn't change it!! I'm now obsessed with looking and buying all different types! If I had the money, my stocking would definately need to be a sack! I'd like all the boy printed BCheeks! I'd really love some more wet bags, oh look, I'll just take the lot!! He he he.


Oldie November 29, 2011 at 9:12 am

Go the cloth Nappies!!

My now teen-girly-monster had the benefit of cloth nappies in her day.. and yep.. bringing those white as white nappies in off the line, folding them all ready for use.. well, that was one of my jobs as a new and still married dad…. something I was proud to do.

If everyone returned to using cloth nappies, landfills would take longer to fill.. and you would never find a disposable nappy at your favourite 'natural' spot, swimming hole, bush walk, etc.

Lead by example Lori!

Reply November 29, 2011 at 9:06 am

I'mnot going to enter because it's too big for here, but just wanted to say that it is completely gorgeous!

And I definitely get the smugness of taking a load of nappies off the line ;)


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