The Fashionista

by Lori Dwyer on February 16, 2013 · 10 comments

The Bumpy Fashionista.

The Bumpy Fashionista.

Many, many moons ago I wrote a blog post (the last blog post, actually, before the whole world changed for good) confessing my anti–fashionista status. Complete with embarrassing photo.

Not an awful lot has changed, really. I’m still a massive dag. I’m getting slighter better as I get older.

Kind of.

The Bump, however, has taken to dressing up with a totally different attitude to her mum. I’m not sure where she get hers fashion sense from… but it rocks.

Given the ‘choose your battles’ mentality that I employ most days, the Bump is now her own stylist, and picks her own clothes. Which leads to some absolutely glorious outfits. Friday’s choice, for school drop and daycare, was this stunning bridal ensemble.

Veil, party dress, gummies. As you do.

Veil, party dress, gummies. As you do.

The Bump taken to raiding my wardrobe as well, of course. To her frustration there’s only two or three dresses that “spin properly, Mumma!!”. And she’s not allowed to wear my dresses out of the house, which causes many teary tantrums. (My pretty girl throws herself dramatically only the floor, only to bump her head in her melodrama. “Mummy!!” she screams, rubbing the rising swell of her eyebrow, “I have hurt my frown and I neeeeeeed it!!!”)

The Bump’s personal favorite.

This dress courtesy of one of the Bump’s many stylists, Tegan.

This dress courtesy of one of the Bump’s many stylists, Tegan.

I’m not sure if she gets her fluffy, frilly pink girlishness as a result of having so few male influences, or if she’d inherently be this way anyway. I find myself encouraging it without really meaning to… feminism aside, she is just so damn cute.

But some days are better than others. Some days she’s beautiful, even color coordinated.

Some days she's even color coordinated.

Some days she’s even color coordinated.

Other days… well. Other days, I guess she just takes more after me.

And other days... she takes after me.

And other days… she takes after me.

This Bumpy Fashion spread bought to you by Little Woods online shopping. Miss Fashionista has reviewed their collection and assures me that this one is “the very prettiest”.

LadyBird BrushStroke Dress

LadyBird BrushStroke Dress

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{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }

Tegan February 17, 2013 at 9:42 pm

So glad that she loves the dress. I saw a beautiful fluffy dress in my travels while finding your gifts and am kicking myself now that I didn’t get it. She would have adored it!


Lori Dwyer February 18, 2013 at 10:22 pm

Yay! Glad you saw this Tegan :) She adores it :)
Lori Dwyer recently posted…This Is (Still) Not A Foodie Blog.My Profile


Emily February 16, 2013 at 8:52 pm

So adorable! And I’m living this too. Something tells me our girls would get along fantastically. Or fight all the time over the princess clothes…


Lori Dwyer February 18, 2013 at 10:31 pm

I can imagine all kinds of shrieking… ;) x
Lori Dwyer recently posted…This Is (Still) Not A Foodie Blog.My Profile


thepixiechick February 16, 2013 at 10:23 am

Totally hilarious and completely adorable <3


Lori Dwyer February 18, 2013 at 10:25 pm

Why thank you Pix :p
Lori Dwyer recently posted…This Is (Still) Not A Foodie Blog.My Profile


Drea B February 16, 2013 at 10:13 am

My mother in law made my daughter wonderfully twirly circle skirts, which have been worn to death. I’m working on making her some more, because every girl should have a skirt she can twirl.


Lori Dwyer February 18, 2013 at 10:24 pm

“…because every girl should have a skirt she can twirl.”
Indeed :)
Lori Dwyer recently posted…This Is (Still) Not A Foodie Blog.My Profile


Miss Pink February 16, 2013 at 9:14 am

Oh she would just love my wardrobe! I even have a tutu in there amoungst my pretty dresses and skirts and shoes…


Lori Dwyer February 18, 2013 at 10:24 pm

Ha! She’d love your hair, Pinkie… :p
Lori Dwyer recently posted…This Is (Still) Not A Foodie Blog.My Profile


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