At the request of the gorgeous rude girl from Really?– I taught myself to de-code DVD’s and upload to YouTube, just for you- here is a video of me juggling done by my Love-Affair-Turned-Sour, Gooba the Clown*, classy bloke that he was. Please excuse the fart noises I promise they were inserted with the soundtrack. This one’s from a couple of years ago- my hair is now a bit shorter and a bit lighter, I have gained a couple of kids and lost a couple of kilos, that is no longer my lounge room but I still own those pants. Imagine that.
By the way, love you too Mel, and your dirty potty mouth. F*ck. Believe you me, had you had not been a huge long plane flight away, I woulda asked you to do the honors and remove the contraceptive from my vay-jay-jay, I promise.
* Note- on the off chance that Gooba has linked here from Facebook (unlikely due to his extreme self-centred-ness) I know he would like me to say- the above video is all his work, OK? His brilliant, awe-inspiring work. I take absolutely not one particle of credit for it, lest I infringe on his intellectual copyright or ruin the sanctity of magic of some such BS *insert rolling eyes here*.
{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }
You would ROCK at the juggling game on Wii Fit Plus…
And Sarah, the tongue is for balance! ROFL!
You are awesome!
Love, love, love the new blog layout. These pinks and purples you have used are some of my favourite!
Love it I notice your tongue sticking out here & there, does that help with concentration? I know it does for me!
Wow, ever so impressed. Now with scarves!
I'm impressed!
Can you do the "sword eating" act too? Not a metaphor. Ahem.