The One Where I Exploit My Kid.

by Lori Dwyer on June 24, 2012 · 5 comments


You may have noticed a great big void where I usually am in the social medias since Thursday. For the third time in a year I’m able to say- I don’t think I’ve ever been sicker in my life. So not cool.

The trouble with being a single-business-blogger-person is…. when you drop one ball, you drop many. Watch in amusement this week as I scramble to pick them back up, starting with this one…

You heard the kid. The more people who watch this video, the better our chance of keeping the TV….go, share, be social.

And, speaking of being social, I am determined to make it to Blogopolis 2012 on Saturday, as sponsored by Female For Life– they specialize  in active wear, maternity wear, and making women feel awesome- real women, like you and me- not Barbie dolls.

Amongst other balls dropped this week was the newsletter…. it may be coming, or we may just call the next one a Bumper Monthly Edition and be done with it. Whatever. Winter is killing me, one temperature drop at at time.

Bring on spring.

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Kylie @ Octavia and Vicky June 27, 2012 at 9:48 pm

I hope that you're feeling better in time for NNB2012, looking forward to meeting you and everyoen else :)


Melissa June 25, 2012 at 9:36 pm

Feel better Lori! Sickness is bad enough without having so much responsibility on your shoulders.


Bin June 25, 2012 at 2:27 pm

This flu went through our house last week… Not cool! I hope you all feel better.

I wish I could go to blogopolis, it would be great to meet you and all the other lovely bloggers. I will be hosting a 5th birthday party instead. :-)


Lisa June 24, 2012 at 7:26 pm

Wow! You've outdone yourself. I'm loving and drooling over all of these! Sample Business Templates


Miss Pink June 24, 2012 at 7:15 pm

Perfect timing for the TV. Please tell me you get to keep it?

You'll be at Blogopolis. Even if I have to drag you and hold you up. Go to the doctors now and get some good drugs just in case…


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