The Tragic Afflication of Trike Envy

by Lori Dwyer on December 8, 2010 · 17 comments

Vroom vroom,

First up, don’t be hatin’- this post is sponsored by The Mother Media. Ohhh yeah.

Now. We’ve all heard about men- including mine- and their car envy. They salivate over the gruntier, snazzier, cooler cars of other men. They covet. 

I think I’ve discovered the motherhood equivalent.

It’s called trike envy. And up until this week, it was a terrible affliction of mine.

Once your little angel grows out of their pram, the Yummy Mummies of the Leafy Sydney Burbs generally graduate their toddlers to tricycles to wheel around the suburb, the playground, wherever.

Too cool for pre-school.

When the Chop reached his first birthday, I was well and truly onto this. But- and here’s where I made my big mistake- I asked childless relative to purchase one for us.

Which resulted in Massive Safety Fail. And a cheap, plastic dinky trike with a handle stuck precariously in its backside. And a child who was not quite big enough, but wanted to ride it like a big kid anyway.

Cue- feet caught in pedal, a skinned knee, and more than one full topple onto concrete back yard surface- ouch.

Cue- Bandaid.

Cue- Lori’s massive trike envy.

I have a few friends- more than a few, actually- who have a Smart-Trike. These things are the deluxe edition of any tricycle. And they can be used from just ten months old. So even before we were blessed with the dinky Trike of Doom, I was pushing the Chop in a stroller, whil
e his best mate Peta Rabbit cruised beside him in one of these….

And who do you think was having more fun….?

Anyway. You can imagine my jumping round and la di da di ness when The Mother Media and Smart-Trike offered me one of the stylish new Smart-Trike Zoo 3in1 to review. Oh, yes, please. The poor Chop is a bit too old for it now, but the Bump is just 15 months. The perfect age to start pimpin’ her trike ride.

So. The Smart-Trike Zoo is a three-in-one model. Which means, as you can see in the picture above, it converts as your little one gets older and more stable. It has straps and a comfy, squishy arm rest doovie for when they’re really little, the arm rests and handle at the back come off as they older. There are not only pedals, but little pegs for little ones to sit their adorable little feet on, that fold in as they get bigger and even more I-can-do-it-myself,-Mum. 

 The mum’s eye view.

The Smart-Trike Zoo 3in1 has a drink holder and a phone attached to play with (Not a real one, obviously. Although the next generation of kids that come along, that may not be so far fetched. And I’m not entirely sure I should be encouraging drinking and driving, or talking on the phone and driving, but, ya know, whatever.) It has a sun shade that flips back and forward for maximum UV protection. And a bag for alllll the mum stuff you have to take with you every freaking time you leave the house. Plus, it comes in four unique animal print designs the kids will love – Frog, Butterfly, Ladybug and Gallah!

And, oh my, the handle. Smart-Trike says it’s a “telescopic five position steering system with different height settings”. I say- the ease of pushing this thing is freaking amazing. It steers like a dream. Turns on dime.

As you can see, the Bump thinks it’s just marvelous.

One very happy Bump!!

The Smart-Trike is the awesomest in safety, comfort for bubs, easiness for mum and dad, and a totally stylish ride. The Bump is now one of the cool kids in a way the Chop and his poor old Tricycle of Doom never was. Not that that matters of course. To anyone but me.

Trike envy, be damned. All the Yummy Mummies be wantin’ one of these.

You know you want one of these ….the bestest Christmas present going, or what? For between $179.00 and $189.99, the Smart-Trike Zoo 3in1 is well worth your moneys. You can check out the Smart-Trike in all its retail mightiness here.

I have received the above product for free courtesy of Smart-Trike. Love your work, Smart-Trike!


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{ 17 comments… read them below or add one }

Hear Mum Roar December 13, 2010 at 8:42 pm

I'm totally with you, I've wanted one of these for a LONG time


Zoey @ Good Goog December 9, 2010 at 2:46 pm

Glad I'm not the only one who has trike lust/envy! Gorgeous photo of your gorgeous one!


NappyDaze December 9, 2010 at 2:29 pm

My little man was given one for his 1st b'day, after he went green with envy over his cousin's cool super trike, when he was only 7 months old. Far too cool for the likes of a pram since then!


Glowless December 9, 2010 at 11:40 am

Awesome! Is super cool AND free – now I have trike envy :P


edenland December 9, 2010 at 11:26 am

Very, very, VERY cute!!!


Glen December 9, 2010 at 8:49 am

They should make them in man size


EmmaK December 9, 2010 at 2:50 am

The Smart Trike has even given me trike envy and the Bump obviously loves it. By the way I tagged you on my blog: give me your best Bleats (or ask Mrs Winterpepper)


River December 8, 2010 at 11:02 pm

I've seen different versions of these around Adelaide and have to say I don't really like them. Even if I did still have babies instead of grown ups, I think I'd just keep the kid in the nifty little umbrella stroller and then buy a trike when the kid was old enough.


Fi December 8, 2010 at 10:09 pm

That is SO awesome!! Hmmmm….the trike we bought for my eldest has a broken parent handle…which does mean we would be justified in buying a new trike – even though we didn't use the old one very much….

Now to work out which Xmas presents to take back! (Or come up with another good excuse to get one!)


Tina December 8, 2010 at 8:11 pm

That looks awesome! And Bump is too cute! Why is it that there's always cool stuff brought out after my babes are too old for them?!


Amy December 8, 2010 at 6:48 pm

Gorgeous! We've been eyeing them off and I think a relative may have purchased one for Christmas….


Cate December 8, 2010 at 6:40 pm

OMG – sooo have trike envy. Poor Meerkat…she's third…she has NO chance on me getting her one :-( But it is sooo cool! xxxCate


The Fat Lady December 8, 2010 at 5:30 pm

Oh duuude, how fricken cool is that. I totally want one – is it wrong to procreate so I can buy a smarTrike?


Megan Blandford December 8, 2010 at 5:05 pm

Love it!


Kel December 8, 2010 at 4:49 pm

Oh yeah! If only the Toddler wasn't almost 24 months. But you know I'm totally nabbing one of these for the next one! Woohoo for Trike Envy! (The Guru is still battling Man-Xmas-Light-Envy…I don't think it helps he chose this week to quit smoking…)


Brenda December 8, 2010 at 4:29 pm

WOOHOO! That is all! And look it's sponsored by TMM. Excuse me while I'll be all smug in my little TMM corner over here.; )

How cuteh is the bump!


Eva Gallant December 9, 2010 at 2:27 am

How cute! Even my grandkids are out-growing trikes, now. :(


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