The ‘Yay For Spring’ GiveAway

by Lori Dwyer on September 2, 2011 · 9 comments


It is finally Spring here in Australia.

I’ve been waiting for this, desperately. As we know. So, to celebrate, I thought we’d have some fun this weekend. And give the kidlets something to do. Which is always handy.

The spiel is this… Stephen Jospeh gifts are an awesome little company that make useful stuff for kids- drink bottles, lunch bags, art pads, umbrellas and the like. This groovy gear is for guys and girls aged 2-8. It’s colorful, durable and so practical. and we know it’s not often that you find cool- looking kids stuff that is actually also very useful.

The people at Stephen Joseph sent me stack of freebies for the Bump and the Chop to test run. Here’s the Bump, modeling her new thermo lunch bag- it’s roomy, tough and has all kinds of storage pockets.

And this is the Chop with his new art book. It’s filled with blank paper and has a carry handle. If only it came with somewhere to store those crayons… aw well. can’t have it all.

And my personal favorite product… a Stephen Joseph pirate rain coat. It’s a little bit too big, as we can see, but he’ll grow into it, surely. And the weather didn’t exactly co-operate, so I couldn’t test it’s rain-worthiness. But this is a winner. Made our of soft, waterproof PVL rather than stiff scratchy PVC, it’s lined with cotton stretch fabric and has adjustable wrist bands to keep the drips out; pockets and a comfy hood. At $39.99 it is a little bit pricey, but worth every cent, with plenty of room to grow.

And now, the giveaway bit. To celebrate the start of Spring, RRSAHM has a pack of Stephen Joseph goodies to give away. It includes a lunch bag, and art book, two Tiny Totes and a Flower Power luggage tag that I almost kept for myself. It’s valued at $51.95.

As I said, we’re going to have some fun with this….

I’d love you to get your kids- if you have them- to draw you a piccie of something Spring-like- flowers, birds, sunshine, all that good stuff.

If you don’t have kids, steal the neighbors and tie them up till they draw one for you you can draw your own picture. Serious.

Then upload it to the RRSAHM FB page.

Entries close, and winner will be chosen by my kids, Sunday night 4th August September, at 7pm, and notified via FB and Twitter soon after.

The winner will be required to email me within 48 hours to claim their prize.

Aussies residents only– sorry OS’ers, next time.

Here’s a sample pic the Chop whipped up after I bribed him with marshmallows. Kid’s not a huge fan of craft, it doesn’t require enough energy or noise.

And.. that’s that. Get crafty, let’s have some fun… I can’t wait to see the results! (And please don’t leave me hanging and no one upload anything- that would be embarrassing….)

Disclaimage: I wasn’t paid for this post. I did get freebies, as blogged. I love freebies.

Thanks for reminding me Miss Pink- you can enter this one as many times as you like- two kids, two entries, and so forth….

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{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }

Sober 100 Days September 4, 2011 at 8:38 pm

Like Victoria just saw your feature in Sunday Life too. Great!


Victoria September 4, 2011 at 7:38 pm

I read the article about you in the Sunday Life with the Age today and it moved me to read some of your blog. I would never mean to compare situations, but something you said resounded with me. One of my brothers passed away just over 3 weeks ago and I have never before found the measurement of time so baffling. A day feels like a week and a second at different points in time. When the article mentioned the lack of support dropping away I recognised how hard that is. It's not that I don't have my own small family around me, it's just that I feel a need to scream aloud that I've lost someone I love and it doesn't get any easier with the passage of days. He was my brother and I'll mourn him for the rest of my life. I can see, however, that others aren't really so interested. They feel for me, for my family, but then they move on. It's hard. I'm so glad you have a true friend, someone you can count on and I really wish for wonderful things ahead for you and your babes.


Shellye September 4, 2011 at 4:25 pm

Your children are so gorgeous and growing up way too fast!


Melissa *Suger Coat It* September 3, 2011 at 9:42 am

Right!! Off to find me some arty kids to pinch. Jnr picaso's Suger is holding auditions..! :D


A Daft Scots Lass September 2, 2011 at 5:47 pm

Love all the goodies but I'm not a FB member!


Lynda Halliger-Otvos September 2, 2011 at 4:15 pm

Cool raincoat… I cannot win however I wanted to say “nice haul for someone” and that I hope your move is exactly what you and the kids need, Lori. You are in my thoughts.


E September 2, 2011 at 9:50 am

Uhm.. miss lori.. the 4th of August has already happened! Do you perhaps mean 4th Sept?


Glowless @ Where’s My Glow September 2, 2011 at 9:41 am

Does that jacket come in adult size? :P


Miss Pink September 2, 2011 at 8:58 am

How freaky! I was browsing this stuff last night wanting to purchase a truckload.
Can we enter twice if we have 2 kids?


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