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by Lori Dwyer on May 18, 2010 · 11 comments
Previous post: Letters To Inanimate Objects- Dear Man.
Next post: Writing, blogging, it’s all the same to me.
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{ 11 comments… read them below or add one }
Those are such cute posties!
ya mean dinners don't fix themselves?!?! My night is screwed!! Oh and I laughed out loud at your title too!!!
Argh. Dinner. And it's needed EVERY NIGHT.
There's a Post It Note stuck on my what? That is the all-time best post title! Actually did make me laugh out loud!!!
Adorable post-its! I wish dinner would cook itself every day!
Your posties are really cute!
I wish my dinner could make itself too!!!! Happy Tuesday!!!
Awww your postit backgrounds went funny. Must figure out how to fix that for next week.
They look cool though
Hey maybe they should be purple?!
Bummer about the time zones thing.
Have a great Tuesday!
You crack me up my darling!!!