Urban Bliss.

by Lori Dwyer on September 10, 2013 · 18 comments

I’m a little bit in love with the suburb we’re living in. It feels like all neighbourhood-like. We’re at the point where I’m singing Sesame Street melodies in my head whenever I leave the house on foot.

It’s just nice here. People are friendly. I smile and nod hello to everyone I pass. Old men say “Good morning Bella!” to my daughter as she cruises past them on her way to daycare (which is called ‘kindergarten’ in Victoria, I’ve discovered. And what was kindergarten is now called ‘Prep’. Colour me confused)


Walking to school, Melbourne-style. Which translates to 'with an umbrella'.

Walking to school, Melbourne-style. Which translates to ‘with an umbrella’.


This area is filled with young parents, and there’s that aura that is everywhere in Melbourne– we’re all in this together- and most strangers are defaulted with trust rather than suspicion. My son takes a spill on his bike, riding 10 metres ahead of me, and another mum picks him up and dusts him off. I find myself doing the same thing for a little boy who’s fallen from his scooter. And the cycle continues.

We’re within a healthy walking distance from main roads and trams. Tiny corner shops- bakeries, milk bars, the odd bizarrely placed speciality store- dot the streets surrounding us. My car hasn’t left the driveway in days and I’m saving a fortune on petrol alone.

I’m also healthier, and feeling it, after just two weeks of this new, suburb-specific lifestyle. So are my children. They’ve taken to riding their bikes to school and kindergarten every day while I keep up a brisk pace beside them. The majority of food in our house is healthy and simple, and the Most Amazing Man ensures I eat a proper meal every night. I’ve given up Coca-Cola (it’s day four. My head hurts.) and I’m drinking water instead.

I soak up the aesthetics of where we are living. Houses in this area of Melbourne all seem to have the same basic structure. High ceilings. Wooden floors. Ancient light switches and electricity meters. Ducted heating and oddly-shaped backyards. Despite their sameness, they’ve all been here long enough to be quirky and inherently different, with years of lives lived, and changes made, tacked onto them like their typical  two room extensions.

I love walking around, soaking up the goings-on around me. There were a lot of shops along these roads once, it seems, small boxes with a house behind. And so many of their new owners here have incorporated both the shop and the house as a living space, designed around it rather than tearing it down. The concrete storefronts have become the back ends of houses, or airy front entrances hollowed out with a garden hidden between the front walls.


Clothes by www.babytakesatrip.com.au. Not sponsored- I just adore them.

Clothes by Babytakesatrip.com.au. Not sponsored- I just adore them.


And the flowers. There are flowers everywhere here. People’s gardens are magnificent and diverse. Veggies grow in small front yards, daisies and roses are planted on nature strips. On the days the Bump and I walk to her kindergarten, we stop and admire everything in bloom, and I pass on to her what my Gran taught me. “These are hibiscus. These are geraniums.” And lilies and paper daisies and lavender and jonquils.

It’s difficult to miss the TinyTrainTown when I take full advantage of being where I am right now. I love it here. It’s all tiny lane-ways lined with blue stone, happy people and urban farmer’s markets. It’s diversity and it’s acceptance and it’s Melbourne.

This place, it speaks to something in my soul.


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Andrea October 7, 2013 at 1:27 pm

That’s me hooting and cheering in the background. Go Melbourne, go every little positive thing in the post ‘after’.


Cassondra September 14, 2013 at 5:34 am

That’s great, sounds like the kind of place I’d like to live. Are you making friends?


Mouse September 12, 2013 at 9:59 am

Welcome to Melbourne, Lori.
I hope you love it, and stay here forever.
Only thing……sorry about the weather! Freezing today.


Dannie (A Dose of Dannie) September 11, 2013 at 5:02 pm

So i can officially call ya a Melbournite gal! LOL Glad your happy hon .
Glad your living here now should have coffee soon (wink) xxx


LirioJaguar September 11, 2013 at 4:59 pm

It’s my Wurundjeri Country, no matter where I end up :)
Suck the life out of Melbourne, she’ll always put back xxx


Mandy September 11, 2013 at 4:56 pm

Whilst I don’t live near the train lines, I can relate to all you are saying, I adore our little suburb and all that it brings too. Sometimes on a day to day basis you forget how good you’ve got it going on. Thank you for the reminder of how bloody lucky I am to be raising my family here in such a beautiful city.
Mandy recently posted…Giveaway : The Little Mermaid on DVDMy Profile


Amanda September 11, 2013 at 4:46 pm

So awesome to hear you’re loving it, and to hear you so happy!

It’s nice to have you here in Melbourne xox
Amanda recently posted…So It SeemsMy Profile


Emma Joyce September 11, 2013 at 4:20 pm

Sounds fantastic , love hearing your news and your wonderful happy new life …x


Emily September 11, 2013 at 2:44 pm

Glad it’s all going so well. x
Emily recently posted…Respect (without the side serving of disrespect and hypocrisy)My Profile


Lys September 11, 2013 at 8:20 am

It sounds beautiful. And… like home.
Lys recently posted…“Exogenesis – Symphony Part 2 (Cross-Pollination)” – MuseMy Profile


Kat September 11, 2013 at 8:01 am

Ah, see, this is why we need to be in Melbourne ASAP! Been dreaming for years of exactly what you’re talking about! So glad to hear the move was an all around success, absolutely awesome! :-)


sarahkreece September 11, 2013 at 1:22 am

How wonderful! I love Melbourne too, it has such life in it. It sounds like a good place for your family. x
sarahkreece recently posted…Storms at SeaMy Profile


Fermi September 11, 2013 at 1:11 am

I loved reading this today. It’s something special to feel that much at ease with life.


Helen K September 10, 2013 at 10:16 pm

Sounds like you’ve chosen a lovely place in inner Melbourne to live. Not all of it is quite as lovely, but it is all pretty good (and I think the weather keeps things interesting. And spring is beautiful – enjoy discovering our lovely city (and isn’t it great to be able to walk to kindy and school? – that’s what I love too!


B September 10, 2013 at 8:05 pm

Great to hear Lori. You describe it beautifully!


Kate @ Our Little Sins September 10, 2013 at 5:05 pm

SO pleased you’re enjoying things in Melbourne so far Lori! I haven’t lived anywhere else in Australia, only ever Melbourne so don’t know how different it feels but love the way you describe it!
Kate @ Our Little Sins recently posted…Keeping it alive!My Profile


Whoa, Molly September 10, 2013 at 2:13 pm

I love Melbourne! I understand that distinct ‘Melbourne-ness’ you speak of, even though I have only been there three times for far-too-short stays. It’s a whole world away from Sydney (or the coast where I am living now) and I wonder why I keep at this whole NSW-thing when I know it could be better…

So happy to hear that things are falling into a new normal. Smell the flowers and say hi to your neighbours for me!
Whoa, Molly recently posted…The Cultural Wasteland and Why I Came Back To ItMy Profile


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