Vlogged- Dermal Piercings.

by Lori Dwyer on April 21, 2011 · 14 comments

Vlogging… just like old times.

*Ahem* *cough* Some of you may have noticed I initially posted the un-edited version of this vlog. Man whore. Apologies.


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Kymmie April 29, 2011 at 11:49 am

I'm feeling kind of squirmy looking at this. You can tell that I've limited my piercings to my ears and navel (and that HURT)!


liz April 22, 2011 at 5:43 pm


On another note, you look absolutely stunningly gorgeous. Kind of remarkable, especially given what you have been through this year. You must share your beauty secrets.


Janet NZ April 22, 2011 at 6:23 am

You have the most beautiful smile.


Melissa April 22, 2011 at 4:25 am

So good to see you smiling. That phone call/nail filing sequence was hilarious :)great vlog.


Kevin April 22, 2011 at 12:26 am


I had my tongue studded in college. I was drunk when I got it done. It hurt like hell and I threw up. As I was throwing up this big tattooed and pierced guy was holding a wet cloth on the back of my neck and patting my back telling me I'd be okay. Oh, the fun I used to have.

Love your vlogs!


Abby April 21, 2011 at 10:12 pm

Sorry if this is inappropriate, but you are HOT! I have never watched your vlog before, but read your blog often..


Danielle April 21, 2011 at 10:02 pm

Lori , Yur are so multi tasked lol… nail clipping (even licked it) hehe chatting on yr iphone (cant wait to get mine) and looking at your dermal piercing OMG! They look so cool! I also think the bottom 1 is awesome im still wanting a tatt but might think of getting this done instead!
Love ya lots xxxxxxxxxx


beingbree April 21, 2011 at 9:35 pm

Awsome Vlog Lori. Lovely to put a voice to the writing… I have always wondered about those types of piercings – I never knew what they were called either! And just for the record I do think that the mid Vlog telephone call, nail filing was perfect!!! Felt very voyueristic ;)


Ms Styling You April 21, 2011 at 7:59 pm

oops, it's Thursday.


Ms Styling You April 21, 2011 at 7:59 pm

Love listening to your voice – and the phone call/multi-tasking nail filing on a Friday night x


whatsinemmasbrain April 21, 2011 at 7:35 pm

Dude, I Love that you can Vlog, Talk on the phone, periodically check your tweet deck pop ups… (I so know you were doing that..) trim your nails and lick your nail clippers?.. all at the same time!!! hahahaha!!!! Love your guts xx ;P


Miss Pink April 21, 2011 at 7:34 pm

Were you directing that at me the whole time?
You were weren't you.
You had me sold until you talked about how they're removed!!!
The bottom one is my fave too.

Hmmmm…..Dear Lori, want to be a good mate and take me when i go get my dermal? That is if i can grow a pair…which i do want them desperately…i am just really fucking scared. Lol. But would you take me if i man up?


Potsy mummy April 21, 2011 at 6:54 pm

oooh they look so painful, good to know they're not. Do your little munchkins try play with them? Mine fiddle with my ear piercings thats enough to drive me batty hehe.
Ps- Luv the mid video phone interruption… man whore ;) 30 + what constitutes a woman whore? lol. Love the vlog look forward to seeing more again soon.
Potsy mummy.


Crystal Cheverie April 21, 2011 at 9:54 pm

Ha ha! OK, can I just say I am a piercing/tattoo addict (I have three tats, a nose ring and my ears are twice-pierced. I'd have more, but the $$$ do add up… sigh) and I LOVE the dermal piercings!! Isn't it funny how everyone's first question is: "OMG, didn't that HURT?!?!?!" Lol… So pretty.

PS: After that phone call, I'm thinking you need to do either a Vlog or a regular post on "Lori's Top 10 Ways to Tell You're a Man-Whore." I think the public needs to be educated. Just sayin'.


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