What Lori Did, The Dragon and the Lizard

by Lori Dwyer on November 22, 2011 · 6 comments

Due to popular demand and rampant peer pressure, I’ve finally gotten to creating a newsletter. I’m going to call it What Lori Did and What Lori Did Next. Even though the very reference makes me feel old.

You can sign up to the RRSAHM newsletter here. It’s a fortnightly email packed with all the stuff I do around the web- the best posts here on my blog, my posts from In The Powder Room, MamaMia, Kleenex Mums, vlogs on YouTube, and wherever else I end up. It’ll also have any important news (heh) and reminders about giveaways and competitions.

The first issue goes live on Friday the 25th November. No spam, obviously, and I’d much rather have you lot than the cash I’d get for your email addresses, so you don’t have to worry about that. Just twice weekly jellybeany goodness. For free. Why? Because I love you guys. And I’ve been told I get around.

A beautiful blogging friend of mine, Kris from The Mummy K, has recently released a children’s book, and she was kind enough to send a copy to me for the kidlets to to review.

The verdict is? They loved it. It was a little too long to read all in one sitting, but once I’d read it once or twice and knew the story, we could skip and add bits depending on how sleepy/grumpy Chop and Bump were.

The Dragon and the Lizard is based on a story Kris’ mama used to tell her as a child- having no money for books, Kris’ mum would weave fantastic stories from her imagination. The Dragon and the Lizard is just one of these, the one Kris remembers best, and she has put in down on paper as a tribute to her mama, and a gift for her daughter.

The Dragon and The Lizard is available as an e-book on The Mummy K. There have been a limited amount of copies physically printed, and I have one to give away to you guys. Again, because I love you. And no, I haven’t been paid for this post.

To win your very own copy of The Dragon and The Lizard, simply….

Leave a comment telling me who would win in a game of Twister- the dragon or the lizard?

Comment that amuses or confuses me most wins.

Entries close at midnight, Thursday 24th November. Winner will be announced by Twitter and FaceBook soon after.

Winner will be contacted by email to obtain their snail mail address. Please leave a valid email address with your comment.

If winner cannot be contacted or does not respond within 72 hours, the winner will be re-decided, with no discussion being entered into.

Raaaaar!!! By the way, for those who have been waiting to see what happens with the online dating experience… there’s more on that, coming tomorrow.

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{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Shellye December 5, 2011 at 8:19 pm

Congratulations on your newsletter!


MummyK November 23, 2011 at 11:04 pm

Thanks for this Lor, you are absolutely fantastic. Signing up for your newsletter too!

And oh, I think the dragon would win. He'd stomp on the lizard for sure hahaha!


Leimay November 23, 2011 at 3:06 pm

I'd have to go with the Dragon winning the match, after all lizards have little legs and if it looks as though the lizard is winning the Dragon will just eat/burn it :)

email address can be found in profile :)


love_my_munchkins02 November 23, 2011 at 1:26 pm

Not sure how to subscribe but here is my email supernoodleplus2@gmail.com


Anonymous November 22, 2011 at 11:09 pm

I am looking for the prompt to click to subscribe….

Where is it???? How do I do it???


Melissa November 22, 2011 at 10:40 pm

I assume I can't participate in the giveaway since I live in the US – but I can't help but throw a comment in just for laughs…

Between the Lizard and the Dragon in a Twister deathmatch I believe the Lizard would have the upper hand because the Dragon would have to focus all his energy on not laughing and inadvertently snorting flame out his nose and setting the entire Twister arena on fire.



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