What’s In A Name?

by Lori Dwyer on July 12, 2011 · 4 comments

I’m guest posting today over at The Things I’d Tell You…. about my name, my daughter’s name and… erm… Oprah.

See you there!

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KiTx July 13, 2011 at 2:01 pm

My name is a combination of my grandfather's names. The only person I've met with my same name got it from my mom. And I hated it when I was a kid, but I wouldn't trade it for the world now- I love being the only one of my name people will likely ever meet! Yay for unique names!


Shellye July 12, 2011 at 3:30 pm

We have so much in common. My name is actually a boy's name. The original spelling of the name I was born with was "Shelly." I went to school with FIVE Shelly's!!! (SHELLEY, SHELLY, SHELLIE) And to top it all off, two of them had the same first initial of their last name!!! (Shelly Hatfield, Shelly Hicks) I got so sick of having to spell out my last name, so I added the "E" to the end when I was fourteen. So I didn't have to sign my last name. They knew that Shelly with an "e" was me. That's messing with the system! *lol*

I hated my name too. It was supposed to be Michelle Elizabeth, but my dad argued. I would want to be anything but my name. I would love to be Aeon or Ariella, Fiona, Aryn, Hosannah, Tori, Natosha (Tosh), something cool sounding, something rare, something that I didn't have to put my last name after. And my middle name isn't that great either…


Lynda Halliger-Otvos July 12, 2011 at 2:34 pm

I named my daughter after a gorgeous flower; she has lived up to the billing, too !~!


SarWah July 12, 2011 at 12:11 pm

Hi Lori,
I usually get your blogs emailed straight to my email, very convienient, however it does make it hard to comment.
I have just popped back here after reading your "Whats in A name" post. As a woman who is about to become a mother (anytime now!) The subject of names is hotley debated in our household. I am against anything too popular, hubby is in total love with a name that although classic is in the top 10 for last year in Australia.
Although we will probably go with the classic, I appreciate your thoughts with the post. I have printed this one to share with hubby, so hopefully he will understand some of the challenges our baby may have with sharing a name throughout her whole life, as compared to being 'unique'.

Lori, I love reading your blogs, your way of writing makes even the darkest of subjects readable.
Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us every day.


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