What’s With The Narky? (A Hippy Love and Peace Post)

by Lori Dwyer on July 14, 2010 · 26 comments

I’d rather see the world from another angle
We are every day angels…..
Be careful with me
Cause I’d like to stay that way.


As we’ve established before, I am naive. Innocent. Kinda stupid. The Man told me the other day “I’d love to see the world through your eyes. Must be lovely. Fairies and flowers and rainbows and sh*t.”

True, that. He couldn’t be more right.

I am, for the most part, a happy camper.

Don’t get me wrong, I can whinge and bitch along with the best of them. But outright narkiness- just for the point of being narky- ain’t my style.

Everyone’s so cranky at the moment. They scowl instead of smiling. People beep their horns and squeal their tires. Complain quickly and loudly. Think the worst. Forget to smile about the little things.

Even here, in the marshmallow cushion of the blogosphere, people take offense to things so quickly, react so righteously.

A long time ago, I got sick of tying myself up in knots, getting upset by other people’s opinions. Taking everything to heart. Just because someone holds an opinion that’s contrary to mine, it doesn’t mean they are saying I’m wrong, or my choices are inadequate. It’s not all about me- in fact, very little of anyone else’s stuff is about me. It’s about them.

All images from We <3 It. Where else, for a hippy love and peace and group hug post?

I’d like to think that, as citizens of the World in general who have to share a planet, we could reach a place where we acknowledge that we’re all always gonna think differently about things. Live and let live. Listen to what other people have to say, but don’t take it too seriously. And remember you never know anyone else’s big picture, unless you’ve spent the night in their pajamas, with their husband snoring beside you. Oh, and that karma- she’s a bitch. OK? OK.

Anyways, I got to the point where, every time something someone said or did, or a stance they took,  irked me and gave me the irits, I’d stop and sky myself- why? Why is this bothering me? What stuff is it bringing up within me? If this person isn’t directly taking about me, why is it raising my hackles? And what can that tell me about myself?

A lot of the time, it means I learn something new about myself, get to search myself a bit deeper, know myself a bit better. Acknowledge my own stuff. And heaven knows, in my head, there’s plenty of stuff to be acknowledged.

Other times, I look deeper and discover I had every right to be offended. Some people are just f*kwits. I really don’t think they can help it. That’s the way the carousel goes round.

Whatever. I guess what I’m trying to say, to the whole entire World in general, is… chill out. Lighten up. It isn’t that bad.

And even if it is, tomorrow it may not be.

A post for all the proud members of the Meh… Can’t Be Arsed Club. Oh, and this is Thursday’s post,  published early at B’s request- it seems to be National Chill Out In The Blogosphere Day.

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{ 26 comments… read them below or add one }

lori July 17, 2010 at 10:29 am

Great post! And I'm exactly the same. Don't get your knickers in a wad, I say. In the whole big scheme of things, does a petty little difference of opinion mean a hill of beans? Nope.


LisaNReynolds July 16, 2010 at 4:27 pm

Another tree-hugging hippy chick sister – love your post. It's human to get narky, but it's just not worth the consequences to sweat the small stuff. Energy, stress, time. All for nothing. Quite frankly I am too busy hugging trees to care :-)

Peace, love and all that crazy stuff.


ForeverRhonda July 16, 2010 at 1:36 pm

How true is all of this?!?! People are so ugly sometimes…


Nerdycomputergirl July 15, 2010 at 12:51 pm

I'm smiling about little things like being able to read your blog while I'm eating disgustingly goooey nachos for lunch. Hope you have a great un-narky day :-)


Jacque July 15, 2010 at 8:16 am

Love that last picture! I have learned in the past few years that you just can't sweat the small stuff. For real. It will make you crazy! When I was in my late teens/early twenties – I used to stress over some of the stupidest stuff… and my life was filled with drama. Now-a-days – I'm like "whatever" and just go on about my day. No time to worry about dumb stuff – just gotta take care of me and my family! Thanks for this public service announcement! :)


Kristy July 15, 2010 at 4:57 am

Love it. Hope lots of people read this and get a good attitude adjustment. :) Always important to learn from others and not hate on others. Hippy love and peace is supreme.


Katie July 14, 2010 at 11:31 pm

Well, I for one think you and your stupid Idea suck.

KIDDING!!! KIDDING!! I swear. I luvs you.
I totally agree.


marketingtomilk July 14, 2010 at 9:45 pm

I hear ya.
Though i think you better stear clear of my blog. I think i'm turning all angry old women.



Kimberly July 14, 2010 at 9:41 pm

This is a fantastic post! So insightful! I need to remind myself that the reality is…the world does not revolve around me. I seriously need to print out that chill poster.


lacochran’s evil twin July 14, 2010 at 9:39 pm

So, true. Most of the things I spend time worrying about never come to pass. Crazy, no?


Maxabella July 14, 2010 at 8:56 pm

I hear ya, bro!!!!!


Jess July 14, 2010 at 7:53 pm

Love it. Everyone needs a reminder like this once in a while and you put it so well!! I hate it when people cant even manage to crack a smile as they pass you (and look directly at you) in the street. Its the simple things that make a big difference!


Seraphim July 14, 2010 at 6:49 pm

I think it is a combination of winter and school holidays that has caused the grims. I agree, we should lighten up. Now excuse me while I go eat cheesecake and chill the hell out!


Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo July 14, 2010 at 5:02 pm


No you are not, but I just wanted to disagree. Cause that is my thing.

(this is a fabulous post and so true, but don't tell anyone I said that. K?)


Mrs Woog July 14, 2010 at 3:59 pm

There is a street near my house which you quite often have to deciede who gets to go through the traffic calming device first. The other day I went through (as I had waited for cars coming though the other way) and this guy had to stop. He was going fucking mental at me as I drove passed so I blew him a kiss – and he started laughing. Sometimes doing something out of the ordinary changes peoples actions. xo


Dovic July 14, 2010 at 3:15 pm

Is winter I think. Maybe school holidays too. I'm a bit of a love and light kinda girl (balkan temper not withstanding) and can't help noticing how miserable people look at the mo. Drained too. Me even. I think summer brings positive rays a plenty.

I do know ppl that are perpetually miserable/angry/snarky tho. And I'm sure that's less fun for them than the rest of us who can occassionally retreat to our butterflies and fairyfloss world.


Wanderlust July 14, 2010 at 3:00 pm

Applauds!!! And hey, what a freakin' SEXY button. Just saying…


Marita July 14, 2010 at 2:44 pm


I'm like to take a big deep breath and count to 10. If it is really bad I write myself an email and then check it the next day. If I'm still upset then it is something worth my time and energy.

Life is too short to spend it being narky.


Jodie at Mummy Mayhem July 14, 2010 at 2:41 pm

Are you in my head? Have been thinking this a lot lately.

For the most part, I just take it all with a grain of salt. You can't dwell on this stuff. We can't please everybody all of the time. You can absolutely disagree with something someone has written without getting all nasty about it.

Take the high road people! If you disagree with something..fine. Feel free to express, but do it thoughtfully!

Great post, hon. xx


Stylish Mummy July 14, 2010 at 2:41 pm

Loved it!! :)


Ebonie’s Mummy July 14, 2010 at 2:39 pm

Great post, reminded me yesterday of a guy who abused me because I took an extra 30 seconds to reverse into a park. A very tricky park at that
; ) I told him to 'relax'. Driving home I giggled because obv the issue was far deeper then me taking up a minute of his time. Poor guy.
Thanks for making me giggle..


HRH Mommy July 14, 2010 at 2:31 pm

All I can say is "AMEN" sistah!!


life in a pink fibro July 14, 2010 at 2:30 pm

I just read Brenda's blog at MummyTime and you're right, is definitely the day for it. Your attitude is a good one. Wish more people felt the same!


So Now What? July 14, 2010 at 2:25 pm

This is so timely. I'm finding people are taking issue with a lot of things lately. Either on my blog or when I say something. Not just "Oh I don't agree" but an outright attack of massive proportion.

I too am a lover, not a fighter and I wonder if people mistake my sarcasm or humour the wrong way. Well fuck, you know what, can't please everyone, all the time.

I need to grow thicker skin and realise, often it's them, not me.

Great post and peace, light, love and happiness (and 20 minutes uninterrupted toilet time)


Brenda July 14, 2010 at 2:25 pm

Hehehe. I think imma give you a "You are my Yoda" award too. Bless you hippie happy camper you.xxx


Eva Gallant July 14, 2010 at 11:19 pm

I totally agree. I try to focus on the positive and not let the small stuff get to me. I'm always telling hubby to "chill out."


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