Who is this Ed Harvey person? Does he make clothes?

by Lori Dwyer on February 19, 2010 · 3 comments

Hey y’all,

It’s official, and it’s something I need to accept. I am, at the ripe old age of 28, old, out of touch and over the hill.

At least, that’s the verdict of the Man’s 15 year old niece, who is slightly horrified that i don’t own anything, knock off or kosher, branded Ed Hardy. Nor do i covet it. Although I will concede that the nappy bag is pretty cool…. if rather orange.And I do know it’s Ed Hardy, not Harvey, but I’ll admit I had to Google that to double check. I own Converse and Doc’s, but I’ve owned them since the last time they were in fashion. I listen to the J’s, but the last time I went to a festival The Living End and Something For Kate were head lining. I have no idea what a a ‘lud’ is. But I do have some concept that an emo involves boys with makeup.
As i said to the man’s niece, *cue old, withered voice here*, back in my day, I was given some sage advice by my bestie’s mum- “Never date a guy with longer hair or bigger boobs than you”. I think we might need to update that for today’s youth- never date a boy with longer hair, bigger boobs, or heavier eyeliner than you. Just to be on the safe side.

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Kellyansapansa February 21, 2010 at 7:20 pm

Personally I would rather be considered old and out of touch than be seen in anything Ed Hardy. It's the most gaudy, overpriced, cheaply made stuff on the market in my opinion. The guy's clearly a marketing genius though – why would anyone pay $160 for a tshirt?


Lulu February 21, 2010 at 7:15 pm

My step son just spent $160 – yes ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY DOLLARS on an Ed Hardy T-shirt.

It had gold writing on it…but I still don't get it.


lori February 20, 2010 at 2:03 pm

Maybe add "or more streaks in his hair" to the list too. I don't know who Ed Hardy is either, and if I had to guess, would have said the second half of Laurel and Hardy (comedy duo from the 40's or 50's – don't know if they were on TV in Australia, but they were big in US) But, love the bling on the bag!


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