Wordless Wednesday- Why are pirates, pirates?

by Lori Dwyer on February 24, 2010 · 3 comments

Because they arrrrrggghhh!!


It’s Pirate Day at the Chop’s playgroup. Yay! Mummy loves any excuse to rifle through her costume box! Don’t I look cool?

Only problem is, Pirate Day is next week. Oh dear. The one thing I promised myself I’d never do as a mummy- get my kid all dressed up with no theme day to go to. I did contemplate rubbing off the mo’ and the scar in the carpark, but decided that would look more pathetic, not less. Let’s just run with it. We were having our own Pirate Day at home, OK?

I’m not sure whether to file this one under Mothering- Cardinal Sin, or Motherhood- Rite of Passage.

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Mee2 February 24, 2010 at 5:25 pm

That's funny!! My daughter came home from preschool with an eye patch today. She walked around all day going Arrrrggghhhhh matey!


Thea February 24, 2010 at 3:46 pm

I agree, definitely go with Rite of Passage! He is just toooooo cute to be a mothering sin. ;)


DaughteroftheStars February 24, 2010 at 2:58 pm

Rite of passage – definitley rite of passage.
What a cute pirate you have there, I'm especially enjoying the jamaican? style wig.


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