Your Mission For The Weekend- #BloggersToBorneo

by Lori Dwyer on January 25, 2013 · 4 comments

OK, jellybeans. Partly because of my ridiculous distracted state of the last few weeks, and partly because it was Christmas and no one ever has any spare money over Christmas; it seems been a month or two since I’ve begged, pleaded and bribed you all for donations for the Bloggers to Borneo appeal. (If you’re a casual lurker or late on the scene, feel free to catch up here, brush up on your orang utan here and check out my Edie-Wan hero worship here).

So I think it’s high time I started harassing you again.

I’m going to make it very, very easy for you. This weekend, you all have a mission. Complete the following steps…


Step One: Take yourself to your car OR resident basket of junk that every house has OR lounge suite.

Step Two: (Depending on which action you took in Step One) Either identify gold and silver ‘church change’ in ashtray, on floor, in any of the one million tiny storage spots your car may have OR dump out basket of junk and sift through batteries, hair ties, nail files and phone chargers until you locate the slightly sticky coinage at the bottom of the Basket (or Drawer or Whatever) of Doom OR remove cushions, shake head, DustBust, and save whatever loose change you don’t suck up.

Step Three: Put your findings into your purse (give the coins a good hot soapy rinse first, if you must. Especially the sticky ones from the bottom of the Basket Of Doom). Then go to the Orangutan Odysseys website and donate the equivalent of whatever you just dug up from your PayPal account or credit card (if you find more than two bucks, it’s even tax deductible).

Step Four: Smile! Pat yourself on the back. Let the good karma roll on in.


And that’s that, really. You people rock. Don’t forget, if Borneo seems like your kind of place, you can still come with me- details here.

As a way of saying a big thank you, I have awesome giveaways coming this weekend- same jellybean place, same jellybean channel. Stay tuned…


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spagsy January 29, 2013 at 4:08 pm

I am having issues with the page not progressing further than the “add to basket” I have tried a couple of times since your original post and I am aware that I am running out of time to donate… I was wondering if I called the number would the donation be reflected in YOUR totals?
XX rah rah


Lori Dwyer January 30, 2013 at 6:04 pm

Spagsy, let me know if you still have problems with donations? If you’d like to donate via phone, just grab the receipt number and email it to me and I’ll get it added to our total. Thanks mate :) xx


Woah Molly! January 25, 2013 at 12:25 pm

Hey Lori, I’m trying to make a donation, but the page is having some issues (hovering over the donate button brings up an ‘error on page’ notice – I’ve tested it in Firefox and IE (Ugh) and I can’t get it to work.) Is it just me? Helpsies? Fixies?

I am seething with jealousy, cough, sorry, I mean so totally excited for you for this! It’s no so far away now! You must promise to snuzzle some baby orangs for me.


Lori Dwyer January 30, 2013 at 6:06 pm

Hey Molly! It should be fixed- if you try again and have a problem, could you grab a screenshot for me? Thanks mate :) xx


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