Writing, blogging, it’s all the same to me.

by Lori Dwyer on May 19, 2010 · 12 comments

Why hello there,

Are we writers, or are we bloggers?

That seems to be the question so many people are asking. Why? I do not know. But I will throw myself on this particular bandwagon as it thunders past.

Me? I’m going to err firmly on the side of caution and say, I’m a blogger. There is some flash fiction here on my blog, and some unbelievably crap-tastic poetry, but that’s about it. If I were a writer, this would probably be a totally different kind of blog. One without jellybeans, typos and many, many pictures unashamadley pinched off Google Images. Maybe.

As far as I’m concerned, the proof is in the pudding- I blog, therefore I am. It would feel somewhat remiss to call myself a writer. Because, truth be told, I just ain’t that good at it. I read blogs like Kristin’s and Megan’s and Veronica’s and say wow- they can call themselves writers. I’m just kind of blogging along here, throwing words and images and links together in the sweet salty soup that is the RRSAHM.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love to write. And it had been a long, thirsty and unnecessary time in between writing spells for me. I wrote as a child, little stories for my mum to read. I wrote as a teenager, an outlet for my angst. I wrote in my early twenties, for lack of anything better to do.

And then… I got a real job (kind of). And then… I had kids. And the pile of notebooks on the bottom shelf of my bookcase stopped growing. I forget what it felt like to create something lyrical from the raw materiel of words. I forgot the satisfaction of feeling the indentations of pen strokes over dozens of pages, paragraph after paragraph, line after line.

Blogging has recaptured that. I have immersed myself in the feeling of writing again. It’s almost as warm and comfy as slipping into a pair of flannelet pajamas fresh from the tumble dryer. But, ya know, without the clingy static zapping your leg hairs.

So am I a writer? Maybe, maybe not. perhaps, if I was, it would not have been so easy to stop, to just forget all about it, all those years ago.

Am I a blogger? For sure. I’m new at this and I’m stumbling my way through HTML, RSS, blog etiquette and what the hell’s a trackback? But I’m enjoying every step of the way. And I’m really, really glad that you lot are along for the ride.

Stick around. You never know, we may just rediscover the writer in me yet.

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lori May 20, 2010 at 11:03 am

I think all writers can be good bloggers, but not all bloggers can be good writers. But I truly think you are good at both. Your post about your post partum depression sealed the deal for me. You're a good writer.

And I see my hubby popped in – hope he behaves himself! :-)


Draft Queen May 20, 2010 at 10:41 am

Can I be neither? I mean, I have a blog, on which I write (horrifically) but I guess the lack of blog design or obsession with stats and growth make me feel like I'm not a "real" blogger.

More like a chick with a diary that she leaves laying about.

(And if I were a writer, I'd totally know if I had just used the correct tense of "lay" there. I hate that word.)


Teacher Mommy May 19, 2010 at 9:44 pm

Yeah, I'm a bit of both, myself. And I think blogging can spark the creativity that leads to "writing", ya know what I mean?


Dan May 19, 2010 at 5:50 pm

I personally think the main difference between blogging and writing is that blogging involves a lot more social skills – it's about the interaction just as much as the communications.

Good writers can be good blogger, but it's not an automatic shoe in.


Tenille May 19, 2010 at 4:35 pm

I second Brenda's comment; I feel the same way. I loved writing when I was younger, but then a snobby private school beat it out of me. I'd like to get that creativity back, and I'm hoping that blogging may lead to that, but who knows?


Amy xxoo May 19, 2010 at 1:00 pm

I'd say we could call ourselves " blog writers ". We write, therefore we are writers, yea? Just because we dont write poetry or prose or anything necessarily good doesnt mean we dont write….


Wanderlust May 19, 2010 at 11:52 am

Not buying it. Writer. Writers stop writing for longs periods of time because they have lives, they doubt themselves (constantly), disparage themselves (constantly). People act like the word writer is some holy grail that should only be applied with great caution. I say, apply liberally.


Lucy May 19, 2010 at 11:25 am

I am no writer. But I think that your blogging style is wonderfully journalistic. Are journos writers? The plot thickens!

Either way, I like to read your posts, a lot.



Fred J May 19, 2010 at 11:15 am

Dear Aussie Lori (dear to me wifey, American Lori),

It occurs to me that a blog is much like the plaque attached to the Voyager spacecraft hurtling out of our solar system: we put it out there despite having no evidence it will ever be read much less understood – knowing only that, either way, we'll never know.

O, the vessels loneliness hath wrought.

P.S. I think only bloggers can call each other 'blogger'. It's disparaging from anyone else.


Brenda May 19, 2010 at 10:13 am

Could I just repost this on my site? I feel exactly the same way. I am a blogger. A damn good blogger if I may so myself. But I am not a writer. Yet.


Thea May 19, 2010 at 9:48 am

I'm with you. I think I'm a blogger. I've never even wanted to write or be a writer. I just want to share, sometimes I possibly over-share, but that's me!

I like your writing. You sound like a real writer to me!! :)


Madmother May 19, 2010 at 9:16 am

Hhhm, so what am I then, writer or blogger?


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