Retro RRSAHM- The Something. – RRSAHM

Tweet Retro RRSAHM- The Something. by Lori Dwyer on December 27, 2011 · 8 comments The retro theme continues here on RRSAHM… reblogging, this week only, the best of the Before. I hadn’t written a short story for years before I started my blog… and it’s been months since I’ve even written one to be […]

Writing, blogging, it's all the same to me. – RRSAHM

Tweet Writing, blogging, it’s all the same to me. by Lori Dwyer on May 19, 2010 · 12 comments Why hello there, Are we writers, or are we bloggers? That seems to be the question so many people are asking. Why? I do not know. But I will throw myself on this particular bandwagon as […]