Monthly Archives: May 2016

Exhaustion. – RRSAHM


by Lori Dwyer on August 14, 2011 · 13 comments

“Keep searching for answers until you are satisfied there are none.”
Advice from NSW Forensics Office Survivors of Suicide pamphlet

I’m called, now, a survivor of suicide.

I’m not really sure how that sits with me… I’m not the survivor, if you know what I mean. I’m not the one who tried to die. If Tony had lived, he would be a suicide survivor.

But he didn’t. And no one wins here.

Although I am surviving, no doubt about that.

So.. I don’t know.


Anyway, they say that survivors of suicide-like me- one thing we report, one thing we have in common, is a feeling of constant exhaustion.

Part of it, it’s just wanting to sleep. Because sleep is so black, so dark and warm; and it’s a place where you get twisted up in dreams and memories, and the lines between what was and what is can blur.

But it’s not all about sleep. Part of it is just over exposure, your mind running itself on the same circuits over and over until it begins to burn, that sulphury, hot melting smell.

Because, you see, most things- everything- it reminds you of the person who has passed. And as soon as that memory hits, it starts the circuit….




And every unanswered ‘Why?’ falls on your soul, over and over like a heartbeat. Your mind stretches and turns- every word they ever said, every thing you did in those last few weeks. And all you come up with is more questions, more “why?”s, all of them without an answer.

It’s exhausting. Thinking so hard, all the time, without any satisfaction.

It’s no wonder I am so damn tired.

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Lindseywishinguponstars August 16, 2011 at 3:23 am

Dear, dear Lori, I came across your blog on Friday. And since then, have read everything on here…from 2009 to today. And I know this may not sound like much, coming from a random girl in Illinois…but I can't stop thinking about you. I'm thinking about your grief, I'm thinking about your confusion, I'm thinking about your strength, and I'm thinking about your courage. You are amazing and you've left a deep impression on me. There have been so many times when I've thought about giving up. Times when I've felt that its all gotten either too f*cked or to hard and I just don't want to do it anymore. I think that sometimes we don't think of what we leave behind or the grief that follows. We just think how much easier it would be for us to be out of our own minds for awhile and we think that everyone else won't be disappointed in us or bothered by us anymore. As unbelievable as it may seem, I feel like I can identify with both you and Tony. I'm so so sorry you're going through this. Please know that across the world, I'm thinking about you and the children. I'm wishing you well andI'm hoping that things get brighter.


marketingtomilk August 16, 2011 at 2:55 am

No it isn't. I always think, accepting that there is no answer to the "why" is so unimaginably hard.



Melissa August 15, 2011 at 8:49 pm

As always Lori I'm humbled when I come here. You are amazingly strong, and I pray and pray that you will find a few moments of peace in each day.


MaidInAustralia August 15, 2011 at 8:13 pm

No that's just wrong. You're a survivor, that's for sure. But a survivor of life, not of suicide. That's if I had to put a label on it. Which I don't like to.
You're just being you, being as strong as you can, and getting through this one day at a time.
I just admire you so much. I know there are times when you fall apart, and times when you want to sleep … but you are hanging in there.
I wish I could make everything better, but I can't. All I can do is send you my most positive vibes and give you a bloody big hug next time I see you. xo


Hear Mum Roar August 15, 2011 at 12:35 pm

It just sounds like torture:( I'm sitting here trying to find a way to say I hope things get better, way better, without it sounding like an, 'oh well, hope it gets better' cop out. But really, that's all I wish for you; is for things to get better, much, much better.


Eccles August 15, 2011 at 8:55 pm

Ah Lori, I agree with MIA. You are a survivor of life. Only those who have tried & failed, can be called survivors of suicide. It's tiring on both sides of the fence. Take the time to take care of yourself, even if all you do is lie on the couch while the kidlets potter. (X)


Lynda Halliger-Otvos August 15, 2011 at 10:47 am

Words are inadequate to soothe and mollify; know that you are thought of and loved and held up to the healing of the great spirit.


Sharon August 15, 2011 at 12:28 am

God, really? Survivor of suicide? That doesn't sit well with me.

I've had two brothers commit suicide and the mental exhaustion is so hard to deal with. I too went through the constant why? and If only. 10 years down the track and I am still asking What if? What if I had rung him that morning…

It never goes away, but it lessens. It lessens.


A Daft Scots Lass August 15, 2011 at 12:18 am

I listen too.


Cherie @ ‘a baby called Max’ August 14, 2011 at 8:57 pm

my gosh, a survivor of suicide is not one of the ways I've ever looked at it, (according to that pamphlet, I also am a survivor through losing a loved one).

You are so strong. Every time I read a post, I connect with every emotion you describe.

Thankyou for being so brave, and sharing.

A very new but loyal follower xx

Cherie from 'a baby called max'


Suz @ Segovia and The I Love You Song August 14, 2011 at 8:51 pm

It's just relentless isn't it and sleep is just a little bit of relief. Sending you love and energy Lori xxx


River August 14, 2011 at 8:27 pm

This will pass Lori. As the years pass, the exhaustion will ease.


Peggy August 14, 2011 at 8:13 pm

I know I don't comment much, but I am thinking of you often Lori, and I pray for you every time I do. And I'm quietly listening. x


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Sticky Stuff, A Missing Cat and Thank Goodness This Week's Over. – RRSAHM

Sticky Stuff, A Missing Cat and Thank Goodness This Week’s Over.

by Lori Dwyer on July 27, 2012 · 12 comments

It has been a strange kind of week… wading in salt water, almost buoyant enough to float, but not quite.

Hating myself just a bit. Uncelebrating my third wedding anniversary.

And- just for the Universe to really be a bitch- our cat, Mr Tree, has been missing for five days.

I’m assuming he’s dead.

I’m not surprised.


On a slightly (heh) happier note, there are all kinds of giveaways going on around here. There’s still time to order yum cha from Chan’s and win a big arse TV to eat it in front of.

And– in case you forget what your children look like, being so engrossed in Chinese food and 3Dness- the lovely people at Stuck On You have given me a few sets of personalised ID labels to give away.

The Chop and I got to try them out first, just to make sure they stick. And they do. To everything. Pens, pencils, lunchboxes, school bags, drink bottles. Even shoes. They don’t fade, don’t run and can even go in the dishwasher (not the shoes, obviously).

To win one of three Stuck On You 5+ Value Packs personalised with your child’s name, let me know in a comment on this post, what piece of stuff is your child always losing? (And here, it’s socks… anyone would think the children were centipedes)

Dots added for privacy. Heh, again.

The answer that amuses or confuses me the most wins. My decision is final and no discussion will be entered into.

This one’s open to Australian residents only.
Entries open Friday 27th July and close midnight (AEST) on Friday 10th August.

The winner will be announced via RRSAHM’s FaceBook page and Twitter feed, and probably in the newsletter as well. Winners will be emailed and have 48 hours to respond to that email with their postal address, or the prize will be redrawn.

Comments must have a valid email address to be included in this competition- I cannot stress this point enough, people. The number of times I pick a winner and have no contact address for them… it makes me sad. If you’re on Blogger, make sure you’re logged in then click this link to set your email address to reply-able. Cheers.

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Tara @ Our Whirlwind Adventures August 5, 2012 at 5:21 pm

Since having kids I've lost my sanity… Twice!
I've lost my privacy, my sense of style & my shmexy body! Surely that counts for something.!?

No? Well my kid's are always losing Master S' kinder stuff. He's gone through 4 kinder jumpers (they are SOMEWHERE in the house & I'll find them once I've spent close to the amount we pay in a month's rent buying new one's!) and have lost several kinder hats. Not to mention the number of lunch boxes and drink bottles we've gone through this year alone. Because they just grow legs and walk away!?
I don't get it.!? AND I LABEL THE BLOODY THINGS.!?


Anonymous August 3, 2012 at 1:36 pm

My kids have a evil habit of losing my wallet and car keys… Its just plain mean. And its not even because they don't want me to leave, I am a stay at home mum and we go everywhere together. Its just that they think its funny. Its true. I asked them! They told me they think its funny that I have to play hide and seek every time we need to go somewhere! As a kid, I used to lose Goldfish, we got up to Goldie 24 before I realised apparently!


emishka August 3, 2012 at 7:17 am

I hope your cat comes back.. we seem to loose school jumpers here.. Mainly the logo embroidered ones .. They also seem gooad at making me lose my temper but that is a whole other story..


Anonymous July 28, 2012 at 11:32 pm

Hi Lori. Sorry to hear about kitty. If you haven't already, I would make posters of kitty to stick everywhere within a 50 m radius of your house. I'm an ex animal welfare worker with four cats and there isn't a cat I haven't found doing this. Don't give up on kitty, go out there and find him. Even if he is dead, at least you'll know. And if he isn't, he'll be very happy you found him. Good luck honey.


Anonymous July 28, 2012 at 12:35 am

Oh, Lori, I'm so sorry to hear about Mr. Tree… Part of me wants to tell you "don't give up just yet" but another part of me doesn't want you to get extra hurt should you continue to hope only to find out that your original suspicion was correct. All I can say is, I hope, with every fibre of my being, that he turns up safe and sound from some sort of feline adventure. May next week be a much, much better one!!!


– Crystal


Minh July 27, 2012 at 7:27 pm

My kids are always losing their favorite toys!! Gahhhh! You know, the one they take everywhere and hold to sleep and can't leave the house without? Then it's an epic scavenger hunt to locate it which always proves fruitless (our house seriously has a black hole) and by the time I've replaced it it's no longer their favorite toy and is thrown on the junk pile…SMH!
(gotta love them but!)

Minh (


Catherine July 27, 2012 at 4:20 pm

drink bottles. no question.


mcnfi July 27, 2012 at 2:15 pm

My kid came home from school once with one shoelace missing, and no idea how it happened. The shoe was there, on his foot, just completely sans shoelace. He said he thought it felt kind of lose.
I'm wishing for your cat back. That doesn't seem too much to ask.


Amanda Hardy July 27, 2012 at 1:55 pm

*hugs* I'm sorry to hear about your cat. Hope he does come back, one of those magical microchip stories you hear about where they've wandered 40kms and it's 6 years later…

I wish there was a way to get out of where you are, almost floating but not quite. I'm in and out of there at the moment, almost depending on the time of day when you ask me as to whether I'm ok or will never be ok again. Most people don't have to ask anymore. They just hug. They've been there too.

I'm glad you're still writing. As long as you keep going, I know you'll be ok. You're doing good.

That's all really. *hugs*


Anonymous July 27, 2012 at 1:31 pm

what are my kids always losing???
MY FREAKING MIND!!! Its perfectly functioning and there when I wake up by sure as shit they lose it every day!
Kaz –


Bron66 July 27, 2012 at 10:04 am

Can you put a sticker on my mind? That is what I seem to be loosing mostly and the kids? Well they like to loose their temper ALOT!! Apart from that they loose their jumpers and jackets and plastic containers at school.


Spagsy July 27, 2012 at 8:58 am

Hi Lori,
I constantly lose socks, Seb loses his cars, Eleanor loses hats (and socks) and Barry– well he lost his hair a long time ago.
Thanks for the review, I've seen them advertised and wasn't sure if they were worth it.

Do you think it would work for toys?
When Seb was 6 months old I organised labels from inchbug (USA) They are orbital labels and I've used them on Sebs bottles, soppy cups, cubs and sports bottles. They have his name in Braille on the back.

I have a feeling that when Seb starts kinder next year I will be losing my mind.


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A Treasure Hunt. Of Sorts. – RRSAHM

A Treasure Hunt. Of Sorts.

by Lori Dwyer on February 7, 2013 · 0 comments

If it seems like there’s been a lot of competitions and giveaways and what not running on this blog in the last few weeks… that’s because there has been. I find it difficult to say ’no’. Because you lot are awesome. And I like it when you get prizes and free stuff.

Anyway. This one isn’t my competition, technically. But it is pretty damn awesome and I am thrilled to share.

It’s like one of those treasure hunts you used to play at parties when you were a kid. Only the winner, instead of getting a lolly necklace that may or am not have been infested with ants by that time; gets a shiny, brand new VF Commodore off the production line.

What’s a VF Commodore look like, you ask? I have absolutely no idea. Neither done anyone else. Therein lays the game, jellybeans. You are henceforth treasure hunters, searching for pieces of the puzzle that will, once completed, reveal what the new VF Commodore looks like.

Think of this one as geo–caching meets the Great Cloth Nappy Hunt. If you are the adventurous type or a local inhabitant of any of Australia’s capital CBD’s (because there’s always the chance that you stumble across a puzzle piece on your daily commute- stranger things have happened) then you have the option of searching for real life, physical, well–hidden puzzle pieces.

If you’re playing online– like a lot of us will be– then you can search for one of 69 images that are hidden online. Where…? I do not know. But it will certainly justify all the chronic procrastination via Internet that I’ve been known to partake in.

Every time a piece of the puzzle piece is found, screen–shotted (or snap shotted, for the IRL ones) and uploaded to the Build The New Commodore website, a new piece of the car puzzle is revealed online. New clues to where puzzle pieces might be will be uploaded to the Build The New Commodore website each day the competition runs, right up until the live streaming of the car reveal on the Holden YouTube Channel on February 10th. Every person who signs up and uploads an image that they’ve found is in the draw to win one of the first ever VF Commodores when it’s released in mid-2013. It doesn’t matter if someone else finds the piece first – if you find it, you still go into the draw.

So. Pirate eye patches and pirate speak ahoy, jellybeans. Argggghhh. (Because we’re treasure hunting…? Obviously). The first puzzle pieces– and the first clue on the Commodore website– goes live February 6th.

Happy hunting. I’ll see you there.


If you hadn’t picked it yet, this post bought to you by Nuffnang.

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In The Powder Room – RRSAHM

In The Powder Room

by Lori Dwyer on June 16, 2011 · 34 comments


A little while back, I made a vlog and entered it into In The Powder Room’s search for a new, permanent blogger. Without me even realising it for a week (duh, Lori), I made it into the finals. The winner is chosen on votes… and I would really, really like to win this one. It’s a real blogging job that I can do from home, to make a little bit of extra cash for my family.

It’s one vote per ISP, and voting is by email (I know, pain in the butt, but… please?). All you have to do is email with the subject line ‘RRSAHM‘.

Thank you, in advance. To say a special thankyou, I’ll treat you to the vlog I made as an entry. Enjoy….

While you happen to be on the InterWebs today, take a moment to check out Nico’s Toybox on FaceBook. Because every child deserves toys to play with. Especially miracle babies like Nico.
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Andrea June 19, 2011 at 7:14 pm

Done! You big goose…you are right, that was funny and you are interesting.


Dovic June 19, 2011 at 12:26 pm

Done xxx


theKatieKitten June 18, 2011 at 11:33 am

Voted, of course.


MultipleMum June 17, 2011 at 8:19 pm

I voted last week (someone shared your link)- not sure if I can again? Now that you are in the finals??? Good for you Lori. You rock! x


Eccentricess June 17, 2011 at 6:13 pm


You share so well, so beautifully and so honestly. I have so much respect for you.


Perplexed June 17, 2011 at 2:31 pm

Good Luck :)


Megan Blandford June 17, 2011 at 12:25 pm

done :)


bloodsigns June 17, 2011 at 12:24 pm

Done and done.

You are a fantastic writer — you deserve this.




E June 17, 2011 at 10:42 am

Done… and about to do again from another 'puter and email :-)

Good luck crazy awesome Lori! You rock!.. and you're so so brave!


Janet NZ June 17, 2011 at 9:13 am

On my way to vote now!


Eccles June 17, 2011 at 2:10 pm

Done – GOOD LUCK!!!


Jodie Ansted June 17, 2011 at 12:05 am


Make sure you keep us posted.

Get it? Posted?

Okay, then…


Jennifer Kay June 16, 2011 at 11:59 pm

I voted!


Fox in the City June 16, 2011 at 10:46 pm

Done my dear! Can't wait to hear that you have won this new job.


Newmumma June 16, 2011 at 10:12 pm

Voted :) Good luck babe


Oscar’s Mum June 16, 2011 at 9:19 pm

Done – hope you win!


Tina June 16, 2011 at 9:14 pm

Voted! :D


Kiri June 16, 2011 at 9:00 pm

Done – fingers crossed for you!


Kanwalful June 16, 2011 at 7:46 pm

Done! =)


Stephani June 17, 2011 at 4:23 am


Good luck Lori!



Miss Pink June 16, 2011 at 5:22 pm

You NEED to win. They'd be crazy not to have you!
And you blew me away with talking about what happened to Tony so publicly on a vlog. That must have been very hard for you to say those words <3


Amy June 16, 2011 at 4:57 pm


By the way, e-mailing is faar less annoying then all of those facebook competitions, where you have to 'like' something and then be forevermore spanned.


Donna June 16, 2011 at 4:49 pm

I voted last week – truly hope you are a winner, you so deserve it x


wjcsydney June 16, 2011 at 4:43 pm



Ms Styling You June 16, 2011 at 4:38 pm

Done x


Kimmie June 16, 2011 at 4:33 pm
Melody June 16, 2011 at 3:10 pm

Done. ;P


Lulu June 16, 2011 at 2:27 pm

I voted when someone posted it on twitter or fb recently! Wish I could vote again- hope you win! It would be fantastic for their site and for you too!


Mum to a Miracle June 16, 2011 at 1:48 pm

Done… now I will have to go log into another email address from my phone and do it again.

You truly are the most inspirational and captivating lady ('scuse the girl crush I have on you, but you are very special)


Tracey June 16, 2011 at 1:43 pm

Yes, yes I also hope you win. I'm putting it out to the universe to make you be the blogger of all bloggers. Email sent. Fingers crossed.


Lynda Halliger-Otvos June 16, 2011 at 1:42 pm

Done; so easy to vote really…

Ditto-winning would be so Cool and a bit of gelt* never hurt anyone’s wallet.

*gelt-money, coin, cash

Love your blog, Lori, stay strong when you can and cry when you cannot.


Hand-Made June 16, 2011 at 1:38 pm

Done! I hope you win. that would be fantastic :)


Toni June 16, 2011 at 2:59 pm

done! xx


Good Golly Miss Holly! June 16, 2011 at 2:12 pm

Voted last week, wish I could vote again. You are fucking awesome, and the Bug loved your clip (especially the whole rewind part) – She said you're funny x


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The Tribal Wives- Yummy Mummies in the Leafy Sydney 'Burbs – RRSAHM

The Tribal Wives- Yummy Mummies in the Leafy Sydney ‘Burbs

by Lori Dwyer on September 12, 2010 · 26 comments


Okey dokey. There’s this ‘Tribal Wives’ series memey thingie- you may have seen it going round, yes? From what I’ve heard, it was started by Vegemite Vix, and it’s been carried on by a whole stack of awesome bloggers like Missy M, Emma, and Notes from LapLand, to name just a few. And then there’s this bitchy but undeniably funny run down on the dreaded mommy bloggers. Read at your own risk.

I’m jumping on the blog bandwagon, as it thunders past. This is what I do.

So, before we begin, a disclaimer or two. I haven’t been tagged in this one. I’m totally stealing ideas and stepping on toes. Hey, at least I linked.

And, as per usual, this is totally tongue in cheek. Please, no one get their virtual knickers in a twist. If you must send me hate mail, here’s the link, and do make it entertaining. Badly written hate mail makes Baby Jesus cry, mmmkay? I’m taking the piss here. Out of myself. And those around me. And I’m OK with that.

On with the show. An anthropological study, if you will…..

 Tribal Wives-The Yummy Mummies of the Leafy Sydney Burbs.

Latin name: Attractivus Feminis Playgroupus

Habitat: Their natural habitat of the Yummy Mummy is, of course, the leafy outer Sydney suburbs. Large housing estates, filled with identical houses and council-enforced green space. A man-made duck pond is desirable, as is at least one set of primary colored, fire-proof playground equipment; a primary school and small shopping center, preferably within pram-pushing distance.

Additional habitats of this tribe may include playgroup, baby swim lessons, story time at the library, and Gloria Jeans coffee shops.

Plumage and attire: The Yummy Mummies of the leafy Sydney ‘burbs generally have two different attires- a ‘stay at home’ plumage and an ‘out and about’ plumage. A ‘stay at home’ plumage may include tights, tracksuit pants and t-shirts but these must be in an acceptably clean and tidy condition when you put them on (the appearance of snot, vomit or mashed avocado at some stage during the day in unavoidable). This attire is acceptable for power walking with your pram, or transporting children to the local fire-proof playground; but must not be worn outside of the walking distance confines of the suburb.

An ‘out and about’ plumage can be identified by the inclusion of pants or jeans, a nice top and a cardigan. Dresses or skirts are reserved for holy days and mating rituals.

Dialect: Minimal use of swear words, and not around the children, please. Catch phrases may include, but not be limited to referring to one’s partner as “the hubby”; saying “This is so much better for the environment” in reference to just about anything; and the eternal “Which school is your child going to?”.

Acceptable children’s names include any one syllable names, such as Taj, Tai, Jack and Zac for boys (not Bruce); and old fashioned names such as Ruby and *ahem* Daisy for girls, or any name ending with an ‘elle’- Gisselle, Annabelle, Mirabelle (but not Narelle). Acceptable topics of  conversation include daycare, breastfeeding, toilet training, Gymbaroo, baking, carpet cleaning and learning difficulties.

Additonal anthropological information: To be classified as an arch typical Yummy Mummy, one should be a stay at home mum, or, ideally, work one or two days a week. A day a week in childcare so the Yummy Mummy can regroup, get her hair done and reclaim her sanity should not be considered a luxury, but a culturally mandated necessity. Yummy Mummies have, on average, two to three children and one to two mortgages. Acceptable modes of transport for two children include a sedan or hatchback. Three children require a LandRover or 4 wheel drive of some description. Four or more children entitles you to a mini-van and ‘Soccer Mum’ status.

Yummy Mummies drink wine. But not before 5pm. Both Xanax and Valium are acceptable coping strategies.

Yummy Mummies must be weary of disintegration into ‘Slummy Mummy’ status. This can occur through the gratuitous drinking of alcohol other than wine, especially during the daylight hours; having a protruding ‘muffin top’; referring to one’s children as “Bastards”; using wither the c-word or f-word in general conversation around the children or being a *gasp* *ahem* dirty smoker. (Won’t somebody please think of the children?!)


Well there you go, RRSAHMer’s- that’s the seedy underbelly of the leafy Sydney burbs. I am a self confessed Yummy Mummy, a card carrying resident of the leafy Sydney ‘burbs. This is reinforced by my huge all-wheel-drive and my collection of tailored track suit pants.

But it’s a very fine line.I’m sad to say I’m seriously in jeopardy of sliding into Slummy Mummy status if I keep on bake-failing the way I have been. Not to mention the dirty, filthy cigarettes. *Ahem * Cough* *Hack up lung*. Keep in tuned to this station for more on that one- it seems I’ll be quitting smoking soon, and won’t that just be a barrel of fun…?

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Fred March 7, 2014 at 1:55 pm

So is this self-inflicted, or is it a case of no shops around to shop at ? Anyhow, how did you get to it – just thinking about it or what ? You could have always taken up Scrabble or maybe have a lunch together at the pub or other. You can have a chicken schnitzel on me …


DanniiBeauty September 17, 2010 at 11:48 pm

Great post! Definitely got me thinking!


nadinewrites108 September 17, 2010 at 10:36 am

I LOVE IT! I especially love that in one day (namely yesterday) I have managed to ex-communicate myself from any hope of entering the clan. I began the day by teaching The Lion "Fuck's sake", followed up by venturing out with pram (along main roads because our leafy suburb does not have footpaths for pretty pram pushers). I was wearing sagging track pants, muffin top bulging and day-old top covered in Blossom vom. I venured with pram because the thought of bundling them into my freaking little Mazda hatch was too unbearable. later that afternoon (having run out of valium), I gulped a couple of steadying mouthfuls of vodka and waited for Mr D to return from work at 10pm (yes, he drives a battered old Hilux ute).

But today I'm much yummier… mainly because I'm in clean clothes courtesy of Lion puke all over old ones. :-)

Still aspiring!


Marlene September 14, 2010 at 11:59 am

Hey, at least you don't live in one of those identical, cookie-cutter houses….yours is purple after all ;)


EmmaK September 13, 2010 at 11:42 pm

lol! thanks so much for the insight

Four or more children entitles you to a mini-van and 'Soccer Mum' status.

Here in Baltimore you actually see this type of Mummy even with one kid driving a mini-van -you are a nobody here unless you can beg borrow or steal your way towards purchasing an (if necessary used) mini van preferably with built in DVD player. I'm glad the Sydney mums are a little more environmentally conscious!! In the interests of disclosure I don't own a mini van.


momentsofwhimsy September 13, 2010 at 8:35 pm

Haha – LOVE this, having formerly been a young mummy in the suburbs of Sydney before jumping the ditch to face the tribal wives of New Zealand.

Fabulous post!
Cate :-)


mummabear1970 September 13, 2010 at 2:04 pm

Love it! Recognise many of my own qualities there!


Melissa {adventuroo} September 13, 2010 at 1:49 pm

Hilarious! So THAT'S how your Aussie moms roll is it? I love the dialect part… yes, us mommies have our own special way with words don't we?!


Mich September 13, 2010 at 1:31 pm

hahahhahahahhaaa you're gorgeous!!


Mrs Woog September 13, 2010 at 1:25 pm

That was fucking hysterical – right up my alley. I live on the North Shore so our Yummy Mummies are like the Hills version but on speed!

PS my smoking days are also coming to an end…


Helen September 13, 2010 at 7:38 pm

LOVE this! Truly made me LOL. I fear I am a slummy mummy…but then, I'm in NZ, and a world away from the leafy Sydney suburbs.


Readily A Parent September 13, 2010 at 6:52 am

I was offended you called me bitchy, but you made up for it with "undeniably funny." So that's cool.
I am thinking yours is perhaps just a wee bitchy too, but undeniably funny.


Kristy September 13, 2010 at 6:17 am

You are so funny. I love your attitude. Break the rules, girl! We are better for it!


Lucy September 13, 2010 at 5:49 am

Ah Lori, brilliant. Nail. On. Head.

And of course, the last paragraph has me wanting to know more……



In Real Life September 13, 2010 at 2:28 am

Awesome! :)


Very Bored in Catalunya September 13, 2010 at 1:19 am

Great post, I'm thinking I missed a touch with the latin name, wonder if anyone will notice if I go back and add one in.

Great to have found you via the tribal viral wives. x


Kelly September 12, 2010 at 11:14 pm

lol, awesome post.


x0xJ September 12, 2010 at 8:57 pm

Laughing the whole way through!!


Brenda September 12, 2010 at 8:52 pm

I have met you IRL and I can totally vouch that you are a Yummy Mummy! Okay fine, semantics schmantics. Yummy-ish then.; )


River September 12, 2010 at 8:01 pm

I used to be a yummy mummy, but sadly I've let myself go. Not only do I have a muffin top, I have the rest of the muffin to go with it.


vegemitevix September 12, 2010 at 7:17 pm

What an excellent take on the theme Lori, well done! Being an expat Kiwi (now living in Hampshire – yeah I know from beautiful beaches to Blighty, what was I thinking. I was in lurvvvve..)I know this type well. I've done the expat gig in Australia too and I suspect the Sydney yummy mummy is a close cousin of the lesser-spotted Hamilton/Ascot yummy mummy of Brisbane. Would that be correct? Vix xx


Jacki September 12, 2010 at 4:22 pm

Lori, you rock my world! Alas, I fear my muffin top puts me in the slummy mummy category. Daggnamit!


MMBB September 12, 2010 at 11:29 pm

hahaha Oh my I didn't even know I was a Slummy Mummy bhahaha


misssy m September 12, 2010 at 7:29 pm

Great you went with this lori! How come never having been to a Sydney suburb I recognise this species ?! Going to edit my one to oblige the link to yours too.


Emily September 12, 2010 at 6:00 pm

Love it! And Holly. please do! ;)


Good Golly Miss Holly! September 12, 2010 at 2:51 pm

BAHAHAHAHAHA dear sweet lord, this is absolute gold and totally reaffirms my desire to move out your way in the next couple of years. I may have to do one for the bogan mamas of the south west though. You know, just for shits and giggles ;)


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The Not-An-iPhone Review. – RRSAHM

The Not-An-iPhone Review.

by Lori Dwyer on June 19, 2010 · 7 comments


Well, it’s been well and truly long enough since I got my groovy new phone. I’ve had plenty of time to have make an unbiased and full appraisal.


But I actually have not got around to reading the entire instruction manual yet. And may not, in the foreseeable future.

I’m writing the review anyway.

Here goes.

The Samsung F480i* (color: coral pink) is pretty damn groovy. It’s kind of like an iPhone for people who are cheap don’t have iPhones, what with it’s touch screen and minimal buttonage. It’s simple to use, and the screen is responsive enough to not be annoying, in either regard- not too touchy, not too tough.

Obviously, there is no Samsung App Store. Instead, Samsung has Widgets. This excited me at first, thinking I’d have a kinship with these widgets, because I use widgets on Blogger. Not true. Blogger widgets and Samsung widgets have very little in common. And there is no Twitter widget. Why, I cannot imagine, given there is a FaceBook widget, a YouTube widget, a widget for something called Friendster, a Google widget, and for some God unknown reason, a MySpace widget. For the 300 teenagers who still use MySpace, I suppose. The ones who don’t have iPhones.

The Twitter widget may actually be a downloadable widget in the Widgets Version 2 widget, which is a widget inside the More Widgets widget. But I have not got around to downloading that particular widget as yet.


Me too.


The camera on this phone is pretty fail compared to Nokia’s Carl Zeiss representation, but hey, it has a few features guaranteed to keep you amused for hours.. Such as the ‘Smile’ mode, which automatically takes a photo when someone smiles. It’s only really useful for novelty purposes, but that still deserves a mention.Or the mosaic widget feature, which takes a photo, then puts another photo in a thought bubbles or a butterfly or a doodads like that. Erm, like this.

The best feautrure of the Samsung 480 is, without a doubt, the Fake Call feature. Yes, that’s right the Fake Call feature. I’m not making this up. Boring meeting? Bad blind date? The Samsung has the simple solution. Hold down the secret button (I’m not telling you which one, just in case I get to meet you In Real Life and I need to get away in a hurry) and voila!! Ten seconds later, the phone rings. You can even pre-record a message- like someone saying ‘Your cat has been in a terrible accident, come quickly!!’- that will play when you answer your Fake Call.


So, after much consideration a few days usage, I’ve decided to give this phone 3 out of a possible 5 jellybeans on the RRSAHM ranking-stuff-scale. The Samsung F480i is OK. But, ya know, it’s no iPhone**. Even if it does have an “i” in it’s name. (Which I’m fairly sure is ilLlegal because you can’t even name your kid iSobelle is this iAge. It’s trademarked. iTrue. Maybe).

*Obviously, not a sponsored post. Do you really think anyone would endorse this…? No,  me either.

**And I promise, this is my last bitter-because- I-don’t-have-an-iPhone-post. Really. OK? OK.
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Katie June 21, 2010 at 11:41 am

I have been searching for an opportunity to use my fake call app, but my hub really frowns on my going on blind dates… dangit.
Also, can you put in the name that shows up on the screen as the "caller I.d. ?" Mine says 'Barack Obama'.
I hope I get to use it soon.


lori June 21, 2010 at 8:36 am

Well, at least its an upgrade. That fake call feature is pretty cool. I just want a phone with a decent camera. Sounds like your camera has some neat features!


Brenda June 20, 2010 at 3:10 pm

They should pay you for this post, Lori. Really they should. Heehee.


Wanderlust June 20, 2010 at 12:07 am

No longer commenting from my EVO. Too bloody annoying.


Badger June 19, 2010 at 6:41 pm

I always feel sorry for people who do not have iPhones – but hey – someone has to keep the other phone companies in business. So – well doe for your contribution!


MMBB June 19, 2010 at 9:40 pm

That bloody fake call feature!! I didn;t even know it existed until I realised that the person who had been calling and then hanging up on me with a private number was actually just me sitting on my phone!LOL


Dazee Dreamer June 19, 2010 at 11:08 am

I have this phone. I love it. And since I don't have a camera I even like the camera. but there is a secret button. hmmmm, I must look. I can't believe you won't tell. Maybe my phone is older. (1 year) I'm going to go look now.


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by Lori Dwyer on August 12, 2011 · 24 comments

September 15th is RUOK Day in Australia.

It’s a very simple concept.

In the time it takes to have a cup of coffee, have a conversation that could change someone’s lives. Or, really, many people’s lives.

Ask the people you know, the people you see every day…

“Are you OK?

Is there stuff you want to talk about?

Because I am here to listen.”

It makes me happy to be helping out with this one. For obvious reasons, it’s a cause close to my heart. I’ve been chatting to the RUOK Day organisers, even doing some filming for them. Talking. That’s what I do.

If you could all reach out and follow RUOKDay on Twitter and FaceBook, that would be awesome. And the wedsite has some great information on how to start talking, and where to go from there.

And have the conversation. If you know someone who you think is not OK, ask them.

And, more importantly, if you are the person who is being asked… speak the truth.

Someone is asking because they care. Because they want to help. Because talking about a problem can half it, getting it out in the open can make it so much more manageable.

I must have asked Tony is he was OK one hundred times in the month before he died… and the answer was always yes, of course.

He didn’t want to worry me.

I wanted to be worried.

So, if someone asks you on September 15th- or any time, actually- RUOK…. answer. They are asking because they care.


For immediate help call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

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Me August 15, 2011 at 9:06 pm

I just found your blog and after reading this post I've found myself thinking and thinking. And I finally decided I wanted to respond anonymously and as someone who is suffering from depression. There's a big difference between having a bad day, week, month, period and suffering from depression. Depression is a demon you fight constantly. And without having read a lot more of your blog it sounds like your husband suffered from depression. I am all for RUOK today and I think for people having bad periods this is an excellent way of reaching out to them. But for someone like myself suffering from depression, someone asking me if I am OK is not going to help me enough. I do talk about my problems already with people. Usually women do and men don't. But I always feel like people don't actually hear me. They don't understand how I feel or what I am going through and while talking does help somewhat it doesn't fix it for me. Though I don't know what the answer is and I really wish I did.


Miss Cinders August 15, 2011 at 4:43 pm

Thankyou sweets for posting this, and for the button code.

I don't know if you have been following my past week or so, but atm I'm going through a moment in time I wish I could skip/fast forward with one of my teenagers. All of a sudden he is past the point of "handling it".

Being a Mum watching it happening is hard. And I am trying everything in my power not to end up being where you have been since January. I'm trying to get help for him, trying to get through this. It's frickin hard.

Sending you love & strength sweets – oodles of it xxx


macsnorky August 15, 2011 at 1:41 pm

If everyone even asks just one person if they're OK it can make a difference. This initiative is important, to show that it IS alright to ask for help, and to show that you're not coping. Everyone struggles sometimes. People need to know that's normal.

I'll be grabbing your button and blogging too.


Annabellz August 15, 2011 at 3:16 am

and sometimes we are okay with sidebar of heading toward a storm… the be honest is important. The listening is important! Yes. Amazing healing can occur. Sometimes the listener will benefit as much if not more from that. Love it! /heavy/peaceful sigh!/


E. August 14, 2011 at 10:19 am

Good on you. You and the RUOK organizers are awesome!

I think it's a great concept and I hope that it helps people.


Donna August 14, 2011 at 7:45 am

I'll be participating, its a very important cause. It strikes fear at my heart as I am sure my husband wont want to worry me as well.

And you rock for taking part in this xx


Broni August 13, 2011 at 8:51 pm

This is such a great idea. count me in too!!


Adalita August 13, 2011 at 3:00 pm

Awesome news Lori- I'm in for it!


Hear Mum Roar August 13, 2011 at 10:22 am

I think it's great they've asked you on board with this:)


In Real Life August 13, 2011 at 5:16 am

This is a wonderful idea, what a great way to open communication between friends and/or family members.


nobreadforyou August 13, 2011 at 11:11 am

the last few lines are so powerful. Thankyou.


Kerry August 13, 2011 at 12:33 am

Awesome! I'll help spread it in the U.S. too. This should be asked every day at any time.


Melody August 12, 2011 at 10:53 pm

I'm in too. I might live in the Middle East, but I am in!


Jodie Ansted August 12, 2011 at 10:41 pm

I'm in, hon. An important day, for sure.



Suz @ Segovia and The I Love You Song August 12, 2011 at 9:32 pm

I'm in xx


Kelloggsville August 12, 2011 at 9:10 pm

when people ask me if I'm ok (when I'm not) I tend to burst into tears, I would make it through the day if they didn't ask me if I was ok. I'm guessing the person that asked would regret it LOL, but it does help so much when you know that someone noticed and cares X respect to you for being part of it X


Melissa August 12, 2011 at 9:07 pm

Hey Lori – you are really awesome. I am amazed that you can look beyond your own grief and your own loss to try and help the lives of other people. Inspiring.
I'll be rocking RUOK day here in the US, for sure.
And I wish I was close enough to ask YOU – are you okay? I hope you are, and I hope you're managing to find the support you need.


Yeran August 12, 2011 at 8:58 pm

It is a great concept… but really it should be RUOK day EVERY day.


A Daft Scots Lass August 12, 2011 at 8:51 pm

Brilliant concept…


Naomi August 12, 2011 at 8:26 pm

It's a great idea. I love it.


scone August 12, 2011 at 8:21 pm

Tbh, sometimes I just don't know… Thanks for askin' ;)


phonakins August 12, 2011 at 8:20 pm

We all have our game faces.

I'm going to do this this year.


Squiggly Rainbow August 12, 2011 at 8:17 pm

Lori, thanks for sharing that – I have never heard of it – I think I needed too!

Rach xx


Mrs Woog August 12, 2011 at 10:03 pm

So in…. Love you xx


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